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Everything posted by bonedaddy

  1. I'd like to here those stories sometime. I'm not talking about people who make a personal decision to be vegetarians, or not own cars, or live minimalist lifestyles. They are living honorably. What I detest are people who want to pass laws that make you a criminal for smoking a cigarette in your own back yard. It's funny really, if we are to eat, something in nature, either plant or animal must die. If we are to stay warm, something in nature must burn or react to produce heat. These are the rules. We didn't make the rules, so why should we feel guilty about it? (Edited by bonedaddy at 8:51 pm on May 8, 2002)
  2. 2001, Mile-HI Showdown. I checked my gun over 100% about 2 weeks before the match. All is well. First stage, I'm smokin'! Later on, I came to some steel. Couldn't hit it to save my life! The misses continued on anything much past 7 yards. I was so discouraged by the end of the first day that I wanted to quit and go home. A Pro shooter, that I admire very much, told me it would be a huge mistake to fail to finish the match, no matter how badly I was shooting. I knew if I quit that day, I could never look him in the eye again. He was the ONLY reason that I even showed up the next day. It continued, close targets were hit as if my magic, far targets were missed, no matter how well I executed the fundamentals. I returned home, so pissed at myself, and so dejected, that I put my gun away and didn't touch it for two weeks. ( that's an eternity for me) I finally decided to face my gun and clean it. The front sight was hanging out of the dovetail on one side. I don't learn important things quickly. With me it takes time. But, those two days of shame were the start of a long journey for me. "Seeing what I need to see"...............don't begin with a pre-conceived notion about that one.
  3. GET BACK, LORETTA! How did you know I just posted on the Hate Forum? Man, that's uncanny! OK, I'm scared of bad karma now, so I'm gonna tell all...........
  4. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/020508/1/2p6qd.html Spook, may I join your rant? The news media is infested with a bunch of people who have a messianic complex. They have chosen to believe that it is their duty to save us all from ourselves. (Actually, I feel pretty safe from myself.) If we all have to go without energy, food, shelter, and clothing, in order to "save the planet", why were we given the planet in the first place? And what good will it be to anyone when we're all gone? The enviros, vegans, greens, tree-huggers, and granola munchers are just a bunch of elitists trying to tell everyone else how to live. Since they are "morally superior", they feel justified in killing you if you disagree. Just like Adolph Hitler, they are a bunch of scared little people lashing out at anyone who doesn't march to their tune. Stay strong till the end bro, aint nobody gettin' out of this world alive.
  5. Kyle, did you request this just to torture me? -Sam
  6. Chriss, we could call the stage "Barbarians at the Gate"! I can come up with 2000 angry savages at just about any WWF wrestling match. But, finding another Hemi-powered air boat is going to be the tricky part. Hmmmmm, anybody ever get to ride the Widowmaker down at the San Juan Range?
  7. Hello Everyone! Please allow me to introduce myself. I am BONEDADDY! If you are not well schooled in anthropology you may not immediately recognize my name. I am the least well-known member of the Daddy clan. My brother Hoosier Daddy lives in Indiana, and made his fortune in the racing tire industry. His tires were seen so frequently taking victory laps, that fans began to shout at the also-rans, "Hoosier Daddy?" My infamous uncle Sugar has also gain a fair amount of success working for a studio in Hollywood. His specialty is moving attractive young blondes into his home and fawning over them, while he finds bit-parts for them in "B" movies. But, I'm sure you are all familiar with his work. As for me, after college, I began my career as a corporate headhunter for a large conglomerate in the Congo. At the time, we were listed on the Savage 500. Through skillful manipulation and no small amount of treachery, I soon rose to the office of Chief Executive Officer and BONEDADDY. (The name really loses a lot in translation, but if you had ever heard it roll like thunder over the jungle intercom, you would understand why I have chosen to hang on to it.) But, as the bard put it, I soon "suffered the slings and arrows of outragous fortune" and was summarily ousted a few years ago in what amounted to a hostile takeover. Fortunately, I had read enough of the Dilbert comic strips to understand how the corporate world functions and had prepared, quite litterally, my own golden parachute. My private launch, a 426 Hemi-powered air boat, was heavily laden with "trinkets and shiny rocks" the night I made my exodus from that land. I escaped almost entirely unscathed, mostly due to the fact that none of the "barbarians at the gate" had ever heard an alcohol-fueled, blown Hemi before and assumed that I was being swept away to a vengeful death by an angry god. It made a great cover story. So, like a host of other ousted leaders, ex-spooks, and federally protected witnesses, I left my checkerd past behind and started a new life in a small town in Wyoming.
  8. Omigosh Kyle, your killing me!
  9. An award is given each year for promoting World Peace? ROFLMAO! They outta make 'em give it back. Whatever amazing thing it was they did.......check it out..... IT ISN'T WORKING! I'll nominate the inventor of marshmallows, when I party like it's 1883, I like dem s'mores bars.
