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The One Thing I Hate About Shooting!!!!


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I smoked 4 packs of non-filtered cigarettes for THIRTY YEARS! January 1st it’ll be 4 years since I quit and I don’t mind others smoking as long as it’s not in my car or my office. I swore that I’d NEVER be one of those ex-smokers that preached to those that still do, and I’ve kept that promise.

It’s said that shooters smoke and the same can be said for those that drink in bars, IF you REALLY can’t stand cigarette smoke, rather than whine about it, stay away from ranges and out of bars! I know I’m “old school” but “sensitive”=sissy and Lord knows there’s enough of those to go around these days. :P

Caveman Ed

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Guess I will dive in with Vince and George and the rest of the minority on this one.

I am not a cigarette smoker and except for that one day back in high school I never have been. I do enjoy the occasional cigar or a bowl of fine pipe tobacco now and then but I cannot stand cigarette smoke. Please don't lump cigar/pipe smokers in with the cigarette smokers. Two very different groups, as a rule.

However, whenever you start into an anti anything rant remember that you are impinging upon someone else's right to do something. As long as it isn't illegal and they are following all the rules then it is their right to do it. You do have the right to ask them to not do it or to do it somewhere else but they also have the right to tell you where to get off. You also have the right to leave. Feel free to exercise that right.

Most smokers (of anything) that I know are very considerate and if you ask nice they will either put it out or move to where the smoke isn't drifting your way. However if you go at them with an attitude and are rude it is a whole different story.

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Typically I leave "Hate" threads to their own (as was the design) but feedback was solicited. I do have thoghts on this, but if I were to post them (other than this), it would be sure to get this thread locked or deleted in a New York minute. ;)

Bill Hicks had some excellent comments on this subject and I'm sure would have a hay-day with this thread.

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I am a smokeless tobacco user and hate smokers. I spit on their feet! How inconsiderate of them to shorten my life by subjecting me to second-hand smoke. Seriously, I haven't noticed that many smokers in the sport. I only know of one; ever seen a guy shoot a stage with a cig hanging from his lips? Talk about chain smoking!!! TXAG :D

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George you state the comment about exhaust fumes being deadly and having to be around them. The only difference being is that the exhaust fumes are outside and not inside a closed room. It is very easy to walk away from the exhaust fumes as with cigarette smoke you are S.O.L. I understand the anti-whatever group of people but it is still rude weather it is legal or not. The only reason it is legal in the first place is because the government makes so much money on it.

Oh, and about price... Come to Massachussetts where they only cost between $5.00 to $6.00 per pack!!! Talk about a rip off!!!

I will say to people to keep smoking though cause you are making all the politicians rich!

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What people do outside in public areas is their own business, but I reserve the right to shoot anyone who lights-up or "chews" in my house or vehicle. B)

My sister used to smoke years ago as did all of her "friends," and she frequently asked to borrow my car. My one provision was that she not allow anyone to smoke in it. EVERY STINKIN' TIME it smelled like an ashtray when I got it back. Each time I'd say, "Never again," then she'd promise again, and the cycle would repeat. :angry:

I've had people riding with me start to light-up and I'd ask them politely to refrain from doing so in my vehicle, but then ignore me. In each case, I stopped the car and told them to get out and didn't give them another chance. No one ever repeats when they know you're serious. ;)

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George you state the comment about exhaust fumes being deadly and having to be around them. The only difference being is that the exhaust fumes are outside and not inside a closed room. It is very easy to walk away from the exhaust fumes as with cigarette smoke

If it is allowed to smoke inside and someone does, all of the rights issues I mentioned apply. If it's not allowed, throw his sorry axx out.

BTW, I was really just havin' some fun with the exhaust thing, Emoticon, see :rolleyes:

The only reason it is legal in the first place is because the government makes so much money on it.

If by government you mean tobacco lobbies and their benefactors within government, then yeah, it is a government thing. Keep this in mind though, if there was more money to be made prosecuting the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages they "would" be against the law. Also keep in mind that parking overtime is against the law for a very specific reason too (hint, it's not safety related).

"Money makes the world go round"



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I only have limited academic knowledge, but here goes.

Chewing tobacco is of a much coarser cut. You put it in the side of your mouth generally. (e.g., Red Man)

Snuff is used for dipping (e.g., Skoal, Copenhagen, etc...). You use significantly less snuff, since it is a finer cut.

Don't have, never have, and never will use the stuff. The guys back home used to do it when I was in high school.


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Anyone who lights up in your home or auto without asking first is simply rude beyond belief. I automatically go outside to smoke at someone else's house unless the place is full of half full ashtrays. I don't light up in anyone else's car at all.

I can't think of any place I can smoke indoors, so it isn't a problem for me.

Part of my pre-stage routine is to light a smoke. I seem to shoot better puffing a cigarette.

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I knew there was an advantage to smoking at matches!!!

Got to watch some of the Ohio boys shoot last weekend. I just walked up as Steve A. was blazin' thru a set of 5 steels. When he got done he quickly scooted over to the table and retrieved his stogie. He said " I had to shoot em' fast before my cigar burned out, I don't have a lighter!!! ".

A cigar as a timer,,,I just knew there was a strategy I was missing!!! Now I'm wondering if there is prefered burn rate. For a GM hot rod like SA it would probably be something like N320. For a pokey wanna be like me it would be something in the neighborhood of FF blackpowder!!! B)


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