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Everything posted by Kraj

  1. "I buy a threaded barrel will this be legal in carry optics. I would like to get a threaded barrel because ultimately I would like to run a supressor on this for my nightstand gun" His gun didn't come with a factory threaded barrel. I don't think it's a issue because as far as I know no guns on the production list come with threaded barrels from the factory.
  2. Production rules "BARRELS: Current rules remain in effect - you may replace the barrel with an OFM or aftermarket barrel which is of the same length, contour and caliber as the original barrel for that model of gun" A threaded barrel isn't the same length so that's a no go for production. While the gun might be legal it isnt with the threaded barrel. Carry optics rules BARRELS: Current rules remain in effect - you may replace the barrel with an OFM or aftermarket barrel which is of the same length, contour and caliber as the original barrel for that model of gun. appendix d7, carry optics, provisional - uspsa https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://uspsa.org/document_library/2015/APPENDIX-Carry%2520Optics%2520Provisional%2520Division.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwi88b361fHNAhUHNiYKHQitByEQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNFnZBSaXClbKkdruxlkMcwH3yavGQ&sig2=ir1HAkzJkurhr3844tFsYw
  3. I think access to a crony is important for power factor. But it's just as easy to borrow one. I use mine maybe once a year if I don't switch divisions or bullet weights.
  4. I can't reply but yes. I use the sharpie to make sure I kept the part I was filing flat
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B89Q-VVttMu4anBkenZ5TmhPOUE/view?usp=drivesdk Remove from under the wing until they both actions will drop the hammer.
  6. This was all came from me running a left handed shooter. She took out the mag, and I saw a round fly out when she racked the slide. I went on with the commands and she asked if I saw the chamber to which I replied I didn't need to and it was on the shooter. She mumbled something about how Im supposed to or something like that as she holsters and we got to scoring. I'm not going to say that not looking is more safe than looking but I don't buy that it's unsafe either. Not any more potential unsafe than running around with loaded guns. If the shooter reloads with their finger in the trigger guard they are done, if they reload with their finger closer than I would like I don't yell finger as a warning. I feel like I'm there to say the range commands, stop the shooter if they do anything unsafe and if they don't it's all on the shooter. If they can't unload their gun, that they are in control of, they shouldn't be shooting that day anyways
  7. How important is it to you to see an empty chamber when you are running the timer? If I'm in a good position to see it and the shooter holds the slide back I will look, but if they don't I'm not that worried about it. "if clear hammer down" puts the responsibility on the shooter to make sure the gun is unloaded before they drop the hammer. If they mess it up its their dq. I don't understand why some ros will make shooters lock the slide back again while they double check the chamber. Even if you notice there is magazine still in the gun would you stop the shooter? Would that be considered coaching? If you can guarantee you will every shooter from dqing that way I think it's better to issue the range commands, make sure everything stays safe, and leave the shooter to make their won mistakes.
  8. If you reload the cost between the two is a wash as well. I would go with 9 if you are going to shoot production and 40 if your not sure or might want to shoot limited. 40 minor is awesome
  9. I would start with the striker spring. zev has a light and then a lighest and i had to go with the lightest or it would pull the slide out of battery on my 17
  10. I can't speak for 3 gun but if you want to shoot uspsa and are willing to drive a little there is a match every Sunday. Here is all the local uspsa/steel challenge/ idpa matches in the state http://uspsamichigansection.org/uploads/Matches_In_Michigan_list_2016_v1.pdf
  11. Kraj

    best two

    Virginia Count. 5 shots per target in WSB, but 5 Alpha's and 1 Charley on the target. How do you score that if you don't take away a hit? If the wsb says best five score the best 5 and apply penalties as necessary. You don't need to take away any hits
  12. Kraj

    best two

    For Virginia scoring? If one shot misses the intended target and hits another I score it as a miss on the target with one hole and a extra shot on the target with 3 holes. Best 2 per paper for score. Stacked shots (i.e. obviously shooting more than the required rounds on a target(s) while shooting other target(s) with fewer shots than specified in any string) I read obviously as intentionally
  13. i was reading up on how other people did it and it seems whenever i want to build something i end up on ar15.com. I havnt done it but it looks interesting. https://www.ar15.com/forums/t_6_42/336900_.html scroll down to see the improved version.
  14. I wouid send them back and order from somewhere else. No way should you have to modify new mags to get them to function
  15. I turn it off while im loading. if i dont think to turn it back on when it doesn't drop one i take one out of the hopper as i turn it on and it catches up.
  16. 9.1.4 says how to score it. It doesnt say anything about the shooter being able to stop themselves so they are out of luck
  17. Thanks for the input. Ill definitely look into bags if the weight gets annoying. I was more worried about the riding gear than the shooting gear. Ive never had anything stolen at matches and generally speaking everyone i have met was a great person but leaving your stuff laying around is just asking for someone to take it
  18. My average since I got it is 48 ..going 70 on the highway its somewhere in the mid 50s.
  19. A few months ago I bought a motorcycle. Ive been riding to work and any trips that its possible to use it for. Im hoping to ride it to matches because I mostly commute to matches by myself. I have a gps hooked up and im pretty sure i can condense my range bag down to a backpack. Anyone have any advice on what works for them? Its a Ninja 650 so saddle bags really arnt an option. My first thought it where you store your riding gear during the match (jacket, gloves, boots)? Ive got about as much money wrapped up into gear as a new gun. Thanks for any suggestions
  20. If it uses the same grips as the stock 3 you can have my stock wood grips. I'm not going to use them
  21. The one time I did it I just put the oven as low as it would go, no problems
  22. From the production appendix "Replacement grip panels are allowed provided they do not extend below the butt of the gun to form a make-shift magwell."
  23. Hornady won't work out of the box with coated. I opened the die fingers up with a sharpie and now it works great. The noise if annoying but how much it turning itself off is up to you
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