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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. You might make me eat my words. Just think, the 3.08 down 12 is a 15.58 hit factor which would have won you 10,000.00 at the nationals back in 97 , 98 ? OF course you would have had to shoot it on demand after making the top 16 since they were the only ones eligible to try it. Then trying ot collect it would be different story. Just curious , since you can do the 3.08 down 12 have what can you do all a's in. You might even have a higher hit factor.
  2. At first I thought this thread was a joke. Once the suit went through all the shooters even if undamaged it would then be used and only worth 50.00. Why charge the 100.00? Announcing it in the shooters breifing isnt good enough. Once a shooter puts out the expense to travel they arent going to go home when they here this at the meeting. It needs to be made part of the entry form. So they can decide whether to attend or not before making all the arrangements. I still find it hard to believe that a match would put something that they didnt want some type of wear on as a prop. This is an example of why I personally will never shoot a 3 gun match that isnt following USPSA rules. The DQ for shooting a prop is another. Simple , if you dont want props shot then dont design the satage where they can be, or at least dont make it where it is probable that they are damaged. Benny I am suprised you paid it but then again you probably were in a position where you had no other choice.
  3. chuckbradley

    Area 5

    Thats cool Julie. Ryan will be thrilled. Thank You
  4. I had one other offer to do this but when it wouldnt cover the cost I asked him where do I draw the line. It wont cover it all. We agreed to keep it as is. So I am asking you to accept your check. It is nice of you to offer though.
  5. As Rob said, this is a good way to insure no mistakes but if you are doing an on sight awards it is not feasible. Only way to do this is to not have on site awards. Its a trade off either way. I am not sure starting the one hour rule several days after the match is what the intent of the rule was. But I dont have a probelm with it. I am not sure you can, by the rules, post the scores and then say the one hour rules start until some point at a later date. I think it means once posted there is one hour to protest. Again maybe the rules on this need to be revisited.
  6. Just got official word from the powers that be, Area 5 director and Dave Thomas. The scores will stand as is, officially. The one hour rule has passed and we cannot set a precedent of changing results after the alloted time set by the rules. I have to say Mike is a true sportsman. The way the 1 hour rule is you need to hang around to verify scores when they are posted. I think in this case they did but missed it also. With 3000+ score sheets to enter there is bound to be mistakes. Today we have the internet and posted scores each night by 8:00pm. Maybe we need to revisit the one hour rule to apply to todays technology. Have the finals posted to the internet and then give one hour so even those that leave can check them. A method to contact stats would have to be made available with this option. There are several options but the one hour rule assumes all that care will stay to verify while in reality the majority either shoots previous days or leaves when they are done. Sorry it happened.
  7. Since most people left and the match is out of money I am going to ask each winner to pay for the shipping on their plaque, medal, prize and or check. IF you are not sure then email me to find out. If you know you have somehting coming then go to http://shootersconnection.com/store/index.php Click on Area 5 shipping on the left and check out as if you were buying a product. If you happen to be ordering something else just mention in the comment box to include your Area 5 stuff. You will not be charged twice for shipping. I did this with several Ky state winners. When their order came in I just put it in the box with the order. You have the option of US Mail or UPS. This way I will have your payment info and address. I know it sounds weird but allot of people didnt put their complete address on the entry form. I still have one plaque from KY State I couldnt get an address on. To make sure their is no problems I will expect the address and zip code on the credit card billing address to match the one I am sending it to. Please pass the word, I want to get this taken care of as soon as possible. Any questions? 1-859-362-7592
  8. Thnak you all for hte good comments. Lee and I appreciate it. WE did have a Timer come up missing. These were loaned to us by Competition Electronics and the club will have to pay for it if we cant find it. I am hoping that one of staff or shooters just put it in their bag for safe keeping and forgot about it. If you have it please contact me. The timers are all marked "property of Competition Electronics" It is permannet and wont come off. So if you see it out there please have the person send it back or contact me.
