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Everything posted by HOGRIDER

  1. Dirt: First let me say THANK YOU! for talking with your Buddy and getting some better info! My press is ordered in 9mm. I can understand how some calibers may be "further along" than others; and I understand that Dealers are in line just as private sales are. I would expect as much! My first point is that I don't think there would be any difference in small pistol calibers going out as 9mm/38S/40S&W, etc, all would use the same setup except for the actual dies and caliber specific small parts. Again, small pistol setups should require a basic platform to start with. Primer system, Case Feeder, Powder Measure, etc..... Secondly, I just expect, from a company such as Dillon Precision, to follow and conform to their statement that: Thanks again Dirt!
  2. While I am completely sympathetic to the COVID 19 pandemic that has literally shut most of our county down, I also realize there are Shooting Sports Industries and Manufacturers that are still producing their products while protecting their employees and maintaining State and/or Federal guidelines. Most, as we are aware, have closed their retail sides down and are conducting business through online portals only. However, we see in this one thread, where consumers such as ourselves are receiving their Dillon RL1100s after a brief waiting period which is expected............and outlined on Dillon's website!
  3. At this point, I'm not sure anyone (at Dillon) that's answering the phone is giving any solid information on what's actually going on there! I'm hearing this COVID 19 situation has some of their manufacturers shut down, and they don't know when parts will be received or complete machines shipped again. Sorry, but I don't buy it! Yes, Dillon popping in for some solid information would be nice........
  4. Ordered 9mm! And yes, I understand that there are conflicting dates "depending on who you talk to"..........but I just finished talking with an established Dillon Dealer, and he said he did not expect any RL1100 orders to come in until around the latter part of May! I'm so very disappointed in Dillon's Customer Service right now........
  5. Congratulations to those that have received their RL1100s! Dillon told me today I was 8 weeks out on my January 27th order. SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. ALL: Decided to take a chance and call Dillon Precision. At 11:00 am Eastern, I was 21st caller in que. Finally got to talk with Bob, and UNFORTUNATELY he said it would be another 8 weeks on my RL1100 that was ordered January 27th. Blamed it on some of their US parts suppliers had closed due to the Covid 19 situation. Also shared that everything was made in the US except their electric motors as no one in the US offered them. This has to be the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced with Dillon Precision!!!!!! For those that have received their machines, CONGRATULATIONS!
  7. Dirt: Truly glad to hear your machine is on it's way! Congrats!
  8. SeattleDude: I'm truly happy you got your press that quick! Just a bit unsettled that after talking with several people at Dillon, they've been preaching 4 more weeks on my order that's 10 weeks old tomorrow! Thanks again for your confirmation........and hope you post more info on the RL1100 once you've had time to get comfortable with it!
  9. Dirt: Thanks for the info...........I'm just a little confused on how this happened:
  10. Hey SD: Just for clarification, this info you shared elsewhere is Correct? Thanks again!
  11. FWIW: Talked to "supposedly" someone higher up in Customer sales, and he's saying delays in manufacturing, supply, heat treat, etc have all played a part in delays; however, the primary problem is the enormous amount of back orders they have for the RL1100; and they can only build so many in a day........he also mentioned the CP2000 WAS NOT available and was on back order! My order placed January, 27th is about #16 in line; and will be approximately another 4-6 weeks before it's ready to ship. He also stated they went through the same delays when the Super 1050 was released............ SMH..............
  12. Dirt: I really appreciate you sharing this info with me. And, I would think more of the Dillon Reps if they would simply be honest and tell it like it is to those of us who have been waiting patiently! I agree their quality control and their Customer Service has been a huge let down as of late. And if the Reps feel so bad about the situation, why not offer a discount for those that are experiencing these huge delays rather that sugar coating it with "we're having supplier issues"............. SMH!!! Gonna start reading up on the M7 threads and try to remain patient.......but my patience is growing thin.......and yes, that price difference on the M7 Evo is definitely a hold back for me; however I"m sure the CNC manufactured parts/components are much higher quality! Thanks again!
  13. IMO, 13-15 weeks is not acceptable when their website has every other model available for purchase! Since the CP2000 is available, I'm having a hard time understanding just what's so very different on the RL1100 that's causing these massive delays? I too am starting to do my research on the M7 Evo!
