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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. It's Las Vegas. The entire city is one big side event!!
  2. Chris, take another look at the fired case I included in the little baggie with your old sights. That's how they need to look, seated below flush to the point they are starting to flatten out. I shot 10 moonclips of my ammo (with well-seated Federal primers, of course) through your heater and got 100% perfect ignition. Using only properly-primed ammo is extremely important when shooting any revolver with a full competition action job in which the mainspring tension has been reduced substantially. If part of the energy from the hammer fall has to be used to final seat the primer, the gun will not go bang reliably--all the energy needs to go into indenting the cup and lighting off the round. You'll get it. I do strongly recommend hand-seating the primers, though. It's an extra step, but it's well worth the time.
  3. Mike, Take the primer seating pin out of the square deal and chamfer the end that seats the primers. I did this when I got my Randy guns and dont have to re-seat. The primer pin will go up into the primer pocket after chamfer. Dave Hmmmmm......interesting. I'll have to try that. Thanks Dave!
  4. I have heard this theory before, but nobody has ever been able to reliably substantiate that this actual scnenario has ever occurred in the real world. And frankly, I can't see how a few granules of powder trickling through the flash hole (I shoot mostly Clays, I doubt if those flakes are even capable of trickling through) would create a real risk anyway. There are lots of things in the world to worry about. From my perspective, this ain't one of them.
  5. Getting those primers crush-seated is critically important when your revolver's action is set for the optimal DA pull. Some presses will do a good job, but my little Square Deal B doesn't consistently seat them all the way, so I reseat all the primers on my match ammo by hand. I don't know the brand of my hand priming tool--it's an off-brand unit I found at Scheels a number of years ago. It's all steel and works great. Somebody had an RCBS priming tool listed on the Classifieds yesterday.
  6. I think shooting a revolver is different in that it requires a distinctive intentional trigger release motion after each trigger pull. Riding the trigger forward, and relying on the rebound spring to do the work, is a very bad habit with a revolver and causes the all-too-common "double-clutch" problem you sometimes see. I don't think my finger comes off the trigger, though, and I don't think anybody can successfully slap a DA trigger.
  7. No standards this year. Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down.
  8. Sorry, but anybody who thinks that Jerry won't handily win Open has been taking a few too many nips out of Elliot's "mouthwash" flask! I'd be somewhat surprised if anybody gets above 85% of Jerry in Open.
  9. Nope. I won't be attending this year, unfortunately, due to court-scheduled work conflicts. With the standards tossed out, Cliff will be the one to give Bagakis a race. Typically Cliff shoots a little faster and John shoots a little more accurately--this match will put them much more at parity than in years past. If Dan were to shoot the match, he would be right there in the thick of it, and I think the same could be said for me as well. So for my prediction, I would put Bagakis and Walsh at the top (not necessarily in that order), Burkholder in the number three spot, with Aysen and Austin rounding out the top five. If Nils shoots the match in Limited, he would be the easy favorite to win. Nils is a notch above the rest of us, and we all know it. The last couple times Nils shot the match, he beat all the other Limited shooters by a substantial margin--like 30 seconds! Obviously, if Leatham decides to shoot the IRC again in Limited, he would likely win it again.
  10. Here you go: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...137&hl=iowa We're almost full, but I can probably handle 1 or 2 more shooters. If interested, contact me before sending an entry form to be sure slots are available.
  11. I automatically re-ream the chambers on any 625-8 that has been sent in for action work. I don't think I've ever encountered a 625-8 in which my reamer didn't remove at least some material, but there is quite a bit of variation from one specimen to another. Your 625-8 with the "good" cylinder may have been from early in the run, or perhaps had a cylinder from an earlier series (S&W loves to use up all the old parts they find laying around).
  12. Mike, your gun is finicky only because it was dicked with by somebody who doesn't know what he's doing! There are several ways to lighten the DA pull that will work fine and last indefinitely, but backing out the strain screw and leaving it loose (the "redneck action job") is not one of them. Once your gun has been set up correctly, and you are able to use those Federal primers that you have ensured are well-seated, you should never have another problem.
  13. The 627-4 .38 Super can be made to function OK with some types of 9mm ammo--usually the extractor star needs to be relieved. Rob Leatham discovered this when he wanted to shoot Winchester factory ammo at the IRC a couple years ago. It was discussed here at length at the time. Unfortunately, it appears this modification does not produce acceptable accuracy with 9mm ammo, much less the 115-gr. generic ammo which (once upon a time) was cheap and readily available. I modified the extractor on mine and shot a couple matches using WWB 9mm ammo. It functioned decently, but I can't really say it created any particular advantage. The original idea was to have something to shoot if you were (1) all out of ammo on the morning of the match but had enough time to swing through Wal-Mart; or (2) flew in somewhere to shoot a match but had your "excess" ammo taken by the gate agent. In other words, more of an emergency option than anything else.
  14. Interestingly, the (IDPA-illegal) North Mountain single-post moonclip holder is a much better choice for actual real-life concealed carry than the (IDPA-legal) "shoot the moon" junk. Faster and much more secure.
  15. A bunch of us are staying at the Terrible's casino in Osceola on Fri. and Sat. nights. It's not the cheapest, but the rooms are huge and very nice.
  16. I'm very sad to hear this. Mark was a friend to many of us old-time pin shooters.
  17. Adjusting the mainspring tension by simply shortening (or backing out) the strain screw, without adding additional arch to the mainspring, can create a condition known as "knuckling" if you go too far. In my action jobs, I generally shorten the strain screw somewhat, and combine that shortened screw with a mainspring that has been properly re-arched. Then you have to balance the rebound slide spring to the newly-adjusted mainspring, and lock the strain screw down with blue loctite. This method will prevent misfires indefinitely (assuming only properly prepared ammunition is used in the gun), and maximize the potential of the S&W double-action pull without running into that knuckling problem.
  18. I really think these semi-auto pistols are just a passing fad anyway.
  19. Bingo (again). So when your you're shooting off a bench, gun rested, testing loads for accuracy for instance, do you shoot DA or SA? I probably haven't shot more than a box of handgun ammo off the bench in my life. What's the point in that? I always shoot in whatever mode I'm going to be using in competition, and with a revolver that means double-action, and generally two hands unsupported.
  20. I am fascinated by the idea of having a "coffee table revolver" laying there for anyone to dry-fire. What a great idea!
  21. Answer: All over page 41 of the July 2009 issue of Guns Magazine!! Now you're even more famous than before!
  22. Thanks Chuck for the very nice referral! To answer your question, Will227457, information about my action work is available on the Carmonize! forum. Click here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showforum=192 And feel free to drop me a line if any questions arise.
  23. I'm only an M in Revolver Division, not a GM. I have tried to avoid the "class inflation" that hit Revolver Division a few years ago and turned a bunch of B-level shooters into instantaneous paper GMs. I can consistently get into the mid- to high-80 percentile range at major matches against Jerry--which in my book makes me a fairly solid M. Until I can shoot at 95% of Jerry, I'm really not sure I deserve to be a GM.
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