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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. If you don't want to beg one off of Springfield, the brother-in-law just bought a "tactical" slide off of this guy: http://www.xd-hs2000.com/. I don't know what else he has but it might be worth a try. Rick
  2. shoot them both and have fun!
  3. Clay1

    Knife Fight

    I personally like "run" as an option. I just wanted to point out that blades are not to be underestimated. Sometimes this name brings up some interesting responses but visit Warriortalk.com sometime and listen to what Gabe Suarez has to say. They have trained off the square ranges with blades and firearms. I know that this forum really isn't the place for this discussion so I will encourage those interested to visit warrior talk and keep an open mind. There are a couple of fellows out there that also have some very good web sites. I like to visit and listen to Kelly Worden and Michael Janich. Listen to some of Kelly Worden's radio shows on his site: http://www.kellyworden.com Janich's web site: http://www.martialbladeconcepts.com/ If you can't tell I have a passon for firearms and blades. I probably should have just laughed at the original joke and shut up. But I like to type and talk about guns and knives See you on the range. Rick
  4. Clay1

    Knife Fight

    I know that this is often something that comes up for discussion, but many people don't understand the devestation a blade can have. Their is something called the Tueller drill whereby someone with a knife can cover 21' of ground in under 1.5 seconds. Now for most competitors a draw can be done easily in less than that amount of time on the range. Now, carry the gun in a concealed fashion like you most likely would for concealed carry and it is not so easy. Now put the man with the blade 4 feet from you or at bad breath distance with a knife in the hand and you are carrying concealed and the the situation isn't exactly like a lot of people think that believe the gun is the answer to all conflict. There are many times that you shouldn't bring a gun to a knife fight. Rick
  5. Doug, it is funny that you mention primers. I just bought 2000 of the Fed SP to begin with to try them out. My Glock is running a reduced striker spring and while I have never had a failure to fire because of a light primer strike with the Blazer, I saw that at nationals in Production the Fed primer was the number one choice and tried it. I will be buying some more primers today and will give the Win primers a try with the N320. Thanks for the help guys, it's really nice to have such a wonderful resource as my buds on the BE forums to push me back in the right direction if I get off course. Rick Crusher, N310 with a 147 grainer is not a published load and neither is N320 with a 147 grainer. Published loads start at N330 with the 147 grain pill.
  6. Congrats! You have been taking so much zhit these days (all in good fun of course) that you deserve a pat on the back for the tremendous job. Rick
  7. On the street I am going out the back door and forgetting about the 9 guys that I know where they are. In the game we call IDPA, I play by the rules and shoot damn fast. If you want to play the game to be more real life, more power to you. Just remember winning a game and living are two different things. If you want to be tactical IDPA isn't the place. Get off of the square range and play simunitions / force on force and open your eyes. I choose to play the game IDPA, but if someone wants to threat scan after a bank of targets, who am I to say that he looks silly. Funny as it may sound people react as they train. Rick
  8. Might have to try some N310 after all. I bought 4 pounds of N320 which should equal over 8000 rounds. Should be done with it before the end of May and I might spring for just a pound of the 310 to try. I could bring the power factor up some more and see what I get. Again, the 140 pf of the Blazer round isn't missed. I have shot about 1500 rounds of the Zero 147s in the last few weeks and like them alot. The stuff meters wonderfully through the Dillon powder measure so I am not as concerned about fluctuating weights of powder being thrown. Rick
  9. Thanks for the response RevChuck. I loaded and chronied some at 3.3 and that gave me an average of 873 fps out of the G34 for a powerfactor of 128.331 with the stock G34 barrel. I went to 3.4 to get it closer to the 130 pf mark. I was actually wondering if the load was so mild and that is what was causing more residue. I shoot 3 times a week, 150 - 200 rounds at a time, so I usually clean my gun two or three times a month. These days, I have to clean it once a week. I usually clean it one session before a match. I clean, then shoot a practice session then go to the match. I don't like to tear it all apart and shoot a match without shooting it some. It probably doesn't matter but I did have a problem once that was my fault. I put the slide stop spring in wrong and had problems. I wouldn't want to find that out at the match so this is my routine. Interesting to hear about your Titegroup experience. Rick
  10. So I thought I did my research and settled on Vihta Vuori Oy N320 for a powder to match my Zero 147 grain JHP. I shot over 10,000 rounds of Blazer 115 grain ammo last year and had ZERO problems with it. It shot well and was exceptionally clean. My specific load is 3.4 grains of N320 under a Zero 147 JHP with a Fed primer. I find this dirty. Not just a little dirtier than the Blazer but my cleaning frequency is about doubled. I specifically choose this powder over 231 and Titegroup because I was looking for a clean powder. I thought of N310, but liked the added safety of the N320 with the 147 vs the N310. Is it my load or rather my expectations based on what I use to shoot? Thanks, Rick
  11. Looks like a great new intro. For the prices that they quote you can end up with a JP15 though. The prices that they are quoting are probably list and they can be had for less. Rick
  12. After a year of shooting the game and thinking that I was OK with the rules, I took the Level One course. I now am of the belief that "I didn't have a clue". I still have a lot to learn but my eyes were really opened up. One thing that struck me is that I believe the rules were always applied at each and every club. After taking the course I remembered many instances when what was done at a local match was not what was right according to the rules. So my training in what I thought were the rules was off. It helped me as a shooter and I can help the local club out.
  13. Clay1

