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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Easy amswer to this problem is to give taxpayers freedom of choice in the form of vouchers they can take to the school of their own choosing.
  2. So far, the NRA's position has been: "He was elected by the membership and is entitled to his (anti-AR15) opinion. I personally believe that a better outcome would be for the NRA to force Mr. Jackson to eat his words and come around the way Jim Zumbo has. I discovered this issue on ar15.com at the following link: LINK TO AR-15.COM DISCUSSION BTW - AR15.com recently "partnered" with the NRA to sign up new NRA memberships. I don't see why anyone from the AR15.com community would join the NRA while one of the NRAs' board members went to a newspaper reporter and told them he was in favor of banning the AR15 and limiting magazine capacity to 5 rounds. Here is part of what I posted over there on the topic: Keep up the pressure! Pressure managed to reform a man like Zumbo and brought him back on board. Here is what to do: post this info to every gunboard, list server, friend w/ an email account & a membership, ect. and ask them to call the NRA (800)-672-3888 . Then pass it on. AR15.com has partnered with the NRA. I want to see that partnership work out. It will be much easier to sign up more NRA members from the massive membership of AR15.com once the NRA has done something about one of their board members actively voicing his support for banning civilian possession of the AR15 (he said it, he has not retracted it, and the response so far is: "he's entitled to his opinion" - that is how it stands right now). I am not asking he be removed, just that he respond to the criticism he voiced in a published newspaper article. Does he still stand by his position in favor of banning the AR-15?" C.
  3. Dunno if this is of any help, but: -any part from a production legal gun can be swapped out for a part on another production legal model - ie using the extended controls form a Glock 34 on a Glock 19 or 17. -I use the 16 round CZ-75 mags in my CZ SP-01 in place of the stock 19 round mags. -I also replace the stock magazine base plates with the rubber ones from a different production legal CZ (believe these are also a factory option for the SP-01 so again allowed). Could your friend find replacement base pads from another model of M&P that accoplishe the same thing without being modified? I believe he can add crip tape too if that helps.
  4. Got it - thanks! So far so good - although I picked up my 1st HazMat-marked package I have ever had delivered to my condo's management office this morning. HazMat is a whole different ball game and they REALLY advertise the fact that its HazMat - there were warning lables ALL over the outside of the box! Its easy to overlook the ORM-D lable. In contrast, its really hard to miss the HazMat warnings. Still, they did not say a word other than "Have a nice day Mr. Johnson."
  5. Working from memory here, but I am fairly certain that Federal only put the "ORM-D" stamp on the front face of the box. It was a Federal facotry 500 round box that I shipped it in; no wrapper; just clear tape to seal it and attach the UPS lable. At the link above, there is a print-able copy of the lable, though I think you even permitted to simply write "ORM-D" on the box with a pen. I believe ORM-D stands for "consumer goods." Any UPS employees here with more info?
  6. Had about 500 rounds of factory Federal 55 grn .223 laying around. I bought it for $180 per 1000 in 2005. Price has since doubled. Decided to sell it for market value & use the $$ to buy reloading supplies. So I advertized on Arfcom, but did not think ahead of time about how to ship it. Turns out they have a thread on ammo shipping by common carrier: LINK TO ARFCOM AMMO SHIPPING THREAD I knew that the ONLY requirement is marking box with the proper "ORM-D" lable. Simple enough, right? Well that thread explains that even if you mark the box properly, you are likely to run into hassles with the counter monkeys at the local United Parcel Service shipping center because they DON'T KNOW THEIR OWN REGULATIONS ON AMMO SHIPPING. Simple solution? In 10 min. I set up a UPS account online using my home address (our condo in Arlington) and I paid for the shippiing using my debit/credit card; at the end of the process, I clicked "print" and out popped a shipping lable - complete with both addresses, a tracking number & a bar code showing I'd paid for shipping! I simply left the box (original from Federal and with the factory ORM-D label on it) at my condo office & they picked it up the next day. Kinda hard for the UPS monkey to argue with you when: 1) You are not there, and 2) You already paid for the services! I will never visit another UPS office again!
  7. load to 1.200 w/ N320 if going for major
  8. Agree. P P kicked like hell in my .40s. Its way to slow to shoot soft. Fast powders like E3 & Solo 1000 are soft shooting. P.P. kicks like a 200 PF defensive load. But, its available and safe.
  9. Delivery is slated for tomorrow - will report back upon receipt. D.
  10. Mine requires use of OneSHot leave-on spray. SOme folks seem to like using Silicon spray.
  11. As far as setback & case dents, I shoot 180 grn reloads @ 1.160 to 1.170" & have never had those issues. CZ design is known for extreme slide velocity which might account for the dents - particularly if bullet weight were under 180grn
  12. Agree we should test PF. The Brits manage to do it w/ their shotguns - why not the USA too? If we end up w/ NO chrono for slugs, then, well, I declare MAJOR - and who can tell me what pump works 100% with the Aguila mini slugs??
