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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. As my dad used to say: A person can't help being ugly.... but they could stay home.
  2. I am not sure that is why the patch always darkens. It may be a chemical reaction, not necessarily scrubbed off steel. Personally, I soak my barrels in Kroil and scrub them with a nylon bore brush. Very rarely do I use a polishing compound like J+B. If I shoot good quality FMJ ammo, it isn't necessary.
  3. The good news: you do focus more completely on the front sight if your left eye is closed (or blocked). The bad news: it cuts way down on target vision and you lose the target completely as the gun recoils upward. Try both ways and use whatever gives you the best scores. I keep both eyes open out to 25 yards and always shot better this way. You see a "ghost" image of the sights floating over the target. Maybe some people can't focus on a second image, it has always been easy for me. We shoot a league called TYRO which is speed shooting at a total of six closely spaced targets at 8 yard range. I shoot a para 1640 with standard black iron sights and I use both eyes open and focused on the target and just align the sights using indirect sighting (look through them). It must be possible to shoot this way, I finished first in the league and beat some IPSC pros. Not losing sight of the target during recoil is an advantage for me because I can steer the gun back faster. Some people may not need that edge.
  4. AND: don't put oil on the inside shaft of the ejector (where it comes out of the cylinder on the trigger end). When you knock out the empties, it drags out some hard carbon and it will stick to the shaft if there is oil on it. That is what collects under the star and causes binding.
  5. But, I would be sure to use "soft focus" so that my footprint on her forehead would not be visible in the shot.
  6. #1 Lesson learned: "It's the trigger pull, stupid!"
  7. With all due respects, I doubt very much most people are going to repeatedly lie to federal investigators which is what she was charged with. If you do, you can have a suite at club fed as well.
  8. She got "pilloried" because she was questioned on at least three separate occasions by federal agents and she lied every time. They DO NOT like that. If she had fessed up at the start, it would have been a dinky little fine, no charges ever filed, case closed. Bottom line is that they were not going to cut slack to somebody who used to make a living as a stock broker and knew the law frontwards and backwards who was going to try to bluff her way through a federal investigation spewing lies by the pile. I don't blame them. As for the sentence, it will be on the low side of the mandatory guidelines for sure. She will probably do ten months or so.
  9. I believe nothing of the sort There are two types of folks in this world, those with really good friends in really high places, and the rest of us (like Martha) -- Regards, You're kidding, right? The stream of celebrities showing up at her trial for support read like the who's who of the most powerful people on earth: Bill Cosby, Rosi O Donut, and you think martha is not connected hard cable into the people with influence in the government? Martha got convicted because she broke the law. period. And don't forget, she used to be a stock broker so she knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she broke it and she knew exactly what federal statutes she was breaking when she covered it up. Pure arrogance and now we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Give me a break.
  10. Apples to Oranges. It's not violent crimes we are discussing here. Those are entirely different social issues and are not applicable to this discussion. The issue under the scope here is financial skullduggery and the select punishment of a few scapegoats in a manner inconsistent with the actual crimes committed. No, actually, she will be sentenced under the federal guidelines of mandatory sentencing instituted under Reagan and his buddies who wanted to get "tough on crime". That's the point: it is a conviction in federal court for violation a specific statute. period. They didn't realize they would need an asterisk exception for "rich people who gave lot's of money to elect republicans" when they set up the manadtory sentencing. They were aiming at drug dealers and organized crime... which sort of applies to martha, when you think about it.
  11. You are not understanding what she was convicted of: she was NOT convicted for insider trading (ie, dumping stock to save money based on inside information.) Martha was convicted of lying to federal investigators and obstructing justice. In other words, she is going to do time for what she did AFTER the insider trading she pulled off to save $50k. And the feds really don't like being lied to, especially in this corporate climate where all the big shots have committed white collar crimes and then covered them up.
  12. No there isn't. It is a high stress point subject to waer which cries out for a lube with very good surface tensile strength (like Slide Glide). If you want a lighter/slicker trigger feel, I have found that thinning the SG about 50-50 with either FP-10 or Militec liquid lube noticably reduces the trigger pull and slickens the feel. On my 1911 comp gun, I measured that it drops the pull from about 2.7# to about 2.4# just by adding the liquid lube. Not earth shaking, but noticable.
