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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. "Your Brain will believe any lie you tell it." This is the founding principle of our political system..... without it, our government could not exist. Although I prefer my own quote on the subject: "Sheeple will always choose to believe a comfortable lie rather than face a difficult truth." That one statement applies to foreign policy, gun control, environamental laws and almost anything else you can name.
  2. Me too, especially since I think my Ruger Mk II bullseye gun (8 1/2" barrel) with scope and mount probably weighs over 60 ounces...... plus ammo. A 65 ounce gun definitely gets heavy after a while... especially if you are really nuts and shoot it open class and then pop the scope off and shoot it in stock class right after.
  3. I can see the problem: a "1.5V" battery is either a carbon-zinc or alkaline type whose operating voltage starts (briefly) at about 1.55V and descends linearly down to about 1.1V end of life. So, two stacked up will give a service voltage of about 3.1V (max) down to 2.2V (min). Lithium cells have initial voltages anywhere from about 3.6V to 4.2V.... so they would give the unit a higher voltage for most of their operating life.
  4. Of course, the inherent message in a company that only allows contact by e-mail (no phone number) is this: YOU ARE NOT WORTH OUR TIME.
  5. I recall it's the other way. As you turn the screw into the trigger, it reduces travel range. BTW: the correct adjustment of the screw requires understanding that the two hammer hooks (the full cock hook and the half cock hook) are usually different heights... the half cock (sometimes called the "safety") hook is taller to make sure it captures the sear if you thumb the hammer down and it slips. Further, most people cut down the full cock hook height intentionally to get a shorter trigger break. That means, you can set the screw where it will allow the hammer to fall very well from the full cock position and the nose of the sear will drag the HC hook as it shoots by. Perfect way to destroy the sear (I refuse to admit how I know this). Bottom line, you pull the trigger ALL the way back and then use your thumb to very slowly move the hammer all the way from back to forward and you should not feel anydrag as the hammer hooks pass by the sear nose. If you feel resistance, you need to back the screw off and give it more room. It's esy to do this with the gun apart and the min spring housing out because then you can easily rotate the hammer and fel if there is any drag. But, you can do it with th gun together. I'd recommed taking the screw out far enough to apply the blue loctite and then start turning in in. You stop at the point where you start to pick up a feel of interference on the half cock notch passing by the sear with the trigger fully back. Then, give it justa touch more room and it's set.
  6. Does the slide's extractor tunnel have to be milled out for the Aftec?
  7. When I was growing up in Louisiana in the late 50's, the favorite sign was: "Impeach Earl Warren" Nothing ever changes.
  8. I noticed that the sight "misalignment" at fire is almost always over estimated by the eye as to how far off the shot is from center X. Try firing five and make a mental snapshot of each sight picture at fire and note where you expect each shot's hole will be. Then see where the holes are. I almost always see more of an error from the sights than actually is there.
  9. And when you start shooting guns with a red dot sighter, you get a REALLY good view of how and when you pull a shot. The advantage is you can start swearing earlier and not have to wait until you bring the target in for scoring. ###&&&&&%%%%@@@@@@@@!!!!!! If you see the dot jump when you pull, that bulet just went into another zip code.
  10. I make people angry when I say this, but here is my answer: the Trojan is made at a company where the average gun costs about $1600. They are made on the same line by the same people who fit those guns. they don't get dumber or lazier because the barrel/slide/frame or whatever is headed for a Trojan. IMO, when company like para, Kimber or SA makes a "$1200 gun" you are getting an $800 mass made gun with a bunch of added stuff to make you think it is like a Wilson or STI. I have shot some of the Gold Cups and a couple of other "top end" guns. They are not the same. One difference that jumps out is usually trigger break feel. Shoot a valtro and see what I mean. The slide racks like it had ball bearings. The whole gun has the feel of something carved out of a single piece of steel. Solid. That is the feel that a fitted gun has.
  11. Ditto above. I have a 5" Trojan in 9mm and a 6" in .40. I also own a Para 1640. My Trojan is a few years old so take the comments as dated: the slide frame fit and finish are flawless, the internal parts are comp grade (superb). My Para has had problems and the piece parts look like junk. Oddly, the 1640 LTD sells for close to what a Trojan does (within maybe $150 dollars). Light years away in what you get. I don't have a current trojan so I can't attest to their current production units. I know they are still much better fitted than junkers like my Para. I am just not certain if STI is still using first quality internal parts or have they swuitched to the cheaper MIM stuff (?). Anyway, you can always put in triggers and sears and that stuff if you want to. It is the fit of the slide, barrel and frame that make the gun accurate. But for the price of a Trojan (about $900 from dawson Precision last time I checked) you get a whole lot of hand fitting and quality in the slide, barrel and frame you simply won't get from a mass made gun. It turns out there are exactly two ways to set up the fit on a 1911: the right way and any other way. In lockup, a fitted gun will have the lower barrel lugs resting on the slide stop cross pin and the top lug against the slide (three point support, zero play). My Trojans lock up that way. My Para is "long linked" so the lower barrel feet never get near the cross pin. In lockup, the barrel is supported by the link..... and whatever part of the slide it is leaning against. STI is not the only maker to properly fit guns: valtro, baer, Wilson and the like all know how. But mass produced guns are not fitted. The parts are sized to allow a "drop together" manufacturing process, not one that starts with an oversized lug and cuts to fit. Some mass made guns are quite good, some are pure junk.
  12. Maybe slightly off topic, but I have been wondering for years: What happened to the dumb kids? I swear I can't figure it out. All through school, every class had a couple of dumb kids. We knew who they were, they knew, nobody cared. There were also tall kids, short kids, fat kids. No big deal..... But suddenly, every kid on earth is: GIFTED I want to know what the government did with the dumb kids! I kind of liked them and it seems unfair that they all got taken away and locked up somewhere so that our entire school system could be filled with THE GIFTED. Just one more question: If they are GIFTED, doesn't that mean we can return them if we saved the receipt?
  13. In Texas, it reads: You Have the Right to Remain Silent as Long as You Can Stand the Pain
  14. Being that I grew up in Louisiana and my In-Laws still reside there, I feel obligated to stand up for the rest of the white trash and refute your assertion: I resemble that remark.
  15. I agree. BTW: My car's bumper sticker is: My Italian Greyhound is Smarter Than Your Honor Student
  16. bountyhunter