  13. Outstanding! What sort of gun could be built using a 1913 machine such as the lathe above or a 1913 era milling machine? -a 1903 Springfield or a 1898 Mauser -a German Luger or Broomhandle -several different models of belt fed heavy machinegun fielded by all sides in the great war (WW I - though not so great IMHO). -a Colt model 1911 Think about it folks: all those guns were bult on manual metalworking machines using blueprints and machining talent. Nice work Jim!
  14. Anyone else see a fundamental problem with having to ask a state for permission to exercise a constitutional right? Lived in NY for 2 years. Permit was such a hassle that I just left my handguns at my parents' house in MD. And MD hassles gun owners too. Result? Fewer handgun owners & more Fudds that, while they own a shotgun, they agree with the state & look down on handgun/assault rifle owners. Fewer handgun owners really depleted the potentional USPSA shooting pool too. We all need to pull together & not give a single inch on ANY gun issue. I'd personally like to see Vermont style carry instituted nationwide.
  15. Anyone have the link to the story of the old guy in Ohio who set up a shooting range in his barn - for children only? Complete with a dozen Red Rider BB guns, full safety gear, adult supervision and the blessing of the local sheriff. We need more of that.
  16. ...and you say that like it's a bad thing. I am with you. Pump only. Who can complain? Few years back, $200 at Walleyworld would buy the finest pump shotgun known to man: the Remington 870 (and it came with an extra barrel). For $20 from CDNN you could buy a mag extension that has worked perfectly for me. Keep HM pump only please.
  17. I think it looks GREAT! It is funny to me how much of that machine is recognizable from today's manual machines; sometimes the original mousetrap is still the best. Babbit bearings might be replaced with roller bearings I take it? Jim, for words of encouragement for other DIY machinists and all the links you will need, take a look at the tools section of www.roderuscustom.tzo.com in the home machining section. Congrats!
  18. Smug journalists. I am a lawyer. I get tired of all the "legal ethics" jokes, just like I am sure those of you in the military do not appreciate the "military intelligence" jokes. What is truly amusing to me is that "journalistic ethics" is an oxymoron.
  19. Also surprised at Aliant's advice. I have loaded plenty of flake powder in my 650 - including Red Dot, Clays and now Solo 1000. Dillon meters them all well & I am sure E3 will be no exception.
  20. Plated. I hate smoke. Probably toxic too.
  21. Primers look nice & rounded - no indication of excess pressure there! Seems like E3 is a winner. Sorry for the diversion from E3, but here is a link to published Solo 1000 data: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...ost&id=6758
  22. No knock on E3 here. To the contrary, about 3 years ago I talked a friend into buying a pound along with his new Dillon reloader. He never really caught the reloading bug & I bet that lb of E3 is still in his basement - I might just buy it from him to try out in Major .40. Clean, fast burning & cheap - what is not to like? Agree 100% that powder technology has advanced over time - which is what drives me bonkers when most of the reloaders I know outside of USPSA simply turn to Antique - er, I meant Unique - without giving any new powder a second thought. Mention Vihta Vouri to most of the fudds at the range and you are met with a blank stare or "Vihta what?! Ne'er herd of it! No thanks, I'll just use what my grandpapppy trusted." I want E3 to take off because it seems better than many heirloom powders in common use (after a century). I want them to keep making Solo 1000 because its my N320 substitute in the wake of price increases. And I also would not mind if Hodgdon sees to it that Vihta Vouri is stocked in every gunstore that carries Hodgdon reloading supplies & tries to get the price well under the $20+ per lb. we often see now. Regards, d.
  23. Thanks! Sorry I missed you at the last match. d.
  24. Bob - the manager got it all wrong. It is NOT an MD state law nor is it a state regulation. Rather, it is a Maryland State police "program" whereby your ID and signature are kept in a "log" for the police to use for investigating you. Now, you have not done anything wrong when you are logged in, you are merely one more suspect or "person of interest" in case anything, and I mean anything, goes wrong. Innocent people never get wrongly convicted; if you have not done anything wrong, then you have NOTHING to hide, right? Why do you want your privacy rights anyway? Now before we go down this "Big Brother" path any further, you should know that the program is technically voluntary - for the vendor. Don't like it? Take your business elsewhere. Imagine this: you own a business & a state trooper shows up with a gun, "asking" you to participate. How many retailers do you think said "no"? Funny thing, like the cartridge "fingerprint" required in MD, there is not one - not a single case - where all this survailence of lawful gunowners has resulted in a prosecution for any crime. Wal Mart makes the process even easier - they simply scanned my old MD driver's license when I told them I was buying .22 LR ammo for use in a "handgun" (gasp). They like to monitor that too. They swiped my license just like it was an ATM card. As for the new total waiver of all your medical privacy rights (yes - that is what they are doing in MD), keep in mind that medical privacy is the basis for Roe v. Wade. Funny how some rights are more equal than others in MD, isn't it? If you want to fight these sorts of abuses, look at www.cato.org PS - just accept the HaxMat fee next time. Or buy out of state. THere is a Gander Mountain near Quantico.
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