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LOTR: Return Of The King


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What, no comments about the final installment of the LOTR trilogy? It was better than #2 but not as good as #1.

Did it not have the best cavalry charge ever? You gotta love the catapults versus the trebuchets, and the orcs' initial psywar ammo. The scenes with the giant elephant-like creatures were more than reminiscent of the AT-ATs vs. the rebels in The Empire Strikes Back. Oh yeah... Frodo, Sam, and Smeagel hiding among the rocks at the gates from which the orc army marched was more than reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz. (The orcs needed a good marching song or chant like the Oz bad guys.)

Some slow scenes with hot chicks, but zero breasts. Catapult-fu, trebuchet-fu, pike-fu, arrow-fu, sword-fu, and every imaginable fu. Joe Bob says check it out!

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Was my fav of the three. Had the same Wizard of Oz thought. The cavalry charge was right up there with The Lighthorseman charge scene (also liked the cavalry coming down the hill at the end of LOTR II). Was worth the wait but wanted to see the battle of the shire from the book. Good flik.


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Yeah it was great. Loved it. "As usual" it started a bit slow, but once things got rolling it rocked. I'm hoping the extended version on DVD will bring us the battle for the Shire.

BTW, I have the extended versions of Part I & II on DVD and man, does that make a difference. It's way more coherent.

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In general I enjoyed it, but Two's still my favorite. Three just wasn't as compelling for me. Too many repeated "scene themes." I remember leaving Two and feeling like - Holy crap, that was one awesome movie. Three was kinda like - Wow, I'm glad that's over...


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The movies are just great. I remember reading the books a few years ago and having a hard time to visualize all the things Tolkien was talking about in his books. But to see them on the big screen just makes it a great experience.

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Sorry guys, they did not even film the Scouring of the Shire so don't expect it on DVD. Jackson did not care for that part of the book. Too bad, it was an excellent ending for Sam, Pippin and Merry.

The movie was excellent although it could have used an intermission.

I thought the Battle of Pellenor field was very well done, especially the charge. Nothing like crunching orcs under hooves. How about the Orc general and his complete disrespect of everything, including the huge boulder hurtling toward him.

I also thought that Shelob was well-done, suitably creepy and disgusting. Samwise had to open up a six pack of Hobbit whoop-ass to deal with her.

I'm glad they did not "Hollywood" the ending. I was afraid that Frodo would not succumb. I really liked the scene of Gollum falling, his love/addiction for the Precious so strong that he caresses it on the way down. Another addition I liked was the eagles taking on the fell beasts.

Of course, they did not show the end of Saruman, something that should have been in the movie. I guess we'll have to wait for Star Wars episode 3.

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Awesome finish to the trilogy. Considering what they were taking on by making those books into movies, I think they did a great job. Lots of great action in #3, but they did drag out some of the slower parts (and the ending) a little bit too much.

Beats the typical car chase/sit-com/slasher crud that comes out of Hollywood most of the year...


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My favorite line..."that still only counts as one!"

Since they didn't do the Shire clean-up, I would have been happy ending the movie right after Aragorn is crowned...and bows to the Hobbits (just simple creatures from the Shire that did what needed done).

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I think the buzz is that in the extended DVD Saruman will die at Orthanc, after the palantir is chucked down by Wormtongue. That would wrap up one loose end in the movie, and explain why Pippin just happened to find the stone in the floodwaters around Orthanc. I would guess more on Eowyn and Faramir's romance, too, and more on Denethor (I heard that the actor playing the part was royally, no stewardly, hacked off that his part was left on the cutting room floor. Or was it that he was all burned up?)

The set with the Army of the Dead gave me the distinct feeling I was watching a version of Disney's Haunted Mansion ride (but no, I didn't see the Eddie Murphy movie).

Good flicks, overall, and very good adaptations of a huge and varied work of fantasy.

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Well I was still pissed about two towers and was how the story with Theoden and Faramir was changed. The love story between Aragorn and Arwen was crap. Can anybody tell me what was wrong with real version given in one of the appendixes in Return of the King?

The movie just didn't seem right without the Scouring of the Shire. I suppose the idea of compassion just isn't popular in this day and age.

One thing i hated during Return was the wussification of Frodo.

The battle before the black gate was poorly done.

Jackson didn't have to mention it, but he could of shown a shot of the elven rings on Galadriel and Elrond and not just Gandalf.

My opinion of the whole series is that Fellowship and the first half of Two Towers were great, but the last half was poorly done. LOTR still turned out pretty good though and is much better than what ol' George Lucas is putting out.

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Sorry guys, they did not even film the Scouring of the Shire so don't expect it on DVD.

Are you sure? I'm asking because somewhere during one of the movies (yes, yes, vague, I know. Let's just call it early Alzheimer) during a dream of Frodo, he saw the Shire being overrun etc. So I thought they might have it on film.

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I'm with Brian. Part II is all surprise (for those of us who didn't read the book last week anyway). Not so with Return of the King.

I'd cut a few scenes out, but more important I'd take a lot of 6-minute scenes and turn them into 2-minute scenes. Easy for me to say. Peter Jackson did something truly great that he can be proud of forever.

Very tough to edit hundreds of hours of camera footage down & down & down. An old saying for movie writer/directors: "You have to kill all your precious babies."

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