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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. This may be a bit redneck, but when I was a kid a friend had one. We took it down and used it as a big saucer sled to pull behind a truck in winter. It was great fun. Or try this: Death Ray
  2. If the "grease ring" (which is usually nothing of the sort, since most of us are shooting jacketed bullets...) doesn't matter, explain how you center an overlay on an edge hit on the target, please? Yep, I hate the "grease ring" statement. I about stroked out when a RO at the nationals, while explaining to me why my hit was from behind the target and a squad mates was from the front, gave me the he could see the grease ring answer. and that's all I'm saying about that right now, I feel my blood preasure rising again.
  3. Well, how about single stack modified? 8 rounds of major or 10 of minor. Now that's the worst of everything. But, I'd love it if we had it.
  4. Man, I do wish we had a modified division in USPSA I just love the look of those. It's like limited with a red dot.
  5. It is, you want to vote? You just volunteered.
  6. it was just an AD DQ the guy from life.
  7. Making a better mouse trap was just a free style solution to the problem given
  8. Hell, no. Very bad idea. Why not just eliminate all divisions except one and make everyone shoot that division? That would be the end of free style courses and eliminate any advancement of the equipment used, because it would not make any difference.
  9. That's right, it was nice being tall and in a hurry that morning. I was on the dry side
  10. Yep, that would have been squad 9. That was the best idea anyone of my shooting buddies has ever had. We were all constantly reminded of that the whole match. We did not steal it, but we were thinking about going back and buying them out, then reselling them at the range We were hoping someone had taken a picture of us moving from one stage to another. Just to see if we looked as silly as we felt
  11. Yeah, I got called all kinds of nasty names. Hell, they even said they were going to make me pee in a cup before I designed any more stages But in the end it was everyones favorite stage of the day.
  12. Thanks Chuck. I'm thinking about busting mine out this weekend for a change from open.
  13. You can't go wrong with any of them. Pick the one you like the best. They all have their down falls though. Springfield and Smith & wesson will not sell you some of the extra parts we like to carry around for spares and a CZ can be intimidating to do more than a field strip. Knowing this I still went with a M&P as well as a CZ. I really like them both and they fit my hand better than a Glock did.
  14. Well, I guess I have to chime in also. I like a 124 gr bullet over ~4.2gr of N320. Over about 10,000 rounds I determined that I really like 124 gr bullets. The 115 are too "snappy" and the 147s make make the whole shot process slow. YMMV Later, Chuck Chuck, What length are you loading these to?
  15. Yes, rules 4.2.2 and 4.2.4 cover that. Not anywhere I can see. The only reference to overlapping no-shoots is in 4.2.5 Yep and 4.2.5 says partialy hidden, not nonexsistent.
  16. Some of you don't realize even the NS being steel rational does not make sense. Lets say in this perfect world, where the perfs line up exactly, and the NS is steel and the bullet is traveling in the best perpendicular line to the perfectly lined up targets, is split perfectly and the partial bullet continues on in this perpendicular line.(hey it could happen) the partial bullet STILL touches the perf on the scoring target. That's all it has to do by the rule book nothing more. This perfectly sheared off bullet does touch the perf that is there. There is still no rule that clearly states that it is not available.
  17. But the rule book says it is impeneterable IF the bullet strike is wholly in the scoring area, does it not?
  18. keep reading: if the bullet is wholly in the scoring area. Remember we are talking about the shot that breaks the line here.
  19. No-shoots are not hard cover, No-shoots are score-able targets and hard cover are not score-able. Tell me where in 4.1 are you getting that No-shoots are treated as hard cover? Cover provided to hide all or a portion of a target will be considered hard cover. When possible hard cover should not be simulated but constructed using impenetrable materials (see Rule 2.1.3). Whole paper targets must not be used solely as hard cover. Nope, using a NS for hard cover is not covered under this one. You can not use a scoring target(or penalty) for hard cover that does not have a penalty. If you use this rule then the correct call would be Alpha no NS. Now go think about that one.
  20. A NS can not be hard cover, because a hard cover hit is not a penalty right? That is in the rule book also(I don't have it handy at the moment) So saying that the NS makes the scoring area dissapear does not fly. John and I were typing at the same time.
  21. No, let's not. A reminder that applies to ALL parties in this discussion: No antagonistic tones will be tolerated. Please post respectfully or don't post at all. Please take a deep breath before hitting send and let's keep going after this without going after each other. And for the record I was not meaning to be antagonistic, in college and in my unit when things were not kosher we called BS to get clarifications. Not to start arguments. Now I'll try to remember to call "TBB" * tactical bull butter
  22. I'm dying here, it is the exact same thing. It does not matter that the perfs are or are not lined up. The rule book does not say anything about those perfectly allined perfs. That is what is throwing everyone off. The azone is there period. Only a full diameter hit stops right there. The partials keep going, look it up in the rule book. The rule book does not say that only part of the bullet continues on to score, it says the bullet continues on for a score or penalty. Don't read more than is there simply because someone said that is how it is. Look at it a think about it.
  23. The only way you can keep the NS from leaning out (i.e. no space between NS and scoring target) is to paint the NS onto the target. Otherwise there will always be a space and as you say - score it the way it looks, contradicting the instructor's interpretation and ruling. We still don't have an offical ruling remember. The rule book also does not provide for painting a cardboard target white for a NS, only hard cover as long as it is not white. wouldn't 4.1.5 dissallow the painting of a NS on the scoring target?
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