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Posts posted by HOGRIDER

  1. 9 minutes ago, Dirtchevy841 said:

    Good choice. You gonna love it and also saving the extra money for other goodies. I am really impressed with it. I did have done shall parts missing like other members mentioned. Parts I was missing were 2 located pins and 1 blue tab. Also was missing the eye hold bolt that holds the return rod for measure. Dillon sent the parts right out and I thought it would take 7-10 days maybe like the rep said but when I got it in 3 days in bold marker on top of invoice it had rush order priority press parts missing on a new rl 1100. I am very glad I stuck with Dillon. Maybe in the future I’ll give m7 a shot but got my needs this press is by far better than my 1050. Good deal Hog. Let us know what you think. 


    Sure appreciate the words of encouragement................and I hope there's not a lot missing when the press arrives.  But I'll have some flexibility to give Dillon a reasonable opportunity to make things right.  This sure has been a stressful 12+ weeks of waiting on this thing.  FWIW, I did see one guy post on FB that he had been waiting since December!  So things can always be worse!


    Yea, I'm still liking that M7 Evo and hope to see Lyman take this bull by the horns and really promote it!


    Will definitely take time to offer some feedback once I'm up and running.  I definitely plan on knowing this RL1100 inside and out before I get totally settled in.......



  2. Just wanted to chime in with an update................


    I had seriously been researching and reading/watching everything I could on the Mark 7 Evo since I was so aggravated with this unexplainable delay in getting the RL1100.  And trust me, I can appreciate the precision parts that make up the M7 Evo plus I really like the option of having 10 stations!  I understand how CNC machined parts just naturally cost more than other, non precision machined parts.  I learned a lot, during my 3 hour tour of STI Guns last fall, about the investment costs of 3 and 5 axis CNC machines.  But they are a sight to behold just watching how this procedure takes place............


    Anyhow, today I received my email from Dillon saying  "We're almost ready to ship yours.  Please phone us with your credit card number.  Due to the high volume of calls, we are unable to call out to customers."  After being the 14th caller in que, I thought I might as well stay with it as I had seen other callers here getting 30+ callers in que.  Finally got connected to "Bob" who was very nice and let me know he was working from a remote location (home?) and felt like the order was ready to be sent out very soon.  He was very cordial, and felt like the big delay in shipping the RL1100 had been due to "several" parts suppliers either shutting down for the COVID 19 epidemic; or simply could not keep up with the enormous demand and decided to drop out.  He said the CS Representatives had literally been bombarded with upset customers wanting to know where their RL1100 was!  And the crew that was doing the assembling and setup/testing of the RL1100s were under so much pressure, that a friendly joke about "whats the hold up" would be met with extremely harsh responses!  I did appreciate his willingness to try and help me understand the situation they had been dealing with..............


    I just want to say that my previous experience of dealing with Dillon Precision since the 1980s undoubtedly won over and convinced me that completing this purchase was the right thing to do.


    Thanks to everyone that chimed in, and I look forward to gaining some experience with my first "commercial grade" press.  







  3. 1 hour ago, DJRyan13 said:


    Looks like he is using the old springs to make sure it retracts back. At this angle, you can’t see if he added the safety. 


    I bought an old SDB press which had the springs. I think that was standard at one time. 

    Yea, tmz confirmed in another thread............

    The powder measure did not take any additional work I do not use the return bar or maybe they call it the safety bar I’ve always used a double spring on all the Dillon  loaders I’ve owned throughout the years I’ve never had any issues with this set up.


    My concern is where is the Pistol Powder Funnel located on the Mark 7 he uses?........



  4. 11 minutes ago, mayassa said:

    How did you use a dillon powder station on this press?  Would you please take a few pictures?  Thanks

    Same here!


    And tmz, are you able to use the MBF expander under the Dillon powder measure like a Dillon press would do?  Or does the Mark 7 have a separate station for expanding the mouth of pistol cases?  I'm 100% committed to using the MBF expander insert for my pistol reloading!



  5. On 4/16/2020 at 4:33 PM, kamber said:

    He now sells an alternative design, which utilizes two bullet drop holes; one that drops bullets in the correct orientation down to your press like a traditional bullet feeder would, and another that drops incorrectly oriented bullets into a tray that you will have to manually put back into the bullet feeder for another go-around.


    While $200 is a substantial savings, I'm just wondering if the aggravation of dealing with "two" bullet drop holes is worth it?



  6. 4 hours ago, kamber said:

    Be aware that "Karl Bibb's Reloading" on Facebook will not sell you a bullet feeder that utilizes a ramp to flip bullets who's orientation is not correct, like you are used to on the MBF. This is because DAA came down on him for that when he was selling something similar to AmmoMike83's original design. He now sells an alternative design, which utilizes two bullet drop holes; one that drops bullets in the correct orientation down to your press like a traditional bullet feeder would, and another that drops incorrectly oriented bullets into a tray that you will have to manually put back into the bullet feeder for another go-around.


