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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I'm for September. AND for M. O. Y. Member of the YEAR !!!!!! HOP
  2. Kelly, The M1-a has 2.......................... The nice little hole in the back, and the big open spot just above that little hole. Hop
  3. Well you turkeys have had it now. I am practiced up and ready to go. Last week I shot my Wheelgun at the Nationals (18 stages worth of practice) This weekend I shot my local club match with my STI ltd gun (5 stages worth of practice) Next weekend is set-up for the TN section so no "Official" practice but I can always dryfire or something. Then, the TN section where once again I'll be battling it out in Revo division with 3 of the 9 GMs in Revo..............or at least letting them battle it out and I'll cheer them on. Then we'll go to Shreveport LA and shoot the Multi-gun Nationals, where I'll shoot and AR-15 (I still don't particularly like them) and My Para Ltd gun (fits my Serpa Blackhawk holster). 3 days of practice Then You turkeys had better be ready for the real deal. I will be so focused and "on top" of my game from all the quality practice that I might even be the SSTK division winner!!!!! With all the practice I'll be getting before hand, how can it be any other way ???? So look out, bring your crying towels and you POG and PAG guys, I'll be so smoking hot you won't need to even be near me or your gun will just MELT !!!! See ya'll somewhere. HOP
  4. For me, Don't decide not to go and start shooting a new gun. Then at the spur of the moment on Friday Night at 8:00 Pm that you'll go and now shoot the gun you were shooting 2 months ago. On the upside of that, you can go into the nationals with no preconcieved ideas for sure. Another thing that I had not had much problems with but showed it's head was. At the initial walk through of the stages Saturday (R/L/P) I told myself this was a very technical and accuracy oriented match and to really call the shots. BUT, When it came time to shoot, that kind of went to the dark side of my mind (most of it) Had fun though, came home with no new holes. And, For my $$$ worth, It's better to shoot a couple of quality area type matches instead of lumping it all up at the nationals. Hop
  5. Cowboy action with modern equipment. I'm Game. Still yet to shoot my mouse gun, but who needs practice ? See you there. HOP
  6. She's more than a "stage winner" in my book ! Dave, you and her just "chill" for a while. Hop
  7. Kurt and I talked about reload technique a while back when .308/7.62 was somewhat affordable and I was shooting pretty regularly. I got down to a hot reload really close to 1 second (1.09) and was running a 1.59 average of 10. Really simple technique. HOP
  8. Robert, Thanks for the update. AND Thanks for all the hard work. See you very soon. HOP
  9. Yep, Matt Beck was using My 25-2 with a 6 1/2 Bbl. and I was using my 25-2 with a 6 Bbl. I also know that Dennis Smith was using a 25-2 as well. The 5 inch 625 is the Most common revo used in USPSA by large. Then likely the 25, then the 610, then an assortment of K&L frames. Fun match, Really Technical compared to others in the past. Hopalong
  10. The once great Kentucky Wheelgunner now gone Singlestack is now a year older !!!! Happy Birthday Airedale ! Hop
  11. Rock ON Jane !!!!!! You are already a true Champ for what you soldiered through today !!!! (Bump in the road on that Journey) You are one of my HEROs' Hopalong
  12. Keep ya'lls head down, looks like IKE is coming VERY close. Hop
  13. Kat, Congrats on the ride. If I hear of you doing that (burnout) with your car I'll come put you in the "Wacky house" myself. Hop
  14. 120 signed up. the recognized divisions will be (as of now, 10 or better to recognize a division): Open (38) Limited (41) Production (22) Revolver (10) Not enough in L-10 (2) or SStk (4) Need a few more wheelgunners and Production gunners. Hop
  15. Been working on trying to keep some SANDBAGGING singlestackers from Kentucky from whippin up on me and let him slip past. That's OK though. next time you see him tell him "Welcome to A class" and Congrats for a great Nationals. BUT, I'll be Darned if that happens again (a Kentucky boy sneaking in like that) Hop
  16. Allison, NEVER apologize !!!!! You did what you did. That's it and now you can go whip on the PRODUCTION division. Matt, Congrats to you, Matt Beck and Frank Cruz. You 3 made quite an impression on many folks. I made the mistake of wasting time and $$$. It was fun don't get me wrong but deciding to shoot the day before the Nationals is NOT the thing to do when you have shot a completely different platform for the last few months. Good to see all, Great to meet new and smiling faces. Hop Spelling again
  17. Richardo, It was great that you were able to make it. I am sorry you did not get to shoot with the rest of them (revolvers). It was good to see you again, and congratulations on a good performance. Hopalong (Sam Keen)
  18. Have fun on the final leg of the trip !!! Oh, and having just shot that match. Shoot A's first. good luck CJ. HOP
  19. I hear USPSA is a little busy right now and the MD isn't getting any replys from them in his e-mails. Sam
  20. Comments when I have time. Good to see those whom I know. GREAT to meet those whom I now know. It was good to do so, and I hope to see you soon again. HOP
  21. Just did some "action" work on a CHERRY 4 inch 27 this weekend. I had fun shooting it to make sure it did what the owner wanted it to do. Hop
  22. Squad list updated to show 9 revolver shooters, NOT counting the latest GM to agree to shoot. HOP
  23. NavyDMO, coming from a Navy family and Medics at that let me tell you this. (father a Cheif corpsman, and Uncle a HM1) Keep your head down, and Thanks for your service. Knowing what little I now know about what stuff you are exposed/involved with. Unfortunately the best and most easy thing would be clean the M9 often and repeatedly. My personal choice would be a good .45 anything but as you well know .45 is NOT the choice of ammo for handguns in our military any more. Sorry to hear about you losing the brave Marine. You did the best you could, as did He, God bless him and his family. Take care, Beat Army ! Hopalong
  24. Bill, I don't know the answer to that. But you might contact the MD and ask him to do so. You might also contact 41mag, he is not going to the USPSA nationals now and needs to spend that money and time somewhere. ! A personal invatation always helps. Hop
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