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Everything posted by kneelingatlas

  1. My Shadow ran Winchester and CCI primers (no light strikes) with a stock firing pin, CGW reduced power FP spring and 11.5# hammer spring. Combined with a CGW trigger return spring and CZ race hammer it had a 5.5# DA and sub 2# SA. I think the polishing is just as important as the springs in preventing light strikes with light triggers.
  2. Henning, I was under the impression your IPSC pads would fit in the Production box (227.01mm x 152.40mm x 41.28mm) since they were designed for the IPSC box (225mm x 150mm x 45mm)?
  3. Awesome! Did you try the Match adjustable rear?
  4. Order these springs from CGW: Reduced power trigger return spring Reduced power firing pin return spring 11.5# hammer spring You might as well throw in an extended firing pin while you're at it. Take two of these and call me in the morning
  5. What kind comp do you have? How long is your barrel? Is it 38 super?
  6. Ah 115s... makes sense. I suggest you load some at 7.5 and see where you're at.
  7. I guess the MSRP on a basic Shadow is about that.
  8. 9 grains sounds a little nuts! How long is your barrel? I have a short Tanfo with a 4.1" barrel which made 171PF with 8.0 grains of HS6 and a 124 grain bullet. My CZ (5.1" barrel) makes 172 PF with 7.6 grains and a 124. Even my Tanfo Gold Team with 12 holes in the barrel only took 8.3 grains to get 164PF with a 124. Are you sure "they" weren't talking about loads for 115s?
  9. Shadows are really half that up there? They run about $1,300 in the US.
  10. In the US the Shadow and the Stock II are priced about the same.
  11. I would suggest getting a handful of 10 rounders and calling it a day.
  12. I have shot Xtreme plated 100gr bullets at 1650fps with no problems out of my CZ, but I've heard people with tight comps have trouble.
  13. I use rifle primers just because that's what everyone does but I'm not sure how necessary it is. I loaded some with spp and they both look the same to me after firing.
  14. I don't get this attitude that it HAS to be the shooter? If you can shoot tight groups consistently at various speeds, why not adjust the sights to put those groups in the center? It's not like you can't change it back if you were wrong. I prefer iron sights to adjustable, but I'm insistent on shots going where I want them so I drift/file to make it so and don't ever worry about that pistol again.
  15. True, I guess I'm assuming if the shooter can hit center +-7.5cm in the direction they're moving they won't be more than 14cm+- in the direction they're not...
  16. I haven't figured that out yet... I've finally loaded some of each at what I think is the same PF with the same powder and I plan to do some testing next weekend. I shot some 100 grain bullets which were awesome buy had loading issues, someone also brought to my attention that 112gr is the minimum weight for major.
  17. Plated bullets will not lead the comp, but FMJs may lead a little, but if that's what you have use them. Your Glock may have issues with loading JHPs long. If you haven't bought the bullets yet I vote for plated or CMJ round nose bullets. As far as the OAL you need to test your particular barrel with your particular bullets. The bullet weight/ brand will effect how long you can load too. Also be sure to check the mags, if I load as long as my barrel will allow, my mags will cause feed problems.
  18. I think this target array is a well designed delema, because both approached have their pitfalls: the penalty for a miss at the heads is only a mike but a miss at the bodies is a M/NHS, but the reward for a hit on the head may be a B whereas a hit on the body is a guaranteed A. It forces the shooter to consider minor/major scoring, rounds in the gun, and their own confidence. I go for the bodies... ...but then again I have cruised through the stage and seen two tight hits right on the edge of the NS.
  19. I don't know how much having someone else shoot it helps. I started shooting compeditively at 11 so I'd like to say my fundamentals are pretty strong; I have a friend who is also capable of cloverleaf groups at 10-15 yards and when he and I switch guns I shoot a ragged hole 3" low and 3" left while he shoots the same pattern 3" high and three inches right. Along time ago I became covinced that different eyes see the same objects in different ways, the fact that adjustable sights exist seems to support that theory.
  20. It looks good Bamboo, I too have a 6" barrel just sitting around waiting for just the right project.
  21. Can you post a picture of a target? How big are your groups at ten yards?
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