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Everything posted by want2race

  1. Just think how fast he could have done it our plan!
  2. 80's vintage has me beat. I've got one from the early 90's, a V10 from the late 90's and a few others. I have a couple that need new homes too. One cheap, one not. LOL
  3. I would have camped at the state park, but being memorial day everything is booked.
  4. I'll try..... It was the best SSN I've been too. Stages were a lot of fun. Still had some very challenging (re: slow to engage) targets, but not impossible. Still need to clean up some bobbles (like..hey dummy....put in a magazine before buzzer...) but in looking at the results, I'm quite happy. 56 points behind Max.
  5. I like the info added to it. Hits, time etc. Cool feature. Ya did good!
  6. 3rd trip to nationals and this was by far the most fun! Excellent job to all those involved. The staff was great at every stage and the stages were a lot of fun! I had couple of bobbles. I forgot to insert a magazine before starting stage 5, after finishing 4. I don't know how I did that, but it happened. Going hot from stage to stage caught me out I guess. That hurt, once the results were posted.....I was 9 match points behind top 10. Again, the stages were very good. Cigar bar was so different and I've never shot anything like it. I look forward to the standards stage every year, and every year I flub it. How many targets to engage before the swinger or drop turner? Simply having a choice makes for fun stages. Looking forward to what they come up with next year.
  7. Just a ribbin'! Isn't that what L10 is for though? Lol. I know, I know. I'll be hitting some open classifiers soon myself....
  8. @jake, that's also known as sandbagging the match.
  9. That stage was awesome! I would love to shoot something like that. Your application is lacking some info however. Yep, post the pics.....
  10. I measure at the bottom if the trigger. I pull the trigger back slightly then put the gage against the trigger guard and the bottom tip of the trigger. Yes this will yield lighter results. I'm only after consistency across all trigger jobs and not an advertised pull weight.
  11. Might as well buy a chamber reamer when you buy the barrel. They are good barrels but the chamber/throat is under sized in my opinion. They need to be worked to function well. I've worked on quite a few.
  12. I was in the area, brought my gear with me. With Single stack nationals coming up I didn't want to go without any practice while traveling.
  13. Well I skipped the classifier match. Went to the Azalea Festival in Wilmington instead. I went to Ant Hill (south of Wilmington) for their monthly match on sunday though. Super nice place. Short grass, long wide bays, shade! I showed up 1.5 hours early to help with set up only to find everything done already. Match went well, I shot my 8rnd single stack gun in L10. Stayed for tear down and was treated to some homemade sliders! I was even able to see the unofficial results before I left! I would recommend this club to anyone else passing through, or local.
  14. Thank you kind sirs! I shall use my voting status with great care.
  15. Yep, that's me. Or I should say, it's my mexican wrestler alter ego..."Mucho Reloadre"!
  16. Wanted to share this here. I thought you fine gentlemen would enjoy the fact that a .45 took top honors on that day. Speaking of .45, you can see that even steel plates are scared of the big bullet! Well they must be because they tried to dodge them when I tried to shot them.
  17. Anyone on here in that area? I saw on the section calender that there is a club and match next weekend in Fayetteville. Classifier match actually.
  18. Yes, yes he is. Food was awesome. Plate rack and I need to have a long talk. "Out of bullets? How can I be out of bullets...oh there's some..." Lol.
  19. Wow, what a great match! The stages were a lot of fun. Most were straight forward, but it's very easy to get in trouble on wide open targets. Funny how that is. I'm glad to hear that the rest of the stages held up well. I worked stage 1 and we did not have a single reshoot due to the swinger. Forward poppers are what they are, I saw more than one shooter do a double take only to see it SLOWLY falling forward. If it helps, our poppers worked better this match than any previous club match. Much credit to those that had them upgraded prior to the BITB! Corey and crew put on a heck of a match! I think we even finished 45 minutes ahead of schedule. Dinner served while waiting for final scores, AWESOME! I want to thank everyone who showed up to shoot this match. Our first year was met with a lot of flack for not offering all divisions. Turns out, two divisions works out pretty well. I believe this match is schedule before nationals on purpose, I'm glad too because I now know I need some practice on plate racks and head shots.
  20. Not a 100% sure i listed the problem in the 1911 thread, mainly double feed not sure if mags are to blame or the extractor but if i send it back to STI i won't get it back in time anyway would the have to shoot the 45 the 9mm is a new gun i bought for my wife just trying to get it to running so she doesn't have to. Or you could try to find a local gunsmith to have a look at it. True double feeds with two live rounds is magazine related, most times.
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