    Funny One

    I saw a funny one in somebody's signature line. Know what a redneck's last words are? "Hey, ............. watch this!"
  17. I'm guessing this wouldn't be a good time to point out that the word he was searching for is actually "versus" and not "verses".... the latter being found in the bible, the former meaning in opposition to.
  18. As for henry david Thoreau, he was my English teacher's favorite laugh. When Thoreau went to walden Pond and supposedly lived the stark life and "found himself"... here's how tough he had it: every couple of weeks he would ride into town and load up his wagon with supplies which he easily afforded being faairly wealthy. Not exactly roughing it and living off the land......
  19. Actually, the pyramid workers enjoyed a fairly high caste in the strata of Egyptian society. They worked hard but got better food and health care than the average bozos. It seems the Egyptians realized their value and knew they had to have a good work force toaccomplish their task.
  20. Interesting. My 1640 also jams with the nose against the ramp. I believe the problem is the ramp is too vertical. I based this on some "slow cycling" and watching the round. The slide comes forward and pushes the round strainght forward and hangs with the nose against the ramp. You can take your hnd away and that 18# spring can not get the slide to push the round up the ramp....... I should also mention that when you "drop slide" load the gun, you can actually feel the "hitch" where the sldie slams the round into the feed ramp, it bounces up and then chambers. None of my other 1911's had this problem. It became a real issue when I bought some Miwall ammo which apparrently is not crimped as tight and abiout every tenth round would jam and I would find the round driven into the feed ramp and the bullet pushed straight back into the case. Long story short: much hand work reducing the feed ramp angle and the feeding has much improved. Gun still has other problems....
  21. bountyhunter


    Might not have needed those pins if it WAS a BoMar and not a copy. Word at my range is tose pins are notorious for shearing in EVERYBODY's "Bomar style" sight and the reason is pure physics (shear force). The dumb thing is the steel in the pins does not need to be so hard because it is not subject to rubbing wear. I bought a bright steel finishing nail the same diameter and fabricated a new pin that is indestructable. It will still be there after the cockroaches have died out.
  22. bountyhunter


    I am marking my calender. In the four years I have read forums, this is the first bad post I have ever seen about STI customer service on any board. All the times I call them they fall all over themselves to help me. They even sent me a bag of pins when the cross pin in the Bomar sight in my Trojan sheared off.
  23. If you look at the "impulse graph" of the recoil of a revolver versus an auto: 1) The revolver has just one sharp jolt at discharge. 2) An Auto has a medium jolt at discharge and then a gradual ramping upward force as the recoil spring is compressed. Then a final bump when the slide hits the frame. In a nutshell, the slide acts like a recoil absorber spreading the energy out in time (thus reducing the reak felt recoil). The exact "feel" of an auto's recoil is influenced by the various spring weights.
  24. In fairness, that applies equally to their revolvers. With the price of gas these days, finding a SW gun you would actually want to own might involve enough driving to raise the price $200.
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