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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. OK......what possible advantage could a speedloader possibly have over moonclips??
  2. Bad enough all you moderators are a bunch of jack-booted high-steppers, now you gotta come here and try to entrap the revolver guys???? Shameful.
  3. Not that we're discussing this topic, John, but.... I would actually like Steel Challenge much better--and I think it would be a much better test of true shooting skills--if the stages changed every year and were revealed at the beginning of each match. Then we would get to see not who stood on the practice range the longest, but who is the best at shooting on demand. I'm fine with having a standards stage at the IRC every year, and I'm fine with it being a tough shooting test. They can shorten up the par times and add a 75 yard string for all I care. I just think they should vary the standards from year to year, so that there isn't so much advantage created by practicing the same damn thing over and over and over and "grooving it in." (Probably sounds weird for an old pin shooter to say that, huh?)
  4. Hey, would now be a good time to throw in my standard commentary about how the Near and Far Standards should be ditched in favor of a variable standards stage that changes from year to year??--in order to keep the match a better test of overall revolver shooting and not merely a measure of who's had the most time to set up and repetitively practice one very narrow and specific shooting task?? Is it a good time to suggest once again that ICORE needs to "de-Bianchi-fy" the IRC?? Nah, I'll think I'll just keep those thoughts to myself and let Doug get his loading data......
  5. Doug, are you planning to shoot in Limited Division at the IRC? Or are you going to run your "Starter Pistol on Steroids" in Open? (I'd sure like to go shoot that match again.) I'm not going to be much help on loads at this point, since my only real experience on the F&N was shot at the IRC in '07, which I shot with a 625. I shot a major-PF 185-gr. cast SWC on the long-range stuff, since there's no need to reload fast, and used the Berry's 185-gr. HBRN bullet for everything else. By happy coincidence, my long-range ammo hit where it pointed at 50 yards without re-adjusting sights on the line. (For those who don't know, it's legal at the IRC to use two different loads during the match, as long as both pass chronograph. It's also legal to adjust sights. It is not legal to use two different guns.) Running a 6-shooter at the IRC was fun, but next time I'll probably shoot an 8-rounder.
  6. Needknees and 'Pops, I've been sneaking a peek at your wheelgunning, and it looks like you guys are both doing very well, and having fun doing it! Nice job on Sunday--I'll catch up with you again in the spring (maybe even a little sooner). Let's hit some big matches next year with the revos.
  7. I messed with a lot of various TC and HP .40 bullets back when I was shooting my 646 more, and came away convinced that nothing works as well as true round-nose when it comes to reloading with speed and reliability.
  8. Hmmm....pretty pricey. With very little to choose from in a true RN .40 bullet, I guess the bullet-makers can take advantage.
  9. Sounds like all y'all had fun! Impressive that 30% of the Revolver shooters at this match were GMs!! Since my bitch Cliff managed to win the match, I guess that makes all the other Revo shooters in attendance my bitches by extrapolation. (Except, of course, for Annette Aysen, who is a wonderful and gracious wheelgunning lady--I cannot begin to imagine why she associates with the likes of the rest o' y'all.) I must admit I'm a little surprised that Cliff would travel to Tennessee considering his past experience with Hopalong (the man from Rammer) and Rodney May and their little bottle of special "cleaning fluid." Arriving at the scene of the crime at Area 5 a few years ago and finding Cliff all smeared and broken from the hilljacks' attack.....well, it's haunted me ever since. Fortunately, Cliff doesn't seem to remember a thing. Mercifully, the human mind tends to repress those memories when they are so horrifying as to become literally unbearable. I will say nothing further on the subject, other than this: "Mr. Clean," Hopalong? I think not. I'm looking forward to S&WIowegan filling me in on all the details!
