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Everything posted by Caspian_45

  1. Hey Dave how'd it end up.....did you get one or both? I had a 220 Swift Ruger No.1V That has to be my favorite rifle. But I was wanting another gun and thats the one I thought I could live without. It took a lot of powder and I had put a lot'a rds throught it so down the road it went. Wish I had it back. 400 yards nothing escaped. Speer 52 HP @ 4000+ now thats screaming. I have a Weatherby Vangard VGL in 223 with a 20 inch 1/12 barrel. Easy on the pockets to load and brass is everywhere. 50 or 55 grs and ww 748 will kill critters all day long out to 400 if you do your part. 300 is easy 400 takes some reading of the wind on small critters. If you dope your load (get one load) and spend the time to know how the rifle shoots, the 222 will do all you need to do out to 400. The 22-250 is just burning extra powder. I'd say if you want a budget critter getter go with the 222. If you ain't worried about the money and have deep pockets go with the 22-250. YMMV
  2. There is falling steel at this match. Make sure your loads will knock over poppers at 35 yards. I'm pretty sure Tom is not going to have a power factor min.
  3. Something to consider. It seems to me that those members that didn't bother to shoot the qualifier matches had already made up their mind NOT to go. What make's "The Team Manager" think he will be picking the "best" shooters if he doesn't know who wants to go. Is there a list to get on???? What Division will shooter "x" prefer?? With the last WS selection system the USPSA know's who wants to represent the US at the WS. Many of the "Hired Guns" don't shoot many Area matches at all, or the carnaval matches that happen all over the US. Most of them have a very busy training schedule and may have a hard time making some of the matches. So this may have something to do with the change. They may be the ones that the team manager wants to select......but what about the membership that has jumped through all the hoops for years and years??? Personal agenda or not this is big slap in the face of those that have tried VERY hard to make the WS team in past years. I can see were Rob is coming from on the selection. I just find that to be a VERY arbitray way of selecting the WS team. I just can not agree with this new system.
  4. Tom may correct me here. Think of the 12 fields of steel just like USPSA field courses. There will be walls, doors, steel hardcover, props, etc to build these courses. Minimal to a lot of movement, each stage will be different. All of them will be falling steel I believe. I don't know if the courses will be published.
  5. I'll be there Tom. Maybe I can drag some of these WVPPS folks over with me.
  6. The weird gun adds Kewl Factor. When you feel your equipment is holding you back, change equipment....until then......... You did great. It was pleasure taping your targets. Lets do it again In Vegas. They had me on there too. You just got a lot more air time.
  7. F@#% dude that sucks. Thought I cut my left pinky off years ago. So cold I couldn't feel my fingers. Wet glove got next to the blade on the worm drive saw. Took the glove right off my hand and cut half the pinky nail off. It took a while to let go of the finger to see if it was still there. MUCH more careful now.
  8. You should be able to use the KISS if you go to a seat/crimp die. You will need to use station 3 for the KISS and the 4th station for the bullet seater/crimp die.
  9. That a new one on me Matt. The ones I've had break (3) have all broke the flange that slides back and forth. So all you have for a recoil spring is the large spring. I was running the light RM in my STI limited 40. Man was it snappy, I really liked it. But I switched to a heavy RM and have not broken one since. I have been running a RM in my limited gun since they started making them. And I run a heavy in STI 40 Sentenel and a light in my 9mm Sentenel. The first one broke (@2500 rds) during Nationals in Bend, the gun never stopped running but it did feel sluggish on the return. The other 2 broke during practice and a club match. The gun kept running but was just sluggish. I don't remember the round count on those. The new ones are better and I haven't had any problems with them. I love'm and will keep using them. I think they got all the bugs worked out now.
  10. Thank you Kim. Vegas....sounds good to me. Never been there.
  11. Since there are several BOD member watching this thread spead like a fire and not haven't said anything one way or the other......it may very well be true. But it's a little early to get excited. Until Mike announces. I'm not believing stuff that hasn't come from USPSA HQ. ' edited cuz I kant spel fer crap.
  12. My bad. Seems someone...maybe ....should tell ol' Mikey that's when and where the Nationals will be held so's he can get it posted on the USPSA site. I think I'll wait for the OFFICIAL anouncement. Not everything you read on the net is true.
  13. I really think we won't see the location posted till after the Shot Show. 40 some posts and the OP hasn't linked us to where he read the location and dates. Come on we are just killing KB's here. Nationals has almost always been the 3rd week of Sept.
  14. Actually that was me who said that not Tom. Yes, there is mud there. Have a look see for your own self. I'm sure whoever had to clean up the lobby of the match hotel that night figured out there is mud at PASA too. That was nothing....friday was worse. Russ and I hauled 2 loads of sand gravel to put down on several bays. Better than that gerbel bedding crap.
  15. You know it is not nice picking on us old farts, we have ways of getting even. You keep up the old fart bashing and I will have a bus load of AARP reps park outside your front door, the smell of Icy Hot will overwhelm you. Bring'em on....and don't forget the doughnuts.
  16. http://www.1911ssc.org/Registration/Micros...ionalsEntry.pdf Try this
  17. Yes I know. I see theres 101 registered right now. John is gettin' old....I'm just pickin' on him......he doesn't have many years left. They're building his retirement home right now, should be ready for him soon.
  18. Uhhhh...........dude the 2008 SSC is over....sorry.
  19. I grew up....sorta...in the '80's. So pretty much anything Rock wise was good to go. I'd say Def Leppard, Bon jovi, and AC/DC top my list....then and now. Nickelback and Three Doors Down have been added to my Ipod play lists. I like most of what all of them put out. I like some of the new country stuff too....but good 'ol Rock'n'Roll just does it for me. To pick a single favorite......AC/DC or Nickelback. They will always get me outa any funk I get into. Gonna be hard to keep to the speed limit on the bike come summer with this new Nickelback CD Dark House. I got the Ipod hooked to the helmet.
  20. Explain the situation to the better half. Then tell them the merits of having a second 550. Two machines...one for small and one for large. You're gonna have to change the casefeeder anyway. Might as well mention the KISS bulletfeeder too. One for each ya'now. Less time messing with the machines and more time for them. It's a win win.
  21. Man that sucks. My condolenses. We just shouldn't love our pets so much. I rescued a mixed breed dog from a trip to the pound may of '95. I think he's aound 14. He's still with me......I know his time is getting short. So I just take it one day at a time. He's deaf, so the Greman Shepard goes to get him when I come home. Pretty good for a free roaming country dog.
  22. Stick with Browning mags. They work everytime. Brownells have them. Other will chime in and maybe have a better place to get them.
  23. A '72 Ford station wagon with 429 cid will start.......and blow out the muffler. Ask me how I know..... Oh the fun I had in that car.....
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