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Gary Stevens

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Everything posted by Gary Stevens

  1. Mr. Davis, you have made my day When I hear that my responses have had a positive effect, I am truly gratified. If you need anything else, feel free to contact me anytime at garystevens@alltel.net Hope to see you on the range somewhere.
  2. Well Roy, I am sorry to see you go. I think the next couple of years are going to be exciting times in USPSA. Of course USPSA is a commodity and people are and have been free to exercise their freedom to choose. I think those who choose to stay and play will be pleased. The President and members of the BOD are dedicated to try to be responsive to the members while producing a quality product. If we fall short in an area, we will attempt to do better the next time. While we can strive for perfection, we very seldom achieve it. Perhaps you will have more fun at the IDPA matches, I hope you do. Of course you might find that they are also subject to the same issues we have in USPSA, only without elected representation.
  3. Roy you are certainly entitled to your opinion and who knows you might be right. That having been said though, there are many who seem to be able to find a cloud in every silver lining. I think this change is worthy, and does not turn Production on it's head. We are not allowing S/A cocked and locked like many were predicting, and we are not bending over and grabbing our ankels for any particular group of shooters or sponsors. We are tying to do what we think is best for the sport. Those that disagree with those decisions always have options available to them.
  4. They say a trip of a thousand miles begins with one step. Production today, revolver tomorrow. Great New Year to you also.
  5. The series just ended 6 days ago. The winners will be published in the Front Sight as soon as possible. You can go to the "members" side of the webpage right now and see who the top point shooters are. That way you don't have to wait for the Front Sight article.
  6. I think the best reason to allow the shooter to cock the weapon "after" the start signal is that our sport is freestyle. After the start signal it is up to you to solve the problem. If cocking the weapon is the best way to make a hard or distant (one in the same for me) shot then that particular shooter is free to make that decision.
  7. I started shooting the LDA after last years FGN. I absolutely love it. The interesting thing I have noticed is I actually find myself concentrating harder as I stroke the trigger. Because it is a long stroke, I am forcing myself to really look at the sights which has it's own benefits. Jim Anglin at Sailors Custom touched my gun up and gave it a good look over. Jim is a good guy to deal with also.
  8. The Point Series format is unchanged from last year. I just registered today.
  9. Merlin, Thanks for the comment However I can not take credit for the quote. I just heard it a long time ago and thought it made a lot of sense.
  10. Mr. Davis, Your primary problem with the information loop is that you are not a USPSA member and are therefore cut out of the loop. The information is posted on the "members" side of the USPSA webpage as soon as it is approved by the Board of Directors, per the by-laws and ready. Much of what you request has already been published for our members, of which we would like you to be one. The rule book is currently under review and modifications are being made on particular sections of the book. We are voting on rule modifications almost every day in an effort to get this finished. It takes time to propose a rule modification and post it, then have everyone try to pick it apart to make the best possible rule we can. I try to approach each rule both from a range management position, but also as a competitor. I want any rule to be fair to all and address a specific issue. Then a final product has to be posted again and voted on. We are not releasing modified rules individually, they will all be released at once after final approval. This should be very shortly. If you are interested in USPSA and our shooting sport your decision to join should not be made based upon competitive advantage. It should be made on do you want to belong to an organization that has many of the greatest shooters in the world as members. Where we welcome you to not only shoot with us, but to be part of the team. Where we allow everyone to voice their opinion, offer input, and be part of the process. As members you have elected representatives, who you elect, that are available to you almost anytime for questions or comments. To answer your specific questions, the XD is now and will be legal. If you shoot revolver your holster or spare ammo can not be farther forward than the forward point of the hip bone. If you pull your holster back a bit, you can carry two speed loaders in front of the holster. If you use something like a Kydex holster you should be just fine. Anything else I can help you out on don't hesitate to contact me. Remember it is better to light one candle than to stand and curse the darkness. Try to make positive steps, it is easy to be negative.
  11. Mr. Davis, If you have not received this issue of Front Sight magazine I would suspect the postal service may be your hold up. If you did not receive the last issue either, you should contact USPSA and find out where your magazine went. If you have specific questions you can contact your Area Director, or I will be more than happy to answer any specific question you have about production guns. Feel free to e-mail me.
  12. The current issue, which I received yesterday, has the approved gun list for Production Division. Check it out.
  13. Darn it Arnie, I told you that was just between you, me and Connie Chung!!!!
  14. Yes I do Jim and a fine one it is.
  15. The final point series calculations can not be made until the year ends. Unfortunately some matches are still trying to get their results straightened out so the points can be counted. Results will be announced shortly after the first of the year.
