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Firing People sucks...


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I hate having to fire people! I had to let my wifes best friend go today, she is actually the person that introduced us. Talk about difficult... But the fact is, she should have been gone more than a year ago and I have been procrastinating for obvious reasons.

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I hate having to fire people! I had to let my wifes best friend go today, she is actually the person that introduced us. Talk about difficult... But the fact is, she should have been gone more than a year ago and I have been procrastinating for obvious reasons.

The most obvious reason I can think of is you were afraid she's tell your wife something.... :roflol:

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The few times I did it I really got immense pleasure from it.

I worked in a union closed shop for 14 years as a member of the UAW.I was not perfect by any means but I tried to run 100% effiency everyday by thier standards. If I made it by noon I would coast the reat of the day, not do nothing but I would shift down some. If I couldn't make it no matter how I tried I kept humping trying to get what I could. I'll be the first to admit thier time rates were really skewed on some jobs.

It's sad to say that some of the people I worked with refused to run over 50% no matter what. I have had it said to me that " I am going to screw them over and make em like it" on a regular basis. I'm talking about a job that by just working steady you could get 100% by noon and they would still only run 50% for the day.

Well I ended up "jumping the fence" into management. Well I figured that if you have to work for a living your just a whore selling yourself so why not go to a better part of the wage scale?

This place was all about senority, didn't matter what you produced or your attendance record your clock number was everything. What do you think it is like to have to layoff a person that is there every day and tries to do a good job and have to keep someone who pushes the attendance policy to the limit and does the least possible while they are there? Can you believe I had one guy late six times in one week? Five mornings and one late back from lunch. You could be tardy four times a month and get by and he couldn't understand why I canned him.

Then I could tell you about the one that came in reeking of booze at 7.00am that we finally got tested at 10.30am at the hospital(had to go thru all the steps with the steward and commiteeman present), Had a blood alcohol content of.273. Our policy was that if you were under the influence the company would not let you drive home. We left the hospital after notifying him of a suspension and asked where he lived. He wanted to be dropped off at the tavern.

I set a record there. Over two hundred greviances files against me in a year. Both of the dept stewards bid out, they flat told me" we can't screw you, you have done all these jobs and know how long it takes" and we are tired of dealing with these people.

Well that place is gone now. I have spent the last ten years in a trade union,totally different world. Haven't seen or heard of aggreviance in the entire time. Don't want to work? Go home we will call the hall and get someone else who does. I have seen stewards go to guys and tell them you better step it up or your going to be gone!

From what I have seen it is very rare when someone gets canned that they don't need it!

Those that bitch the most usually do the least!

Sorry for the rant!

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