  9. The Spitfire gun winner was Joel Parks. We gave 6000.00 in przes and 8000.00 in cash to the shooters. I have heard nothing but good things and all I can say is we had a good staff. Perry Wilson the RM did an excellent job bringing in some of the best RO's in the country. Gary Stevens did excellent by selecting Perry to be RM. The set up crew, Lee Leonard and John Cambron did a great job setting up the stages. The food was great, 6oz pork chops with potato salad, chips & cookie. I hope everybody enjoyed it. I know I did even though I am whipped right now. I realize there may have been some things I made mistakes on and I have learned from them. There has been some question as to refunds. I was allowing people to cancel with a cancellation fee, up to and including 9/21. The match started on 9/22 and there are no refunds once the match started. We figured the receipts, subtracted all the expenses and paid the rest out to the shooters in the form of prize money. SOme sent emails on 9/22 expecting a refund, the emails were not recieved until 9/26 so there was no allownace made for refunds. I was told later that we should have set the cancellation date several weeks earlier to avoid this problem. I wanted to be fair about it so I set it as far up as I thought i could get by with. It is unfortunate that there were those that couldnt make it or chose not to come for other activities and if contact was made and we were aware of the cancellation before 9/22 then we allowed for the refunds. Otherwise there just isnt any funds left, if there is we will divide it up among those no shows requesting a refund. Dont know how to be any fairer.
  10. Joel Parks was the winner of the Spitfire. Yep D class production, soon to be shooting Limited. We ended up giving away 7000.00 in prizes and 8000.00 cash to the shooters .
  11. 8 am each morning is start time. Thursday is final set up then staff shoots. We will call a shooters meeting if neccessary. I am off to the match in the Morning, see you there.
  12. I discovered it yesterday and its cool. Been to the desert classic twice, fished at Piru lake as a kid many , many times, and spent numerous hours at Majic Mountain growing up. Ahh to be young again.
  13. Well I had an opposite experience with WST. When it was hot I got slow reading , barely making major. 175.01 , 95 degrees on Long Island. Then in Barry at 40 degrees it was like 185 pf, in the days of 175 pf. Now 320 is really consistent whatever the temp, probalby the most consistent and why most that travel around the country in different conditions use Viht powders.
  14. That is the same young man, and he is a good kid, very eager to participate. He will be much more experienced by the time Camp Shootout rolls around. If there is anything you can recommend he do to prepare and improve, I am sure it would be appreciated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was giving him pointers during the match. I try to get them across in a way they think about it enough so they see what they did or know what to look for. Nothing like seeing it on your own, then it sticks with you. Just telling a fellow shooter do it the way i do isnt going to go very far. I tell you what has me really frustrated is my own son, 13, started shooting this year. He shoots a glock and his trigger jerk is so bad. We work on it and it gets better then all of a sudden we shoot a stage and he is bouncing rounds off the ground way in front of the target or putting them in the bottom d zone or a no shoot if its there. I ahve tried everything I know. Give him an unloaded gun and he jerks it way down. He sees it but it just doesnt seem to help. I tell him to concentrate on squeezing the trigger at the same time as he holds the sights on target. I explain it requires concentration on both at the same time. Most have this problem becuase they put the sights on target then their mind leaves that task and goes to the trigger and the sights move. This boy had some of the same problem but not near as bad. I will help him whenever i can. Maybe he can shoot with my boys soon.
  15. Yep, anything but Ben & Jerry's. No it needs some accelerant. Believe me I know.
  16. Yes, just tell them at registration to change your division. Everybody should check division and class at registration. Yes you can order stuff for me to bring , I already have 2 lists. But I am leaving Tuesday Morning for the match so I need to know this weekend as I am loading the trailer Sunday. You can order off the web page and put in the comment box to bring to the Area 5 or call me, if I dont answer leave your order on the machine. Or email it to me. Staff is shooting thursday so you can see the stages on Thursday also. There is still plenty of room to shoot on Friday. Counting the staff and the entrys that have recently came in we should have 300 shooters.
  17. Mike if your talking about the same fine young man that I had the pleasure shooting with last Sunday then I would say in my opinion he is ready for camp, especially by the time it comes up next year. Austin thoroughly enjoyed his camp experience this year. He learned alot and made some new freinds. I dont recall him having one negative thing to say about it.