  10. Tory, it's pretty much you, Tom Selleck, and Chuck Heston. I hope you get as FAMOUS! OK Flex, next time I see you, tell it. (SG, he's not really an actor, he just plays one on TV.)
  11. Kyle, sorry for the lateness of my reply. I haven't checked this thread in quite a while. I shot position 1 then 4 from the outside in. Also outside-in on positions 2 and 3. Position 3 was a real strain, I barely had the flexibility to reach the farthest target. I definately remember rolling my entire upper body sideways on position 3. On the free style string I went for 1-4 again. Funny thing, I was only trying to survive this classifier, so I shot slowly and deliberately. There's gotta be a lesson for me in that. A guy who shot it after me really did a cool thing, I wished I had thought of it. A the beep, he immediately dropped to one knee and just shot over the bar to use position 1. So, he was really quick getting into position 4. He did the same on the other 2 strings. His time was great, but he got a little wild and miked a couple. If I ever see this one again, I may try his method. -sam (Edited by bonedaddy at 6:48 pm on April 28, 2002)
  12. bird, Pro-grip really helps me too! I learned that I need to keep the bases of my thumbs pressed firmly together to keep my second shot in the same place as my first one. If I leave a gap between the heels of my thumbs, the gun torques and my shots spread out. Pro-grip keeps the heels from sliding on each other. I tried pine tar too, and it works if I use it on the heel area only. I get the Pro-grip from Brownell's like Bigbad does. But I'd rather buy it here!
  13. That's OK Ron, it's easy to get confused when we got gals like Rosie O'Donnel out there. BTW, I just said that because I think thespian is really a fun word, especially if you pronounce it with a lisp. Work your eyebows up and down and say it like this: " Hi, I'm a thethspian, would you like to thee my thix-thooter?" Oh, go ahead and try it In the mirror Kyle, just make sure nobody's listening. (Tory I'm not making fun of your profession, just the crazy English language. ) (Edited by bonedaddy at 4:45 am on April 28, 2002)
  14. Duane, this is great! I don't know which one makes me happier, the lawyer or the kid, but I'm glad you're out there passing on the gift of freedom. I suppose this particular counselor came to the realization that the true definition of a "frivolous lawsuit" is the one that is filed posthumously by your heirs.
  15. Way cool T! As far as I know, you are our first gunslinging thespian. Welcome!
  16. You know your true ability and how well you can shoot on demand under match pressure, that is all that matters. FWIW, most of my "blown" classifiers were screwed up because I was trying too hard to move up. Just relax and remember that we do this for fun. Kyle's right, if you feel like shooting it again tomorrow, well hell, tomorrow's a different day!
  17. Excellent, I don't want my 8 year old bringing any weird kids over to play! The kids of anti's are conditioned at home to be victims and she doesn't need that message in her life.
  18. Flex, you ROCK!!! Lemme guess, .85 draw & 1st shot, .16 split to 2nd shot,(1.01) .33 split to the last target (1.34) ? Life is good.
  19. D- I've never experienced anything like this from dry-firing. With a 1911, my finger really doesn't require alot of movement after I get it on the trigger. Some people's fingers swell up as they sleep. Does the stiffness go away after you've been up and around for awhile? Unless your blaster is a double action with the trigger from hell, it probably isn't the dry firing that's to blame. I'd look for other causes, like yard work or hand tools. If you play this right, you could get a new SVI out of it. That new tri-glide trigger has been clinically proven to reduce trigger finger stress in 8 out of 10 cases. I like your tag line about running with scissors, that's a hoot!
  20. That's a tough one Homero. Everyone has a different preferences. When you left the sport there probably weren't too many options. But now, you can buy a holster for just about any preference. Right now I have an 010 and an 012 from Safariland. The 012 is adjustable for everthing from barrel length to day of the week. And conveniently, our host sells the entire Safariland line. http://www.brianenos.com/pages/holsters.html#holsters Now IS the time -Sam (Edited by bonedaddy at 2:58 pm on April 20, 2002)
  21. Homero, welcome back! It's good to have you here. In your situation, I would probably just remove the compensator and shoot limited10 or limited. There's a great deal of fun to be had either way.
  22. The French invented the guillotine to deal with exactly this kind of crap. (Edited by bonedaddy at 9:48 pm on April 19, 2002)
  23. Do you smoke after sex? I dunno, I've never looked.
  24. John, just for kicks you should take him to the range sometime. Shooter ready? roc.... Stand By! B-BAM, B-BAM , B-BAM.......... in a couple of weeks he could be doing a sub five El Prez complete with turn and reload. Reminds me of a joke about a parrot with no legs....hehehe. But I ain't going to tell it. :0
  25. SS, chewing on them can be the fun part. I experience the frustration too. Then I usually arrive at some conclusion about what the phrase means. It finally makes sense to me, but in reality, I probably don't get it at all. So, we live and learn. Then we die and forget everything. -sam
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