  14. Not really looking for speculation...........if so, I'd refer to these posts and videos: https://www.dillonprecision.com/rl1100-release-date_350_14_4234.htm More "speculation"? https://forums.brianenos.com/topic/270817-cp2000-and-rl1100/?do=findComment&comment=3055062 https://forums.brianenos.com/topic/279294-dillon-rl1100-update-from-dillon-today/ And I sure don't buy the "speculation" that the pandemic has delayed manufacturing this type of product. Anyone have solid info for delays from any other progressive press manufacturers? Since I've not owned a Dillon "commercial" grade press, I'm wondering if there was this type of delay when Dillon released the Super 1050? Any original purchasers what to chime in? Maybe I'm expecting too much..........especially since Mike Dillon is not around anymore..........
  15. Anyone know what's up with the RL1100 machines being unavailable? Monday the 23rd will be 8 weeks since I placed my order (9mm), and when I asked on the "chat" window if Dillon was getting close, some smart-a** said 4-6 more weeks; and if that was not acceptable, I could call the toll free number and cancel my order! Any Dillon reps here that can shed some light as to what's going on? I've been a customer since the 1980's and never experienced this poor Customer Service from Dillon Precision! Thanks for any insight.......
  16. IMO, it all depends on who you talk to! At just over 4 weeks after I placed my order, I started a chat session with whoever answered, and he stated that current orders were being told 13 weeks! So, there you go............
  17. Today makes 6 weeks since I ordered my RL1100. Was also originally quoted 4-6 weeks when ordered.......... Contacted (through Live Chat) the guy that took my order, and he said they were struggling with getting the components to build them with. He apologized...... and said probably at least another 2 weeks. No comment when I mentioned that their website states 4-6 weeks.
  18. Trace: Thanks for sharing your load information! I've got ~5k of the Zero 147g JHP and want to develop an accurate load for, primarily, my '19 Stac P. Of course, I've got plenty of N320. This will definitely prove useful! Anxiously waiting for an RL1100....... Thanks again.
  19. Specifically for an STI pistol: http://www.1911store.com/tunedtriggergroupbcg-proseries.aspx
  20. I think this video would also apply to the 1911 platform.....
  21. Google may be your friend........... https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTBbn2PYgukZFGhtD5Xtcxdit8iIg%3A1581088618662&ei=an89Xu6FKIjmsAXWqJ3oAw&q=Long+or+Medium+1911+Trigger&oq=Long+or+Medium+1911+Trigger&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.2586.7586..11316...0.2..0.132.1438.2j11......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0j33i160j33i299j33i22i29i30.GyaioxTYGMM&ved=0ahUKEwju4uSL3r_nAhUIM6wKHVZUBz0Q4dUDCAs&uact=5
  22. IMO, the Extreme Engineering Lite Speed Hammer along with the Ultra Low Mass Sear is as close to a professional drop in kit as any I have experienced! The Wire EDM machining produces a mirror polished primary AND secondary angle on the sear along with a mirror finish on the hammer hooks. There's also a debris channel provided on the base of the hammer hooks. The sears I have used are usually .4045"-.4050" and have not required any modifications to the thumb safety. I have seen the Residual Resistance of a 1911 style pistol drop from 16oz down to 6.6oz using nothing more that the EE hammer and sear. EGW and Harrison's sears are also averaging .404" and usually work well in STIs. My Staccato P came with a .404" sear as did my Son's. Another option for not having to replace the thumb safety is to purchase EGW's long sear (~.407") and stone the primary down to +.005" of your existing sear length using any of the available sear jigs. My favorite is the Warner Precision True Radius Pro. https://shop.harrisoncustom.com/hd-806-true-radius-pro-sear-stoning-jig HTHs!
  23. Was also using the Uniquetek/whidden clamped tool heads on my XL650 before it was sold. IMO, there was a noticeable improvement of COAL variations.
  24. Bjay: I corrected my info above...... Here is quote directly from Cheely: As he points out the STI grip uses a trigger shoe width of approximately .240". If installing a Geppart X-Line or similar trigger that comes with an approximately .246" width trigger shoe, then you have no choice but to enlarge the width of the grip's trigger shoe channel.
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