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Shooting with My "Almost Stepdaughter" (and Her Mom)


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Bill, that's an awful cool story. I copied it below for those hesitant to open a Word document over the internet (scanned virus-free by my machine). I tried to copy the pictures here but wasn't able to (help, somebody!). I encourage everyone to launch it and see Colleen (my Mom's name, BTW). She's very attractive as it is, but the Open division blaster on her hip makes it even more so!


Shooting with My Almost-Stepdaughter (and Her Mom)

Ive wanted to tell this story for some time. Thanks to Brian, I have a forum to do it in.

The story starts a few years ago.

My late wife and I never had any children, so it was quite a new experience dating a woman who had three. Id recently come back from an assignment in Europe where I had no opportunity to shoot, so I was anxious to get back into shooting and reloading. When Carol and I began dating, she initially had no idea that I was a shooter. Her reactions were surprise and a bit of trepidation. To get her over her initial fear of firearms, I signed her and her high school-age daughters up for a firearm safety course at a local range. That gave them a solid background in firearm safety and took away some of the fear.

We started going to the range on a more or less regular basis. At first they only wanted to shoot a 22. We did that for over a year. Then Carols youngest decided that she would try to shoot centerfire and surprise she liked it. It wasnt too long before mom decided that she had to shoot centerfire or be left behind.

Fast forward another couple of years and I began to shoot IDPA every week at a local club. As I explained to them what went on at a match, I could see a glimmer of interest coming from Carols youngest daughter, Colleen. And it seemed that Carol didnt want to be left out. Next step was to buy two Glock 34s and get them practicing and comfortable. So we went over how the shoots worked. We did dry fire. We did live fire at our local range. And finally they went to a match. The rest of the shooters were really great with them offering lots of encouragement. The net of all this was that they loved it! And they started coming to every match they could make.

I was hoping that it wouldnt end with indoor IDPA, but theyd get the bug to try outdoor USPSA matches. They decided that they liked competitive shooting enough that they wanted to do some outdoor shoots. Perhaps we didnt get to as many shoots as I would have liked, but they sure had fun. Both cursed the Texas star, but overall had a great time. And I cant say enough about the help and encouragement they got from other much more experienced shooters. What a great group of people.

As an example, at one match, a Master class shooter in our squad saw that Colleen was having some difficulties, so he provided some instant coaching which really helped. And at the end of the day, he let her try his open gun. You should have seen the grin on her face after that experience.

After that, what could I do? I had to put her into an open gun. She only got to shoot one outdoor match in open, but she sure loved it. And well be out again as soon as the season opens here in Ohio.

Probably the standout experience for me was one match where Carol couldnt go. So Colleen and I went by ourselves. For me it was an almost stepfather daughter day, something Id not experienced before. And it was more rewarding than I can describe. Without shooting, this never would have happened, so Im grateful to the sport for the opportunity to spend the quality time and become closer to Colleen.

So to finish this, I offer this picture of Colleen and me shot at todays indoor match at Gem City where she shot in open class for the second time. Tell me that the grin on Colleens face isnt a result of going to the dark side!

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Nice story and pictures. Like you, I'm ready to get back outside. As far as I know the first outdoor match of the year around here is at Crooked Creek which starts March 21st and Pardoe starts April 18th I think. Looking forward to seeing you all on the range again this year! :cheers:

Oh, and here are the pictures for anybody that doesn't want to open the word document...



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Thanks, All, for the kind words. We'll no doubt be out at Crooked Creek in March and at Pardoe in April -just in case anyone is interested in meeting Colleen.

As for me, I'm outta here later this week - going to the FL Open, taking blasters, ammo and golf clubs with me. After the Open, I'll be learning at the feet of Ted Puente for a couple of days. I'll be in Charleston for a couple of weeks playing golf, but may try to take in a local match if I can. Won't be back north until mid-March. Sure hope my car can hold enough ammo for being away that long...

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Sounds like a nice trip. Have fun and good luck! :cheers:

Oh, and Ted Puente is a nice guy in my opinion. He was on my squad at A5 in '08. Good shooter, fun to watch and nice to chat with.

See you at CC and Pardoe!


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-just in case anyone is interested in meeting Colleen.


I'm waaay interested in meeting Colleen!, but unfortunately for me I'm geographically impaired and way past the age a lady like her would be giving the time of day too. For example I was having a beer at a local saloon today talking to the bartender hottie. Things were going great until she told me that she is 24 and both of her parents are younger than me! I'd swear that I was 24 like a year ago or something. What happened!!! lol...

I will pass along my standard advise in this matter.

When I hear of someone with daughters of breeding age in or even passing through Ohio, I always warn them of the most successful buckeye gigolo, man whore that I know. THE Bill Seevers... He's my brother so I'm bound by blood to testify for his morals at the yearly paternity trials, but that doesn't mean I can't warn family members of the effect he will have on your young daughters. Sure she'll learn to shoot really ( and I mean REALLY) fast and she'll start groovin on some cool music, but that is the dark side. In the industry we call it ' Fun With Seevers'. 'Fun With Seevers' usually results in extended therapy both physical and mental, only suggested for professionals!


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-just in case anyone is interested in meeting Colleen.


I'm waaay interested in meeting Colleen!, but unfortunately for me I'm geographically impaired and way past the age a lady like her would be giving the time of day too. For example I was having a beer at a local saloon today talking to the bartender hottie. Things were going great until she told me that she is 24 and both of her parents are younger than me! I'd swear that I was 24 like a year ago or something. What happened!!! lol...

I will pass along my standard advise in this matter.

When I hear of someone with daughters of breeding age in or even passing through Ohio, I always warn them of the most successful buckeye gigolo, man whore that I know. THE Bill Seevers... He's my brother so I'm bound by blood to testify for his morals at the yearly paternity trials, but that doesn't mean I can't warn family members of the effect he will have on your young daughters. Sure she'll learn to shoot really ( and I mean REALLY) fast and she'll start groovin on some cool music, but that is the dark side. In the industry we call it ' Fun With Seevers'. 'Fun With Seevers' usually results in extended therapy both physical and mental, only suggested for professionals!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


Geesh I gotta an image to keep. :devil:

PS How old is Colleen? :goof:

Edited by BSeevers
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