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Everything posted by MikeBurgess

  1. I shoot revolver because its hard. Last USPSA season I shot either open or revolver, I figured full hard or full easy everything else is a half measure. I also shoot revolver at ICORE because the matches are fun, compared with the 90ish shooter USPSA club matches I attend, the sub 20 shooter ICORE matches are so much more laid back and relaxed. Mostly I shoot revo (and every other division but L10 and PCC) because I like shooting handguns of all flavors.
  2. This is why I love 45 small primer cases, If your buying once fired brass sorted small primer is cheaper and you don't have to change the primer system, Win, Win
  3. Dropping mags with rounds left is almost always good. This game is really about managing risk and avoiding disasters, having the extra in the mag for a makeup shot here or there avoids running dry and having to eat a standing reload. having more ammo is almost always better on field courses, yes you may need to reload but being able to put the reload where you want it is better than having to do one where capacity says you need to. When I shoot open I can plan a reload almost anywhere in the stage without worrying about running out of ammo, so I put it where it flows best for me, in limited I have to plan it a little more based on capacity or plan 2 where they flow well.
  4. I wonder how far out a open barrel is, I'm just about to start building my wife a backup for her Gold team Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  5. oh and drawing and seeing the dot is off before getting a shot off means either the first target is way way out there or the shooter is going too slow, last time I forgot to turn my dot on I was about 4 targets in thinking I should have seen the dot by now
  6. that is one of the grey areas that the RO has to make a judgment call on. I would say as described by the OP drawing and seeing the dot is off is an easy call, drawing the gun in general would be an easy call, below that it becomes more subjective and you have to make the call using the don't be a dick rule, if you are sure they are gaming you they earn the 0 zero if you think they could have reacted to something else then restart them.
  7. you can ask, but im just going to stand there, I may even wave the timer at you, but if you keep looking at me I will say "If you are finished? unload and show clear"
  8. As it is the limitations are not too bad. It sounds like you guys are once again going over and above coming out with new features to make our lives easier. Thank you
  9. It works good to register a shooter for a second entry on a stage device. This is exactly what a re-shoot is, it is a separate entry in the match, that just happens to be in the same division and only has a score for the classifier. I think some people are getting themselves lost wanting to make it simple by having an extra tablet synced to the match sitting at the classifier stage for entering re-shoot scores under the original entry and then trying to detach those scores from the regular match scores. This does not work well, it will separate them on the tablet but when creating the USPSA file on the web it puts them back together.
  10. sorry about that I started with a response to you then kinda kept going
  11. As much as we tell ourselves that we are not shooting in the overall everyone looks at how they finish in the overall results. That being the case shooters tend to gravitate towards the divisions that are easiest to shoot higher hit factors with. look at the participation numbers between Open, Co, PCC, Limited and compare them to the participation numbers for Production, L10, SS and Revo. you will see they are not even in the same ball park. Production seems to be the sweet spot for shooters looking for a bigger challenge than the high cap divisions, could be because it has a critical mass of shooters making it feel competitive, could be its relatively low cost of entry, could be popular pro shooters shoot it, could be all 3 or something else but we seem to have none of the above. We have low turnout, high equipment cost, and no big names consistently competing (sorry Michael P) Lots goes into why people choose one division over another I seriously doubt any changes to the Revolver division rules, short of not requiring using a revolver, will do much if anything to raise participation in USPSA. Look at Co for a quick example, the division was lobbied for as Production Optics and was original tried for a year as a 10 round division with almost no participation, when the mag limit was changed to 140mm how many can you fit participation grew quite rapidly. So production was good, but production with a optic did nothing, then with the change to production with optic and all the bullets you can fit massive growth happened. this leads to the question what makes someone think that adding a optic to revolver division would work better than adding a optic to a production gun did?