    This design that utilizes two holes is available on Thingiverse if you'd like to print your own.

    You can still find the original AmmoMike83 ramped bullet feeder design on Thingiverse as well. This is the one I prefer, because it avoids the need to replace the incorrectly oriented bullets back into the feeder. Despite AmmoMike83 getting cease-and-desist'd by DAA and taking down all his .STL's, it's all there on Thingiverse and has been made available by other users who had the .STL's. If you search for "bullet feeder mods", you'll find what you're looking for.


    As far as durability/longevity goes, that will depend on how optimally setup/tuned the printer was, the material used (PLA vs PETG, etc.), and the amount of fill used.


    It takes a little less than half a roll of material (rolls are typically 1kg) to print a bullet feeder. A high quality roll of PLA costs $20-$25, and a high quality roll of PETG costs $25-$30. There are two models of motor that people typically choose from, they range from $15 to $40. Popular budget-level printers like the Ender 3 start at $250 and go up from there.


    I have a Mark 7 Evolution on order and intend on printing my own case and bullet feeders. I never owned a 3D printer and knew nothing about them, but decided this was as good an excuse as any to order one and familiarize myself with 3D printing; I have a feeling its going to come in handy for many other things down the line and be just as rewarding as reloading will be. So, I bought a Prusa i3 MK3S to go along with the Mark 7 and look forward to getting into both hobbies.


    Once I get my press and 3D printer in, I plan on making a thread detailing my process and lessons learned as far getting everything printed, setup, tuned, etc.


    Thanks for the detailed info on Karl Bibb.  As I've not owned/operated a bullet feeder, I was a bit confused why he was producing a product that had two different drops for the bullets!  Thanks to your info, I now get it!  ;)


    Also looking forward to your upcoming threads on your new Evo and the associated 3D printed products!



  7. 26 minutes ago, tmz said:

    The first picture in the “Range Panda” website is actually my old system.

    It worked very well removing the bullet feeder off of the case feeder to keep it more stable from the press.

    Then it made me think, why not do the same with the case feeder and isolate the both of them from the press so there’s no movement from either.

    It’s one of the best set up’s that I’ve ever done and I’ve been reloading for a very long time.

    It also gave the opportunity to have way more space around the press for maintenance and a much cleaner look.

    Then I just put the bullet feeders back on the case feeder being that the Mr. bullet feeder new mount is very versatile. 
    I then ran all the wiring through the post and underneath the bench, both of my presses  also have sensors for the maintenance counter. 
    With a little creativity there was really no need  for two case feeders anymore, at least for my purposes.
    Anyways here’s a couple pictures hope it helps someone out. 




    As someone that's having a LONG wait on the Dillon RL1100 and is considering the Mark 7 Evo, would you mind explaining your setup?


    It appears your using Mark7 presses (Evos?) along with a Dillon Powder Measure and of course the Dillon Case Feeder.  Does it take special procedures and/or parts to use the Dillon powder measure on the Mark 7 press?


    I absolutely like the additional stations of the M7 Evo; but don't really care for the fact the Current Evo is $1k more than the RL1100 along with no dies included; and 1/2 the warranty of Dillon.  And we're all aware of the exceptional "after the sale" service and warranty of Dillon Precision............


    Another member mentioned there were options available from M7, such as deleting the Case Feeder and Powder Measure, that could add up to substantial savings on the initial purchase.


    Hope this helps with the reasoning behind my questions..........



  8. 3 hours ago, chgofirefighter said:

    Has anyone purchased them?  Not from Fleabay but from another source, such as Facebook reloading groups, etc?  I have a friend that has purchased a few and he has not had any issues but I questioned their durability plastic vs aluminum built, etc.  They seem to be an alternative for those that don't want to spend $400+ but at $180 cost to $200 is it really worth it?  I have the DAA bulletfeeder on my Mark7 but I also have a Dillon RL1100 thats in need of a bullet feeder but since I won't be using the Dillon as often as the Mark7 I'm not sure wether to spend the money or save the money...  




    This guy seems to have a solid following over on FaceBook; but I've not dealt with him.........yet........ ;)





  9. Quote

    My perception is that the Mark 7 Evolution is a far superior machine; the Dillon ends up being nowhere near less expensive enough for me to even remotely consider it over the Evolution. Plus, I'd much rather not deal with primer tubes, so that's a big advantage awarded to the Mark 7.

    Hope some of that info is helpful!


