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I P S C Match Experience

Vince Pinto

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Hi folks,

I'm just trying to get a general idea of how far BE Forum members have travelled to attend an IPSC shooting match (only) , and what general means you used to travel. Feel free to "vote" then add comments. Also please note that the questions apply to your total "lifetime" IPSC shooting experience.

For non-American competitors, consider the terms "State" and "Area" on a "best relative context" basis.


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Some of us have only worked matches instead of shooting them. I went to Hungry and worked the match in 2001, very much longer than 4 hours on a plane. I have only shot one Nationals here in the states with IPSC sanctioning, but worked the Pan-Am and the North American. Working a match can be just as rewarding. So don't forget workers! :P

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HI Vince

most UK shooters tend to only shoot in GB even though they do drive or fly 300m to matches on occasion. there are however a small number who frequently fly/drive to the continent for Pistol matches(nesscessity rather than choice) and we are prepared to travel to sg matches if they are big enough l3 at least and 16+ stages.

why do you ask ?

to all match directors.. if you make the match big enough people will attend..e.g. Israeli Open.. they put a lot of effort in this year and shooters from all over europe and some from the USA are attending,thats a minimum 6hr flight for most


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I've shot two US National championships and several area matches. One of my fondest memories is of shooting the Sharon Open in Ontario.

Five of us flew up just for the match and had a wonderful time. The local shooters seemed to like the idea of "charging the targets" at the time which seemed a little foriegn to us. (Yes, pun intended) :D

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I've always travelled by car, and only within about 3 hours at the most to get to a match.

When I lived in Indiana, I only shot in Indiana. Now that I'm in New Orleans, I'm close to some matches in Mississippi, so I'll shoot those when I can.

In February, I'll drive to my first "big" match, the Florida Open.


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Hi guys,

Wow. A good number of responses - thanks to all of you who've participated so far.

Denise, Yes, Ma'am, you're perfectly correct. If you worked a match, please count that as part of your experience.

James, I'm just doing some general research. BTW, if "300m" means metres, I'm not very impressed ;)

Flex, Yes, please count "pure IPSC" and "(impure?) USPSA" :D

Nik, Beware of the Germans. They make you eat enormous sausages, drink copious amounts of beer and schnapps, wear leiderhosen and sing silly songs. And that's just for breakfast.

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Nik, Beware of the Germans. They make you eat enormous sausages, drink copious amounts of beer and schnapps, wear leiderhosen and sing silly songs. And that's just for breakfast.


You lnow how you're an ex-patriate Aussie living in Hong Kong? My parents imported me into the US; I was 11 at the time and unlike my older siblings wasn't given a choice as to where I wanted to live...

It worked out o.k. though --- although next to missing my siblings and other assorted relatives in Germany, I still miss those little sausages and the bread, rolls and pastries that the bakeries churn out...

Lederhosen? I don't think so.....

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Hey uncle Vinny, I'm always looking for a match wherever I go. I'll be in Japan for the next two weeks and have the weekend of the 7th/8th free. I don't suppose you know of any IPSC (or even IPSC-like) doings in the Tokyo area do you? :P

I'd even settle for airsoft. :o

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Yo brother Vinny,

As Denise mentioned, we both worked the Hungarian MAG/ICS match in Budapest, but I also went just so I could shoot the match. Our good friend Ivan Ketler put on a great match with fantastic stages. It is easily the best match I have ever been to and I have been to man,y many matches.

I also very much enjoy shooting the Thunder Bay Open every year with my Canadian friends.


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Before you head off to Japan, email jpn@ipsc.org which will get you the IPSC Japan Regional Director Kazuharu Kudo ("Kudo-San"). He's a great guy and I'm sure he'd love to meet you. Tell him I referred you. Sadly real IPSC shooting is still a ways off yet for Japan (they travel overseas to shoot real guns for now), but they do have "IPSC" Airsoft matches, although I'm not sure how often.


So, you met Ivan The Terrible, huh? I bet he was different to what you expected from his postings on the IPSC Digest.

Anyway, I hope you also met "Daddy" Feri Kovacs (and his son Adam) - Feri is one of my favorite guys in the wonderful world of IPSC. It doesn't matter whether I see him at SHOT Show in the USA or a match in the middle of The Never Never, but somehow he's always got a supply of fantastic Hungarian wine and cheese with him. In the 5 years I've known him, we've never actually shot togther but, we've had a lot of fun.

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How could I ever forget Feri? He met us when we arrived in Budapest, "feri-ed" us through the gun permit stuff and since it was May Day, drove us to his hometown for a day long wine festival. Every time we tried a wine (only about every 10 feet down the town square) and we said it was good, he purchased two bottles of that wine for us to have in our hotel room during our trip!

And, the next time you talk to Feri, ask him about how I ran over him with a four wheeler while RM'ing at the Pan-Am Championship!

Yes, Ivan was magnificent, he spent almost a week after the match showing Denise and I the highlights of Hungary and Austria. Even if his driving made Denise and I fear for our lives.

It was a most wonderful trip.


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I've been to IPSC Canada matches (National and Provincial champs.) as close to me as Toronto and as far away as Halifax N.S. and Vancouver B.C.

As far as home is concerned, the Northeast U.S. is as far as I've gone to shoot matches (Vermont,New York,Mass.)

As far as IPSC matches go...IPSC Canada is the "hot ticket" ! ;)

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I shoot one or two national level, non-USPSA "tactical" 3 gun matches every year.

All of my USPSA experience is at the local/state level.

I prefer to drive to matches; if/when I make A-Class I'll consider traveling to regional/Area matches.

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I've shot in Indiana (home), Kentucky, Michigan, and Illinois (although never again in Illinois). I'll be happy to go to Ohio if and when they get their CCW situation straightened out.

I do not foresee commercial airline travel in the future either, unless that situation changes substantially as well.

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There are several members here with much more experience than I have managed who have yet to jump in...

From Florida it is easy to reach Central America and South America. I have several friends in Thailand that I enjoy visiting, which seemingly always corresponds with a match. Some Canadian (and P.R. of Quebec matches from years ago!) rounds out my international events. All told maybe 17 level 3’s.

I remember and respect the always-full Miller matches of Up-State NY (hello Pete and John) in the early 90’s... and.... the full mile-Hi’s.

If might well be would be worth “someone’s” time to speak with Frank Garcia on how his matches are profitable rather than money pits. (Yes Bruce, I too have wasted money blue water sailing!) We might learn how to get back on track.


JMD, duplicate post deleted, as requested. Darth

Edited by Vince Pinto
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Greetings from Tokyo. Vince, I have touched base with Kudo-San and will be meeting up with him tomorrow. Unfortunately the only match here takes place the day after I leave for the states. Thanks again for the introduction.

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Damn! :o

NOW you tell me. Kudo-San told me that all foriegn visitors must partake of such rituals. :D

I was AMAZED at the number of gun shops here in the Tokyo area. Of course they only deal in blank firing replicas and air-soft guns however the variety is truly awesome.

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