    New 15" Macbook

    The kid has already hit me up for one of the new Power books for graduation. He is on his way to college and has a band. He thinks that the Apple will be better for his music applications. I'm more worried about his school work and being capatible with all the PCs. I haven't done the research lately. Would this new 15", $2000 baby be a good investment for a college kid or would a PC based laptop by Dell be better? Thanks, Rick
  14. The CZ wasn't worn down in any IDPA event.
  15. What else did you change? I'm glad things worked out for you. Many times it is a matter of what bullet at what velocity. I find bullet design makes the biggest difference, then velocity then which powder. It's nice to have a clean powder. I'm wondering if you are using the same bullet at a different velocity. Thanks, Rick
  16. Merlin, for SSP in the rules, cut and paste: "EXCLUDED Modifications (NON-Inclusive list): 1. Externally visible modifications other than grips or sights. 2. Robar style grip reduction." Number two is not listed under Excluded modifications for ESP or CDP. Like Ted said if you do this to your G34 you are now in ESP. It doesn't specifically say that you can but it tells you where you can't. I think that you will be fine. Rick
  17. Cking said: "I get excited after seeing the cover." Well I got excited about the Glock add in this months publication. Dirtypool, thanks for the article, I enjoyed it - keep them coming. Rick
  18. The Dillon seems to be the ticket these days. I loaded over 10,000 rounds one season on my Mec 9000G. It's a nice unit but I think I would opt for the Dillon these days. They are not my units, I'm not selling anything, but I did see two of the Dillons on Ebay yesterday while looking through the Dillon stuff for sale. Rick
  19. No problems with the XD in IDPA and yes you will be in Enhanced service pistol. Stock Service Pistol is for double action and the "safe action" Glock. Springfield advertises the pistol as a single action weapon and Enhanced Service Pistol is for Single action weapons. Govitman, I like the way you think. You will shoot more with the 9mm because it is less expensive to shoot. You're in for some serious fun. Remember that you can take that same gun and try USPSA too. Here is a nice link with a club locator. You just put in your zip code and it will give you clubs in your area. http://www.uspsa.org/ On the left hand side it says: "Where can I find a match?" Click on that. Have fun.
  20. I did more research this morning. From the S&B website: "Louis Sellier, a French merchant, received the privilege to manufacture percussion caps for infantry firearms in its newly founded factory in Prague from Franz I., the Emperor of Austria. Shortly afterwards he invited his countryman, Jean Maria Nicolaus Bellot, to join the company. Under his leadership the manufacture quickly gained momentum and Sellier & Bellot products soon established themselves on both European and overseas markets." So yes indeed the names are French and the company was founded in the Czech republic and remains Czech to this day. I guess if nothing else the years of French in college will have some use after all. I will say Sel li eh and Bel low and be done with it then my friends will correct me and say Sel leR and Bel loT and I can give them all of this background. All this for an ammo that I don't shoot and don't care to reload, but an interesting thread none the less. Rick
  21. Boga, in response to your statement: "its not how I hold the gun but how I use the sights in relation to target." In our action pistol sport your index is so important. You should be able to look at a target, close you eyes and draw; when you open up your eyes the sights should be aligned. Index allows you to pull the trigger the moment your arms are extended because your sights do line up and you are not searching for them. Index and sight picture are a combined technique used to shoot quickly. Just a thought to consider. Rick
  22. On saying Leo Pold in Wisconsin, we had the fortune of having a nationally recognized conservationalist in Aldo Leopold and his name is often used in hunting circles and that might have caused some confussion as well. Thanks on the Fee Oh Key pronounciation. Rick
  23. Thanks Middleman, almost forgot about this thread. I've heard it Sel - ler many times too - just that the "I" in SellIer had me wondering. While typing the response to your post I decided to call the company see how they say it. The offices were closed and a gentleman with a southern accent was on the recorded announcement. He said it like you said Middleman. The "i" in SellIer was silent and the "T" in Bellot was a hard "T". Bel - loT. I recomended this same technique, to call the company and ask, for a friend of mine that kept saying Leo Pold. I guess that I should have taken my own advice earlier too. Thanks for the comments everyone. On Fiocchi I have heard it two ways: Fee ah chi and Fee oh chi, so what is it Middleman? Rick
  24. Squishy is a 2011 boy and I would agree if you are use to that grip angle the XD is the choice. Newguy said: "I also can't see spending $135 for a trigger job plus shipping for a gun that cost less than $500". If you tried Rich's trigger and shot the gun you might find out why people spend that amount of money. Again, fantastic trigger that changes the accuracy potential of the gun for many people. Still a Glock fan after all of that - USPSA nationals this year: 54 Glocks to 6 XD's. Those numbers will change over time but those are still the numbers this year. Now if you want confusion throw the CZ line of very nice pistols in the mix. Rick
  25. Doug, Glocks don't need a lot of lube. You especially don't want any lube at all in the stiker channel. Many people have had great success with Mobil One (the heavier one that goes to 50 weight - stays on the slide better). I clean my Glocks between 500 and 1000 rounds. Have fun with your trigger kit, I like mine. Rick
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