  13. Yogi Berra said that a slump is 90% mental and the other half is physical. I have no idea if writing about shooting helps. If I knew all that, I wouldn't have nights like last Monday where I couldn't hit the floor with a tennis ball. I suspect a better approach is to get back to fundamentals and make sure some little sneaky bad habit hasn't crept in to spoil the basics. In my case, I think I have just run out of natural talent and shooting ability.... plus I'm old and wobbly and my eyes are failing. I guess it's probably more amazing that I do really well on some nights, not so much that I suck on the others.
  14. Yeah, but it will be in one of those "club Fed" spas and recreational centers. My wife drilled in the Naval Reserve Center at San Leandro which overlooked one of those minimum security fed "prisons". It had more tennis courts than Wimbledon. All the guys were out working on their backhands. It's a tough life if you're rich.
  15. I use some naptha (mineral spirits) with a toothbrush for general degunking of the frame and slide. It doesn't strip the metal dry like acetone. I use acetone spray into the firing pin hole to keep that channel clean (just hose it in and let it run down). I would clean the barrel occasioanlly by using a nylon brush and some acetone or good bore cleaner. A nylon brush will not scratch the bore. Run with a patch soaked in FP-10 and you're good to rock. I also mix a little FP-10 into my Slide Glide for most places. It makes it slicker and thins it out a little. BTW: cleaning the feed ramp is good, don't forget to keep the barrel throat clean as well.
  16. For a lefty: going right is either yanking the trigger and/or the "sympathy squeeze" of the strong hand when pulling the trigger. Grip the gun and look down the sights then squeeze your grip hand and watch the sights jump. With small hands it's instinctive to try to grip harder to hod the gun. You have to hold a steady pressure with the strong hand as you pull the trigger or the gun will move (a lot).
  17. I don't think putting either thumb on the frame is a good thing. I usually point mine about 30 degrees away from the frame to make sure it forces me to grip only front-rear with the right hand and left-right with the weak hand. It looks wierd having the thumbs out in the air but it makes me shoot better. If my thumb is on the frame, I tend to try to "grip" with it which puts an unbalanced force on the left side.
  18. Had the same problem with the factory Mec-Gar post ban mags for my Browning HI-Power. The mag makers are just stupid and lazy. They are so scared of litigation they make sure that the 10th round only goes in with a sledge hammer and don't consider the fact the mag will never insert with the slide forward. Idiots.....
  19. I was at the range and a lady brought in a Walther she was going to shoot and asked for ammo. The clerk handed her Fiocchi and she complained that it "made her gun jam". So, the guy picked up the gun and started examining it. I could see what looked like tar coming off onto his fingers: Clerk: "You do know guns have to be cleaned, right?" Her: "My Husband always did that." Clerk: "How long since he cleaned it?" Her: "How should I know? We've been divorced for two years."
  20. The Trojans are running $920 on the internet right now. As for limited 10? My .40 Trojan can feed 10 rounds out of a ten-round .45 magazine (CMC Power mag), so there are .40SW ten round mags that will work in the gun. The mags hold 11 rounds in .40, but you don't have to load them past ten.
  21. I have a Trojan in .40 as well as a Para 1640 LTD. I do not notice the recoil at all shooting 180-gr factory loads in those guns. In fact, they seem milder than when I shoot factory 9mm ammo out of my CZ-85 (a smaller gun). I know you would find perceived recoil in a Trojan to be less than a Glock because the Glock is top heavy due to the plastic frame. having too much weight on top means the rotational torgue on your wrist is higher, which you will perceive as increased recoil. Comments on a Trojan? The best dollar value arounf for a 1911, light years ahead of the production junkers (like my Para) and it wouldn't need all the internals replaced if you want to take it shooting. I own two Trojans and I think they are first rate, they are also made by a company who still gives service to it's customers.
  22. I usually put a good layer on the barrel lugs and feet which get a lot of pressure, and I also spread a thin sheen over the whole barrel because it makes cleaning easier (you just wipe it off). I put it every where except the breech face and feed ramp.
  23. Go to a model store or hobby shop and get a small paint brush. SG has so much surface tension you can just put on a dab and then spread it out and leave a thin sheen on the surface. The small brush is very cool because it makes it so easy to do the rails and rail grooves because it fits right into the groove. You don't waste any lube because you can spread it evenly.
  24. The only option left is a hand transplant. Kaiser doesn't cover it.
  25. The marketing department could actually turn it into a plus: I see a commercial with a guy in a ski mask menacing a 7-11 clerk, then the mask is pulled off and a smiling CEO starts explaining how his SW revolver never let him down back when he used it to make a living. Could work.....
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