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Everything posted by MikeBurgess

  1. I don't doubt that there was a issue, I would strongly suspect there was a fitment issue of some causing the problems. Most likely some sort of binding due to the comp movement.
  2. The comp on the gun has 3 decent sized up ports plus the side ports you added. 3 up ports is plenty good for anything we do. Anything keeping it from running major with that comp prior to (or after) drilling the side ports had to do with fitting or springs. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  3. For the OP I'll be the guy that says it probably doesnt matter that much. Choose a comp that you like the concept behind and run with it. Logic says that if one comp is truly "better" then all comps would be basically the same, but they are not so you can have to come to one of two conclusions, either lots of people are selling crap comps to people that are happily using them succsefully or most comps are close enough in performance that it doesnt matter. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  4. I've had really good luck with MBX mags or converted tanfoglio mags. Running 9mm Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  5. My pair from the above comparison Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  6. I have a Gold Team with a custom non ported barrel and comp and a Caspian high cap open gun, both in 9mm, both with no popple holes, both with mid length barrels. Firing the same ammo, the Caspian is a little bit softer shooting and feels just a bit smoother, it could be entirely because the Caspian is 10oz heavier, but I prefer the feel of it. My wife on the other hand loves the feel of the Tanfoglio grip and large safety so thats her pick. The recoil difference with my 2 guns is small and both feel like minor 9mm guns in the hand, once you get past the loud bang. one thing in the 2011 + column is you will get 1 or 2 more rounds in your big sticks, the tanfo mbx holds 28 sometimes you can cram in a 29th but its tight.
  7. You may have reduced the tension on the trigger return/disconector leg of the sear spring enough to now have a small drag on your trigger bow touching the magazine keep the trigger from returning. you may be able to refit the trigger bow so that it has no contact with the magazine and slides freely in the frame and keep the lighter adjustment on the return leg or you may need to do both. There is a lot going on in the ignition system of a 1911 and every adjustment can affect more than one thing, make sure you do a full safety check after messing anything.
  8. I have not looked into running a match under the IPSC rules, I just assume as a member club of USPSA the USA region of IPSC I would be able to do so. By running a IPSC flavor match I was referring to running a match under the USPSA rule book but setting the stages in a way that more reflects what you would see at a IPSC match (more short and medium courses, more movers, lower hit factors, turtle targets) Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  9. Any USPSA club Could hold a IPSC rules match. the problem would be when almost every shooter had some sort of equipment rules issue. most shooters would not want to setup for IPSC rules for just a local match. Just a couple high points All divisions but revolver must have all gear behind hip bone like prod +ss so most of your Open and Limited shooters will have to move their rigs around Standard guns (limited) must fit in a box, makes 140mm mags way to big so new mags for Limited shooters Production and CO are more restrictive so many guns are not legal under IPSC rules. on the club side all poppers with heads are illegal so that would be a issue for many/most clubs Beyond that there is nothing stopping someone from running a very IPSC flavored USPSA match.
  10. What I see most commonly are local (level 1) matches the squads almost always go with a random order for each stage (with new shooters run last) Level 2 and up matches (Sectionals, State, Area, National) the squads pic a initial sort for the first stage (often alphabetical but not always) then stay in that order with the first shooter on stage 1 moving to the bottom for the next stage, so on stage 2 the second shooter from stage 1 is now first and the first shooter from stage 1 is last, this rotation continues through the match.
  11. If we all know what we are supposed to do then why do we have a rule book?
  12. I'm pretty sure that is in reference to a shield by your thumb safety to keep your strong hand thumb from touching the slide.
  13. I suspect not all of the pins and springs are working well together. just to be sure you know. the mainspring housing assembly has 3 small parts in addition to the spring and housing. at the bottom of the stack is a pin thats pointed on the bottom that fits inside the spring, at the top is the main spring cap that is held in by the tiny main spring cap retaining pin make sure all these parts are assembled correctly and fitting into the mainspring like they are supposed to, also make sure the hammer strut is resting in the mainspring cap not caught on the top of the mainspring housing.