  12. Classifying higher in revolver doesn't mean it's not hard it means it's not graded on the same scale, just like limited and open and every other division. Actually the revo HHF have been messed up for a while and the new ones have super low HHF one one of them I have a score that was averaged into the top 10 to set the HHF and I have a Mike on it, shot it again at a match Saturday with another Mike and shot 90% or so again. Hit factor is the game anything that raises the hit factor you can shoot makes it easier anything that lowers it makes it harder. Revos seem to shoot the lowest hit factor per skill level of any division thus they are harder to shoot in our game. I'm beating this to death because "its hard " is what I hear when trying to talk guys into it. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  13. I disagree that the patient is dying. Locally we get 3 to 5 Revo a match. after years of 0 to 2. If revo went optic I would have to get an optic to be competative, fir me that's probably fine, but like the perceived need to run a 2011 in limited or a steel framed DA in production everyone would feel the need a optic to play revo, and looking at ICORE open is less popular than iron sights by a bunch (limited, l6, classic) so while you may attract a few I'm am pretty sure you would loose more Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  14. But adding optics to Revo means anyone that currently shoots it will need to buy more stuff. Our local ICORE match runs between 12 and 25 shooters with 1 to 3 open shooters, is possibly gaining some of that 1 to 3 worth alienating the rest? Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  15. in a game scored by hit factor anything that make you slower is making the game harder, harder does not mean one cant hit a target in this game it means not scoring as many points as fast. As an example at the last nationals the Revo world champ shot 65.97% of the Limited champion. with a highest stage score of 74% on a standard (6 reload 6, 2 strings) that says to me that revo is about 34% harder than limited.
  16. Jake thank you for this info, it is grate to have actual participation numbers like that. on average a revo shooter shot 3.35 matches in revo for the year thats not a great number, I only shot 7 so I cant complain too much (it makes me sad that L10 has over twice the participation of revo)
  17. How is that a problem? I actually think that is one of the best parts of USPSA, solve the problems the way that suits your desires best. We have a local shooter that is a high level defensive shooting instructor and takes his craft seriously, he shoots Limited minor with a duplicate of his carry gun and holster from concealment reloads and all, he is very good and would make GM with a race rig but shoots high Master with a carry rig.
  18. I do love shooting my 66 though, its my favorite revo to shoot and to finish well at the local ICORE matches is a chalange.
  19. I guess what i meant by cost not being a issue is, even if you could be competetive in some new division with a 6 shot speed loader gun you may all ready own I don't think many would see that as enough enticement to go buy 6-8 speed loaders and holders and a decent holster just to shoot what would now be by far the slowest division. I agree its not "harder" to shoot a revo but the general belief among shooters is that it is harder, and unfortunately beliefs trump facts.
  20. got it that makes sense. AKA only for true masochists
  21. I think the easiest way is to set the tablet to allow walk-ons then if a shooter wants to reshoot afther they bungle their first run they can hit add a walk on at the bottom of their squad list then add themselves (auto populate makes this super easy) then they can run the shooter and score them on the tablet right away without having to even leave the squad list for the stage. we have tablets dedicated to each stage so this makes for a super clean system as the shooters name only apears twice on one tablet and only after they already shot the classifier under their initial entry so the reshoot is easy to keep segregated. if the tablets travel with the squads then I would probaby set up a separate tablet for the classifier and have them add themselves to that tablet. I would probably on that tablet move myself to a empty squad and have the tablet set to that squad that way when shooters go to reshoot they can add a walk on to that squad and score themselves without fear of them scoring themselves under their original entry.
  22. no USPSA revolver is like ICORE Limited. (oddly I believe the largest ICORE division)
  23. I'm trying to wrap my brain around this idea. Are you suggesting we split revolver division into 3 separate even smaller divisions? so Open Revo, Limited Revo, Classic Revo or Are you suggesting make an optics and comps Open division and then having something more like category recognition for Limited and Classic configurations? Either option has some issues in my opinion. The first one splits up the smallest by far USPSA division and I highly doubt adds more than a couple new shooters. (lets face it sjhooting a classic 6 shot speed loader revo in a USPSA match take a special kind of person that is likely already shooting a revo in USPSA, anyone concerned enough about how they finish to not shoot a 6 shooter at a match are also probably not going to want to be first of 1 in revo classic as opposed to first of 1 in revo as it is, open revo may tempt a shooter or two to play occasional but with Open and CO most will probably stay their for their optics needs. The second option is better but still bad, it makes revo into open revo once again makeing the few of us that shoot a revo upgrade our gear to be competitive, outside of a very large stand alone match having enough revos show up in another configuration to get some sort of category recognition is super unlikely. My personal opinion is shooting a revo is hard enough on its own to stop most shooters from trying. its not a cost thing its not a division equipment thing its a its hard thing. So unless hard is their thing recruitment will be hard period.
  24. It was only 85 yards but who's counting. I really like mixing it up with stages stages like that. we did a 50yd turtle target, bill drill, 30 seconds fixed time stage once (fixed time is great for keeping the lower class shooters from zeroing a stage) it is interesting to see how people deal with things out side the ordinary, as I recall out of 90ish shooters we only had one perfect score.
  25. for non bottle neck cases its just like any other taper crimp die just with the addition of a size ring.
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