  16. You are welcome. However I would like to accomplish a little more in this area before we call it a day
  17. By removing the box from Production, it opened the door for revolvers to compete in that division. There was not a new Revolver Production Division created, only the allowance of guns that were previously prohibited by the box. The decisions made by the competitor as to what gun to use in a particular division is totally up to the competitor. The assumption is correct that if "you" choose to shoot "your" Mdl. 625 in Production, then you will be in competition with others who have 10 rounds. However if you choose to shoot an 8 shot revolver in Production, your deficit in rounds is reduced. You can still choose to shoot the Mdl. 625 in Revolver Standard Division at no capacity deficit. The choice always remains with the competitor. While rainbows are not present in the sky over everyone's heads, revolvers have more access and less restrictions than they had prior to this change. A small step forward is better than no step at all.
  18. Nothing personal Chuck. In our past conversations I have always got the impression you delt in facts, black and white facts. E-mail is not always the best forum for normal conversation. I am just trying to be a complete, and factual as possible. Yes, the BOD and the VP have normal conversations, and I would assume that John has his reasons that are well founded. However the rules that were being discussed were already in place and I just wanted to point that out. As you said the gentleman asked for opinions and you gave yours and others gave theirs. Merry Christmas and a happy revolver new year.
  19. Chuck if you have read the minutes, and the current rule book, you will notice all of the things I have listed. As to John's request, I suppose you would need to ask him. The forward holster and allied equipment position is a done deal. The minimum caliber 9x19 is a done deal as it is already the standard for the division. The maximum barrel length is a done deal. And unless there is going to be special exceptions for revolvers from the external modification and grip rules, that part is a done deal. If there is going to be exemptions for revolvers for those two areas, I would think that the BOD would have to make those exemptions. I wanted a place for the 7-8 shot revolver shooters to play. It was fairly obvious that the Revolver Standard division was not a place I could get movement, but Production was. I made the motion to remove the minimum caliber requirement of 357 magnum to make major PF, from the Revolver Division to allow the 38 super wheel guns to play in that division. The BOD responded to those ideas and we now have a new place to play and one less restriction on the regular revolver division. Again, let the games begin.
  20. I don't know why anyone would want to further restrict a new product that hasn't even actually breathed the life of day yet. We already have adopted the IPSC equipment and holster position rule as the forward point of the hip bone, we still have the "no race holster rule". We adopted a maximum barrel length of 8.5 inches to include almost every revolver that would possibly be used. If a person wants to drag their 8 3/8 inch blaster out of their hip holster, go for it. Have fun!! We didn't want to exclude any revolver shooters from this new venture. There already is a minimum caliber of 9x19 established for all the divisions including Production. Since these have to be factory built guns and production numbers have to be met, if a company wants to make a new master blaster in 9x19 for us to play with, I don't see why we should eliminate this. I have pushed to ease the restrictions on revolvers and give the folks to want to shoot them a place to play. I want more guns on the range, not fewer, or with more restrictions. Let the games begin!!!!!
  21. We were in total agreement until you got to the SA pistol part of your post. I am making a note to myself to keep my contract law arguements to a miminum when you are around The intent was, at least to me, to allow the shooter, after the start signal, to have the option of taking a long or hard (which most times are one in the same) shot in an easier mode. Rather than stroking the 97 pound first shot that some DA guns have, the shooter could thumb cock and maybe get a 4 pound trigger pull for that hard shot. I think it is a verification of the saying "No good deed ever goes unpunished". By attempting to give the shooter a break and make it a little easier (and perhaps more fun) we unleased a firestorm of wordsmithing that is now going to take another BOD vote to add clarification language. Maybe this is not a bad thing in the long run, as we can do it electronically, but I quiet honestly get tired of the continual battle over the meaning of "is". For 25 years I have never had the problem with the rules that some others have. Of course I spend a lot of time now a days taking naps which cuts down on my rule bending efforts. I do honestly appreciate the DRL's fixing bayonets and charging over the trench line though to keep down any potential "problems" that may have been lurking.
  22. Well once again, I think time number 99, there is no rule allowing single action in Production. If you have a DA/SA gun and it is not in DA mode, I would suggest it is therefore in SA mode. If my logic on this is wrong, would someone please point out to me where it has gone astray. However in an attempt to prevent problems such as the misreading of "yes, 10 rounds maximum in magazine" we have a crack team of lawyers working on the wording of the clarification, even as I write this. So in the end, it is a moot point. As to the XD, it is what it is. If it makes the Approved Gun List it will be allowed. If it does not, it won't. Those who do not agree with this have options available to them to address it.
  23. Hey Tom, Is Open Class above or below GM, M, A, B,C and D?
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