  14. That's the point 10mm is dumb because 40 does the job plenty good enough with cheep brass. Oddly just like 9mm does in open. Just in limited nobody thinks its dumb to use 40. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  15. well for a little primer on that keep an eye on the classifieds here, you may notice that used open guns in 38 are much cheaper than the equivalent gun in 9mm
  16. What o get a kick out of is there is always a 38 vs 9 controversy but never a 40 vs 10mm in limited one. 10mm is better than 40sw for all the same reasons as 38 is better than 9 in open. But the difference is so small and the difficulties have been overcome to the point than nobody even thinks about it any more. In another 10 years 38 will be dead and people will wonder why it was ever a thing. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  17. Yes that is what would happen if done as described, and that is IMHO the wrong way to go about it. What should happen is shooter Bob (or more properly, the MD or his delegate) creates a new match entry for shooter Bob and he then shoots the classifier again under this new entry. this eliminated the problem you describe, as now Bob had 1 match entry with all the stages including a zeroed classifier, and a separate entry with only the classifier stage shot. So now in your 2 shooter match example you end up with Leo winning, as he should, followed by Bob's original entry, with the zeroed classifier, with Bobs second entry with only the classifier reshoot bringing up the rear.
  18. I believe you are missing something. shooter Bob enters match and shoots stages, then asks to reshoot the classifier, do not go to Bob on the tablet and re-score his run, Create a new match entry for Bob and score his second run on the classifier under that entry. Now at the end of the match there will be 2 shooters named Bob in the results one will have shot all the stages and one will only have shot the second run on the classifier. The second run for Bob scored in the second entry will not combine with the first entry unless you go in and mark both as walk on's and tell them to combine, do not do that. so this is not a mulligan and the last score is not over writing the first, it is a second entry in the match that only shoots 1 stage. The only way Bobs second run will affect match results in any way is if Bobs second run on the classifier is the division win for that stage.
  19. I dont know the wire colors off the top of my head but once you know what plug pins to connect it is just that easy. Wire switch to correct pins turn on sensor in software done A friend and I both converted the dillon primer alarm to e primer sense switches for a couple bucks in plugs. I like it better than the expensive m7 unit because it does away with the annoying dillon buzzer Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  20. I did a classifier match once where we created a second mach for just the classifiers so those that wanted to shoot a second division could do so separate from the main match, I seem to remember there being some issue uploading 2 matches from 1 club with the same date but I'm not 100% on that part.
  21. Actually the way things work it would be funny if they did.
  22. it seems the newer RIA guns are ramped in 9mm now. I have a non ramped and a friend has a slightly newer one with a ramped barrel so they can be either way and you would need to look to be sure.
  23. Every shooter entry is separate and every stage entry has a time stamp. The system will use the information with the latest time stamp for any given action. What you have described is accurate, but is very different than having a shooter make a second match entry and fire the classifier under that entry. The shooters second entry will appear in the results as a separate shooter who has only shot the classifier stage. The re-shoot score will appear in the results, for the shooters second entry, a entry that should place very badly in the match as that entry will only have 1 score. The only way this can affect the match scores of the other competitors if the re-entry's stage score is the division high hit factor for the stage. (everyone gets a % of the stage points based on their % of the stage winners HHF) if this happens to be the case I will delete the reshoot from the match after I upload to USPSA so the results everyone looks at on practiscore are correct. I have only had to do this a couple times.
  24. the re-shoot only counts for the match, for the re-entry with only one stage shot, it does NOT replace their first run that is included in their original entry. Basically when you add a shooter to the match even with the same name and division it is a separate entry in the match, just like if they were a different shooter that just happened to have the same name and division and member number. I think the problem many run into is trying to do it the easy way and allow the reshoot on the original entry, that will mess things up without doing quite a bit more editing to get the correct results posted and uploaded. The only way that separate entry can mess things up is if that entry is the stage winner for a division, then it can affect stage points for all the shooters in that division, luckily that is not the norm, and as I said that would be removed after uploading the classifiers to USPSA.
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