    Just wanted to chime in and say THANK YOU! for all the detailed information you and others have provided!  


    This will truly be helpful as I start down that rabbit hole towards finalizing my decision between the two presses.


    Thanks again, and THANK YOU for your Service to our Country!



  10. 39 minutes ago, Sigarmsp226 said:

    What burns my ass is that this $2000 machine is not designed to allow the end user to use a powder checker, bullet feeder, a seating die, and crimp die together....Being older and having Experienced a squib on my 550 years ago I sold the 550 and bought the 650 so I could use a powder check...The security that this device provides for me is priceless....


    Now I have to decide what I am willing to do without between these four processes/operations and I bought the RL1100 to have the capability to utilize all of these processes/devices with one pull of the handle as well as the regular processes that occur up to and including the powder drop.....


    Totally agree with your assessment! 


    Now, I've noticed this alternative that sure looks interesting!




    At least there are options..................

  11. 16 hours ago, kamber said:

    Just wanted to post this here in case anyone else finds themselves in the same boat and would prefer to purchase a bare Mark 7 Evolution press at a lower price-point than the default configuration on the website:


    - A Mark 7 Evolution WITHOUT case feeder, mechanical powder measure, and standard priming system costs $1899.95 + shipping.\

    (I opted for this bare bones configuration to save some money since I'm planning on purchasing their Oscillated Automated Primer Collator when it is released this summer, 3D printing my own case feeder, and installing a Hornady powder measure kit from MidSouth which is rougly 1/3 the price of the Mark 7 powder measure)


    - Mark 7/Lyman will discount their products 10% for military service members (active duty, veteran, etc.)


    There isn't an option to buy a bare system or receive a military discount on their website, but if you email Mr. Joseph Angelo at joea@lymanproducts.com, he will get you taken care of. Thanks much to @DJRyan13 for putting me in touch with him. Joe is a Gulf War veteran himself, and was extremely timely and thorough with responding to my emails and questions; I cannot recommend him enough.


    After seriously looking at the Mark7 Evo, you have really caught my attention with this discounted price which removes the case feeder, pm, and standard priming!


    In my situation, I would want the standard priming system to start with; can you guesstimate the additional cost for this?


    Also, I'm thinking as you that the Hornady PM kit from MidSouth would work fine.......does it offer the same accuracy as say the standard Dillon powder measures?  I mostly use N320.....


    Finally, my choice for a case feeder would be a Dillon Case Feeder.  In your opinion, would that be a wise choice to start with?


    Thanks for your feedback!


    Stuck in the RL1100/MK7 Evo tossup!



  12. 1 hour ago, helocat said:

    Maybe someone with th RL1100 can post a photo of the left side of the press.   


    @chevrofreak I saw that too on the AmmoBot website you have to call Dillon and order the parts to set up the 2nd primer pocket station.   The few photos I have seen of the RL1100 it looks like the frame casting is same as the CP2000.   Attached is the drawing from AmmoBot showing the parts you have to buy from Dillon.   The plate part number #13064 looks like it goes on the two cast threaded points on the left side of the frame. 

    Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 4.07.02 PM.png


    From this pic (post #2) it appears the holes are there.....but does the tool head need that window that's on the right side?



  13. On 4/10/2020 at 10:30 AM, Nc1911 said:

    Could someone please answer the question,  on the new 1100 can you run a powder check die with the bullet feeder and use separate seat and crimp dies?

      Looks like a Mark 7 is the machine to order.


    While seriously considering the Mark 7 due to these unfortunate delays at Dillon Precision, I too was wondering if the 10 stations of the Mark 7 would allow the powder check and bullet feeder in addition to the separate seat and crimp stations........which does not appear to be an option on the RL1100..........


    Seems UR has explained this feature in a new video:



  14. 1 hour ago, LeviSS said:

    Ordered March 8, delivered April 7 direct from Dillon.  9mm.


    Glad you received your machine; although with a few parts missing..........


    I'm still trying to process how some orders are being sent out while older ones in the same caliber are at a standstill.........


    Thanks again!

  15. 1 hour ago, LeviSS said:

    I got mine today and was very happy until...


    I had 5 locator buttons and tabs instead of 6.  No big deal, I could Rob one from my 550.


    And it is missing the 3/8" eye bolt that the powder return arm runs through.  This means that the powder drop will not work.


    So I have a 60lb paper weight on my bench.


    After an hour and ten minute wait on hold with Dillon they are sending me the parts.  The customer service was great, but this is pretty ridiculous to pay 2 grand for something and have it show up inoperable.


    I also found that I need a stand for the press because of the stroke, so I too ordered the micro mount.


    Would you mind sharing your order date....and did you buy Dillon direct?


    Thank you!

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