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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. hopalong


    Mike, I'll be on the wheelgun so be careful of what you ask! Hop
  2. So Phil, You have been practicing vidieoing Eric practicing with his shotgun? Good luck, and have fun. Hopalong
  3. Have fun this weekend!!!!!! I'll be watching the shootout from the sidelines down in Mississippi. Keep Walsh out of trouble, if you can. Hopalong
  4. Gun gets the full cleaning job tonight, I hope it works this weekend. Weather man says perfect USPSA match weather for the weekend (hottest day is Sunday, 80 degrees). Really gonna be fun. See ya there. Hopalong
  5. Hey Barry, you keeping my buds on the other Islands straight? (Ian O. and Kenneth K.) If you weigh them, you will find the 610 IS heavier than your Ltd gun. I have had no case head seperations in either my 610, 646, or the .45 cal guns I shoot. BUT as is the case with well shot brass.............IT CAN HAPPEN! Don't worry about it much if at all, and shoot to your hearts content. Hopalong
  6. Now THAT'S a story I'd like to read!!!! I thought that as goal oriented as you are, or maybe you just like a good challenge that you might give ole Cliffy a run. You can easily bribe him into letting you kick his ARSE, it just takes a small fortune in Coors Lights! Congrats on the GM though, but you are in the pool of the biggest and most talented sharks there buddy! rightfully so may I add... Hop
  7. Good for you! You win ! Hop
  8. hopalong


    Fish, Arkansas was fun, will be sending you my notes soon. Jane, Thanks, I really do enjoy this stuff. I now have different purpose and goals than as close as a year ago. I had wanted to really get good with the wheelgun and let it almost overpower me and most of my life. I now would rather just go shoot any type of firearm and have fun with the folks and new friends I shoot with. and If I can help someone with some type of issue that just is Icing on the cake. Ears are getting better, but that persitant little ring comes and goes (Dr thinks maybe small damage from when they were full of fluid and infected for over a month) Hope not. Good shooting to all. Hop
  9. hopalong


    Not a whole lot to add since early, I've had inner ear troubles so shooting is kind of on the back burner. Have a couple of friends that asked for "a little help" so have been giving them some tips, and other stuff to work on, change of stance, grip changes, ACCEPTABLE sight pictures ect. Got my Ltd gun out the other day and they were kicking my ARSE!!! (oh and one is shooting a wheelgun)...........what is the old saying??? Some people do and cannot teach, some people do and can teach, some people just need to teach????? I fit in there somewhere! Hopalong
  10. DP, Hate to tell you but...................... Now that you are a GM in LTD, you will automaticly be a M in Revo!!!! Next excuse????? Or do I have to come and show you how to reload one in less than 1.70? (and I'm pretty slow) If you ask real nice, I think GM Cliff might give you lessons for a fee (Coors Light but you'd go broke soon with his "thirst" ) Or maybe Smitty could take you out for a demonstration...........he knows a thing or two about them too!!!! (Oh and He's a MASTER in Revolver division too) Then of course, there is that Leatham dude that was the Limited Champion at last years ICORE nationals............ Come on in, the waters fine! Hopalong
  11. I guess I'm lucky, The very first 625 I started with is a 625-3 with the floating hand (just what we're not looking for in USPSA). I have had Zero problems with the hand (and it is still in the gun) and am well past 150,000 rounds through it with only a couple of legs of the star broken. I still use the gun even with the broke star (when I shoot revo) If iI don't shoot the 25-2 Yep it is pretty well worn out, but still shoots good enough to not hesitate to shoot even the nationals with.........but why chance it when you have a couple of 625s and a 25-2 that are begging to be shot. Hop
  12. Fascinating Blue/Grey eyes(before all these colored contacts showed up) Oh and not some surgically improved Big chested chick either! Hop
  13. Hope you got it. After 28 years of LEO you should know what you're doing by now! HOP
  14. HEY, I got one(actually 2) of those plastic toys and they see daylight one time a year weather they need to or not!!!! So that qualifies me for the "A"s Thanks Flex!
  15. Thanks Ken, Now I don't have to look it up. Hop
  16. Well, Pressure seems to be gone or not noticeable, ringing is subsiding but still present. funny little "click" in the left ear when looking up after looking down..........kind of like something (fluid) moving. Dr said we'll take the rest of the Rx. and talk about if we need to do anything else. Better, but not normal. Hop
  17. Nemo, Know just how you feel. Like CDRODA says, things come and go. When I have to do something in that order, I ususally ask for first chance back at what I get rid of (helps the mind a little). and Yes, you still have US! Hop
  18. Memory may have led me astray on the timed fire rules, will check the green book and inform. Will be a great turnout of wheelgunners this weekend with the Kansass and Mississippi matches combined. Good luck out/up there. Hopalong
  19. Jane, An example of what david is talking about would be a swinger that is activated from behind a barricade and the other end of the swing is behind a barrel, No shoot or other something. The skill set he is talking about is how to shoot that thing while it is in it's swing arc instead of the dead spot at the ends (because you can't see the dead spot). The way I practice it is put a static target at each end of the swing arc and consider them hard cover. I activate the swinger with a steel then work two shots on the swinger, depending on the speed one shot each direction of the swing or if it is slow enough two shots in one swing of the arc. start at a close range and work out with the gain of confidence. With time, a 50 yard swinger will be a walk in the park (well maybe not but you won't have to worry about them) Hop
  20. I freaked out one day while testing my National Match M1a off sandbags and it doubled(or I thought it did). After doing it another time about 20 shots later I deducted that since I hold it so soft while on bags it actually reset the trigger on the rearward recoil impulse, bouced off my shoulder enough to press trigger again for round number 2 and by then I would stop the rifle to keep round #3 from going. I had really thought I had broken my new expensive rifle. I have not had that problem with any of my AR platforms, including the National Match Bushy..........but maybe for you.? Might be that they don't quite recoil like a M1a either. Hop Oh, and call JP or Benny Hill and see what they say.
  21. Damn Flex, you could have given them to me!!!! Bryant shoots enought A's as it is. Sorry you couldn't make it. Get the house done? Hop
  22. Wooo Hooo !!!! Way to go Gary !!!!! Pretty Cool !!! You can now say you beat JM to GM ! Hop
  23. DP, How about a goal of just going and shooting to have a good time, while having a good time with all your new and old friends!!!!! Just a thought. Sure has helped me! Hopalong
  24. Tried Brownells yet? If so and they don't have it try nuemrick(sp) gun parts. Sorry I have no links to help but that is a starting place. Hop
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