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Round Dumping


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As has been mentioned, you don't have to pull back fully behind cover to reload in IDPA, you just have to "use cover". In IDPA, per the Rule Book, you are sufficiently utilizing cover if 100 percent of your lower body, and at least 50 perfect of your upper body, is behind cover.

+1 The RO that watches the shooter reload after empty then, without moving position, call "cover" before the next shot, always gets me. If you are in cover to shoot you are in cover to reload.

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Flex, I really enjoyed your Q&A session. That was quality.

Stage designers: If you don't want to see round dumping on your stage, don't make the first 6 targets paper w/ 2 rounds required. No steel available for that one? Make the stage 3 rounds each. People are less likely to dump 2 rounds, will have a harder time hiding it, and will gain less advantage when they do.

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2009 IDPA SC State Championship - EOTAC Clinic - Bob Vogel 1

At 3:00

His walkthough plan was to take 3 shots at the last paper target instead of 2 to go to slide lock. When he shot the demonstration he changed and shot the popper with 3. His splits are fast enough how you say he was dumping when it could be he's just fast enough to want 3 shots on the popper to get the activator moving sooner. My opinion is that his plan to shoot 3 to get slide lock on the last target at the end of the 2nd array is round dumping.

This clears up nothing. Just an example.

Not to call Bob out or anything but did he just say he put 3 on that target so that he would be at slide lock, then back it up by saying so that he was sure he would have down zero hits?

Ok I just watched the WHOLE video. He says he is going to put 3 on the paper, but then puts 3 on the popper so that he isn't dumping on the paper.

Let me me bring up a question here. In IDPA its shoot steel until it falls right? Well one good hit will make it fall, wouldn't 3 on it be dumping as well?

Yes it would be dumping as well if the intent is to go to slide lock for an advantage. Just to clarify, a target steel or paper has been "engaged" when the required number of rounds has been fired at it. After that you can move on to the next target. Hits, misses, neutralizing doesn't come into play until you score the stage.

I'll continue the thread drift...

I sometimes engage a popper with two or more rounds to get it moving faster. When you are shooting a 9mm @130 PF it sometimes takes awhile for a popper to fully fall and activate a turner. If I have an array of a popper, static, turner, I may to put two onto the popper so that I don't need to stand and wait as long for the turner after I've finished engaging the static target.

Steer into the thread skid...ease off the accelerator...there back on road.

People don't dump rounds, they manage their rounds within the rules of the CoF. The problem with round dumping is that it is entirely subjective. Until the RO is able to see what the shooter sees, this rule will never be able to be enforced. It is a very "fuzzy" rule that totally contradicts the Vickers Scoring concept.

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I shoot 9 MM, I wear glasses. I can not always see if I hit a target, especially at the end of the day when the targets

have lots of tape on them and the shadows are all over the targets. I take extra shots on movers/swingers, drop turners and when I shoot on the move and to drive down a steel target that activates. So should I be called for round dumping? It is a grey area for me when I SO,

I am not a mind reader, and don't try to read my mind. To me IDPA is a game, and I play it, gamer, yes I am.

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There seems to be two schools of thought on these threads which I will with all good humor describe below:

One, It is a rule, breaking it is cheating, I have a modicum of self integrity even if no one is watching, and won't do it.

Two, I don't like the rule, it is hard to call, and I should therefore be able to ignore the rule, because it gives me an advantage over the boneheads with opinion one. And if I get caught I am going to have a hissy fit. But I am a really good range lawyer and I can make up really good excuses for cheating. I was calling my shots. Everyone else does it, so I have to. It contradicts Vickers scoring. And list goes on with some really creative thoughts....

The last excuse is my favorite. These people must have a hard time driving if they can't reconcile overlapping rules.... like a speed limit and a stop sign. Driver: But but but officer it says 35MPH, that contradicts with the stop sign back there, so I did whatever I wanted to. Officer: Here is your ticket, have a nice day!

The very best part about the rule is the threads like this one. They are indeed entertaining. Thanks for the smiles ;)


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