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Everything posted by Parallax3D

  1. I'd rather have the 90 degree mount. Dot's closer to the bore. Less having to correct for the offset of the dot from the bore at various distances. BTW - I don't have extraction/ejection issues with my 9mm. Just saying, you can hack a C-More to fix the problem, or do something else, like option 2 or 3.
  2. So... Pay someone to hack up my C-More and void the warranty so I can fix "extraction issues", OR simply use a 90 degree mount,. Hmmmm..... I think I'll go with option #2.
  3. The COF starts with "make ready", and ends with "range is clear." If you retrieve a mag from your front pocket at any time between those two commands, then welcome to Open Division! Not anymore. If I remember correctly this came up during SS nationals 2012/2013. http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-NROI-ruling-details.php?indx=55 The start signal to "if clear, hammer down, and holster" seems to be the demarcation point. So, if you were at a major, you should expect to carry enough mags on your belt for multi-string type stages. If I were running you at a club match and you topped off between strings out of your front pocket, honestly, I wouldn't care. What I generally do is load off my barney mag from my first pouch, throw it on the ground, load my first full mag from my second pouch, holster, then fish 2 full mags out of my back pocket and stick them on my belt. Did you not read what I said? If you touch the mag in a front pocket after the start, then you are in Open. We know you're allowed to load at the "make ready" from the front pocket. The question was, what about multiple string courses? If there are muiltiple strings, then you CAN'T TOUCH the mag in the front pocket until after the COF has ended, (and COF ends at "range is clear", not "if clear, hammer down and holser." <--- That is just an inconsistency in the rulebook.)
  4. The COF starts with "make ready", and ends with "range is clear." If you retrieve a mag from your front pocket at any time between those two commands, then welcome to Open Division!
  5. No, 5.2.4 is not a division requirement, that's a general requirement for ALL divisions. See above. ^^^
  6. As an RO, I would not start the competitor until they fixed the violation. It's not like SS or PROD, where they have restrictions on holster and mag locations, (which would bump you to Open.) Same goes for things like the holster and mag pouches being within 2" of the inner belt. (Something that is the same for all divisions.) No penalty, you just have to fix it. I remember a case of Ray Hisrt from PASA calling out shooters because the top of their backstrap was below the top of the belt. Against the rules, so they had to fix it. I suppose if a shooter refused to fix an issue like this, or did it repeadedly after being told not to. you COULD DQ them for unsportsmanlike conduct. Is THAT good enough of a penalty?
  7. Also from legal apparel pockets.And technically a mag can be in an illegal place during the course of fire. You just can't use it Nope! 5.2.4 says they SHALL be CARRIED in a retention device (or clothing pocket.) Since that is NOT a retention device, (wedged between two other mags is not a retention device), it would not be legal, even if you DIDN'T use the mag.
  8. Legality would depend on whether the mag was still there after the start signal. If you load from the mag before the start signal, you're fine. Have the mag there AFTER the start signal, then 5.2.4 WOULD apply. Wedging the mag between two others is NOT a legal retention device. In the situtation that the OP described, it would NOT be legal, since it was an unloaded start. Any mags after the start signal must come from either a retention device on the belt, or from table, etc. as described in the WSB.
  9. Chrono is recommended for level 1 & 2 matches. It is REQUIRED for level 3 and nationals.
  10. I would give a mix of different types of classifiers. Some are the "burn it down" type, like CM6-03 or CM13-04, and other's take more finese. Some of the one's I like, (because it's easy to get a good score ), are; CM9-04 CM9-09 CM6-03 CM13-04 I also like; CM6-05 CM3-11 CM99-62 CM99-63 Always did well on all of those.
  11. Why would you want to run 165-166 PF? If you're trying to run Major, that's WAY too close for comfort. If you're running minor, that''s a pretty hot load. I use a 9# spring for everything from 145-175 pf. Lighter than 145 pf, and I'd probably go with a 7# spring.
  12. Berry's are WAY too soft to be running at Major velocities. Xtreme, Frontier and Rainier are good to go, although you may need to play with powder choice and loads to get the accuracy you need. A friend of mine started shooting Rainier, (sponsored), and had to switch powders to get the accuracy at distance that he needed.
  13. Unfortunately, without someone shooting back at you, USPSA is also about as close to combat or real life as you can get.
  14. ^^^BINGO!! I did not opt-in to this. I DID opt-in to the match announcements and scores. I've also never seen anywhere specifically what USPSA's policy is.
  15. This is permission-based email. The case can be made that by giving them your email address at all, you gave USPSA permission to email you from time to time with items of interest. I don't see the problem and think it's largely imagined. Show me where anyone gave USPSA permission to SHARE our email adresses with a 3rd party, or allow third parties to advertise to us via email. Show me anywhere that it says that USPSA may share your information with a 3rd party. The only thing that REMOTELY could be used to justify this is the "Email Alerts", and I obviously DID NOT opt-in to that!
  16. Regardless of who is actually sending out the emails, this should have been an OPT-IN arrangement, not opt-out! The privacy settings on the USPSA site cover being contacted for match results, alerts, and pre-match press releases. I see nothing authorizing them to send out monthly newsletters. (Unless they are going to claim that a monthy newsletter is a "USPSA Alert.")
  17. Calibration of the chrono is covered in appendix C2 of the rules.
  18. I'm assuming that they will be using the same chrono setup at Area 5, since it is also at PASA. So, if 10-15% of the field goes minor at A5, then maybe you'd have an argument for the chrono being the problem. Then again. they used the same chrono for the Rev. Nats, the next day, and I didn't hear about large groups of people failing to make PF.
  19. LOL!!! Mall Ninja Alert! I'm willing to bet that the closest that person has ever come to a gun fight is when he plays "Call of Duty."
  20. When I shot Limited with my G24, I used Dawson basepads with STOCK Glock springs! I managed to get 20 reloadable in them, (but it IS tight!)
  21. Swinging your legs around??? I step backward with my strong-side leg and pivot on the balls of BOTH feet.
  22. Rules say you can't handle the GUN before the "make ready." It doesn't say anything about mags and ammo. Generally, when they are scoring targets, it's a last chance for the shooter on-deck to look over the stage. Everyone else helps reset the stage EXCEPT the on-deck shooter.
  23. I just shot it again this last weekend. 100 pts. @ 8.51 in Open gives me a hit factor of 11.7509, and a percentage of 70.6230%. Personally, I blame the RO, who barely gave me 1/2 second between "stand by" and the beep, and the fact that my fake nails were getting long and needed to be trimmed back, (interferes with my grip.) Look at it this way though. I'm a girl who shot 70.6230% with long fake nails!
  24. Exactly! More oxygen allows for the use of more fuel, and a bigger bang, thus more power. That's why people use things like turbos, superchargers, and nitrous oxide. But as I said, smokeless powder has it's own oxidizer, so the density of the oxygen in the air is irrelevant. You can fire a gun in the vacuum of outer space!
  25. Elevation is irrelevant. Smokeless powders have their own oxidizer built into the formulation.
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