  18. Area 5 apparel can be pre-ordered at Area 5 apparel http://www.uspsaarea5.g2gm.com/index.html
  19. I am talking 140mm USPSA legal mag. STI's. No SPS, I got one of those to try and it was way too long. It was like 144mm with their pad, take their pad off and the tube itself is 140mm. take their pad off and it doesnt get the advertised 22 rounds. Some of the guys around here took one of my aluminum pads and milled it down to 1mm thick and put it on the SPS, it is now legal length but only holds 21 rounds. When you consider what I used to shoot, once fired brass that is bulged and cant be resized all the way down. Even roll sizing leaves a little bulge. Some with bullets that are slightly crooked and bulging from the side a little. Now we take all that out with this full length crimp die. Cases are all straight all the way to the base. It has to as some room. For me it was an extra round than what I was accustomed to getting in an sti mag. SV mags get one more round, they are slightly bigger and have a tendency to not drop free as well as the sti mags but the sti mags give you one less round. So its a trade off. I just tried to get an extra round in my SV mag with Dawson pad but it didnt take another round. Still 20. So maybe dave is right and there is nothing to my observation but that STI has done something different to make their mags hold another round. Maybe my whining to STI paid off? I still like the full size factory crimp die. I dont chamber check anymore so the 22.00 delivered price tag was well worth it. I dont sell them, you can get them directly from LEE's web page.
  20. Saturday one day squads are full. In fact when those that are unsquadded squad themselves the weekend will probably be full. Friday is wide open. So if you plan on coming and havent sent your stuff in or plan on walking in then Friday is your day. We will do everything possible to get those that already chose a weekend time in a weekend time.
  21. Went out friday night and to test the new gun, sight it in(which it didnt need), and test the new STI mags I put together. I used Grams spring & followers and some flat aluminum base pads with the spring plate. I also have a couple SV mags set up with Dawson pads and a 21 round STI(actual Preban mag) which is 21 rounds with a special grams base pad. The gun ran great as well as the mags. Shot it in 2 matches this last weekend and it ran perfect. Well except for the round that my son loaded that was almost a squib. I racked the slide, the round went into battery I raised the gun and hoped for the best. It was in the middle of a stage. Had to finish. I set it up with Swensons and a short trigger. I like it. AS far as recoil reduction or less muzzle flip over the spitfire I didnt really notice it. Both are really nice in that area. Will have to shoot both side by side some more before i can tell for sure. One observation I made that may be significant in IPSC shooting. It has been known that STI mags hold 17, add a grams follower kit and it will hold 18, add a Dawson base pad and it will hold 19. So my mags with a grams follower should have only held 18. It held 19 with room to reload. It got me thinking. I have recently started using a LEE full size factory crimp die. This die resizes the round all the way down and straightens the bullet at the same time. My guess is this die is making the rounds smaller than normal resized brass thus alowing more rounds in the mag. Maybe I am all wet here but it makes sense. Will have to see if any more info comes out in this. Anybody have any thoughts on it?
  22. Forgot to include this. Match web page address is: www.practicalshooters.com click on the Area 5 icon.
  23. The Area 5 match is coming together. It will be held on Sept 22-25 8 miles north of Louisville , KY in Sellersburg , Indiana. Just off Interstate 65. Saturday One day slots are alomost full and I expect it to be full once those in the online squadding move into the last few openings. There are still openings to shoot it over 2 days(Sat/SUN Morning and Sat/SUN afternoon). There are also plenty of slots open to shoot it all on Friday and some left for shooting it all on Sunday. Some people misunderstood the slot times and sent in entries asking to shoot it all in one morning or one afternoon. This is not possible. Its either all day or 2 half days. I shot a match earlier this year that tried to shoot it all in half days and we were shooting until dark. I did not want to end up in the same situation. If you signed up please check the online squadding to make sure of your shooting time and pay close attention to the format you have chosen. I can anticipate that some will put themselves in a different format and when they get to the match may be unpleasantly suprised to find out they are not in a squad that shoots when they thought they would. So please check it out to make sure. We are giving 4 guns away to shooters by drawing. A Custom Hardchromed(donated by Virgil Tripp) Bedell/Shooters Connection Spitfire. 2- XD pistols donated by Springfield Armory Glock Pistol donated by Glock There will be a cash payback based on performance. Amounts will be based on number of shooters, shooters in your division and class. We have 11 stages with 220+ rounds. See you there. I will be checking in to answer any questions.
  24. Dont feel too bad about 3.00 in Ky then. They are gouging us and guess what, we have no alternative but to take in the shorts.
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