  10. Yes, I definitely understand the cutting effect of the sharp little "apple corer" at the end of the ejector rod. I remember Rob Vlastelica suggested on here a couple years ago to file down the sharp end of the rod and install a crane ball lock if necessary to effectuate solid front lock-up. Not a bad idea. I've never really been all that excited about the aftermarket crane locks, normally I don't think they do much to help lock anything, but it might be worth reconsidering for this reason. I also noticed that you carried your Gatorade bottle with you when you shot that one stage. Didn't want your source of hydration to be too far out of reach, huh?
  11. Looking good, Pat! So what's with the glove? Did you and Tom Mainus go in together on a pair, or what?
  12. If we're talking about the stud attached to the frame directly behind the rebound slide being broken off, that's a repair that is beyond the capability of most local gunsmiths. Here, the answer is to send the gun back to the factory--not sure how viable an option that would be from the Netherlands.
  13. Hold on now, I don't want jurors that are too excited about being there, they tend to be the little nazi types who see the world only in terms of black and white, and are simply looking for an opportunity to exercise power over others. I understand reluctance, and I know it can be inconvenient. I want jurors who understand it's important and necessary to serve when called, and who are willing to perform their duty to our judicial system, and our society at large, even though it may be inconvenient. I consider those people my peers, and I ever got called into court as a defendant myself, I would want to be judged by my peers.
  14. Funny how some people get called for jury dury all the time, while some never seem to get called. (It's not necessarily based on voting records, by the way.) I'm on every list out there, listed phone number, property owner, taxpayer, voter, you name it.....I'm 42 years old and I've never been called for jury duty. Never once. On the other hand, my mother-in-law seems to be called for jury duty every couple of years. Weird how it works.
  15. I found the same thing for my 646. For whatever reason 646 steel moonclips were alot more expensive so the Rimz made a significant price difference. They shoot and unload fine. They are also very easy to load rounds and unload brass. But as said trying to do a speed reload isnt gonna work out to well. Same exact experience here with a 646. I'll pass on the Rimz clips. Not a bad concept, just doesn't quite cut it for any kind of serious use.
  16. There will be a night and day difference between anything the S&W Performance Center puts out, and the work of a top revolversmith like Randy Lee. I have seen Swingline staple guns that have better trigger pulls than some of the stuff put out by the Performance Center. So be forewarned. (FYI: Randy's work is excellent, and I have recommended him many times in the past. He is a top-flight gunsmith and a good man. One problem though--his turnaround time is extremely long right now. One of my shooting friends sent Randy a couple guns two and a half years ago, checked on them recently, and they're still not done. Now there can't be that much custom revolver work out there to create that kind of backlog--Randy must be working on other projects right now or something....) Anyway, just don't think that a PC gun isn't going to need action work to get it into shape for competition. Like any other S&W revolver, they're nice raw material from which a true gem can be forged!!
  17. That's largely a misapprehension, Dave. Good lawyers with good cases want smart juries. In my civil trial practice, I work very hard to avoid trying cases that can't be made with a straight face to a group of smart people. As a result, my win/loss ratio is very high. It is frustrating when people duck jury duty. Despite the initial reluctance to commit the time and effort, most people who serve as a juror wind up enjoying the experience.
  18. At the rate of one bowling pin match per year, I think I probably have a lifetime supply.
  19. Don't get too intrigued, there, Skippy. I don't want you blowing up my gun before I have a chance to buy it back.
  20. That's ballistically identical to my old .45 ACP pin loads! Shot loads of 'em over the years. Probably why my elbow hurts now.
  21. The kids and the mom in that family are quite attractive. The dad and the uncle.......wow, let's just say they have great personalities (like a rimfire revolver with a heavy action, right Neomet?) and leave it at that.
  22. Well now, that should definitely earn you a special mention on Hearthco's website, shouldn't it???
  23. It looks like Louis (LittleFFL) is growing his hair out. He must know that Cliff has a penchant for the locks of pubescent boys and has been known to pay very handsomely for the opportunity to add to his collection of boy hair.
  24. Cliff? I'll let you take this one....
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