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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Am I going to have any problems being 20 and driving there with my gear???
  2. Erik, If you called a shitty shot that may have been a miss...you did good by making it up. Yes it ended up being a hit, but there is always a small margin of error in calling your shots...even with the best in the world.
  3. Yes...and it is still followed by a long string of curses.
  4. Man I want some of what your smokin...
  5. K guys here are the winners. Open - Max Limited - Travis L10 - Gary Stevens Prod - Kyle Farris Revo - John Jawor Max stomped my ass so bad it will be hurting for weeks. Sam, Thanks a lot man. I won't be at area 4, going to area 7 instead. See you in Ohio.
  6. Preliminary match results are up on USPSA's site. Expect finals later this afternoon.
  7. I shot today and probably shot the match of my life. For the first time I didn't rush anything and saw everything to the point where I could have shot each stage 10 times in a row. Accomplishments at this match...First major with no penalties, 1 D, ended up dropping only 19 points for the match for 97.9% of the available points. Had a few more extra shots than I would have liked...most on the A zone only stage....and I didn't need any of them. I just put 3 on just in case. I hope Max doesn't kick my ass too hard tomorrow.
  8. What does that have to do with it? He just said the problem was with the other dude, not the citing officer.
  9. No making up mikes from the first string on that second on a virginia stage if that happens. Other than that, I see no reason.
  10. Thats too bad BE...I know I and many others would have loved it. Hopefully next time works out.
  11. Totally echo what Flex says...In dry fire it is incredibly important to always do at least half of your reps in slow motion.
  12. "I am beginning to think the key is not how much motion in is a stage but how much WASTED motion." Hopalong posted that over on Max's forum....let your mind hit that for awhile....there is a boatload of truth there.
  13. Nice stage man....I would love to see that in the book or in a match.
  14. Awesome goal....having that will really help on some stages. Shot a stage today where my draw was a .79 (ended up being a 20 HF so those .2 seconds mean a lot). Dry fire, dry fire, dry fire.
  15. I haven't actually done a full rack in a really long time....I wanted to try one this week sometime. My goal is to get it under 2.
  16. I would have to say when Benny Hill says something like that...it is for pretty good reason. I would heed his advice if I were you.
  17. Usually I hit .9 - 1.00 for this.
  18. I have posilutely no clue what the process is...and that is something I would like to know as that is a goal of mine for 2008.
  19. Dry fire is fantastic and an absolute requirement if you want to be good. I believe at the earlier stages of your shooting career about 80% of your practice should be dry fire (a coach would be great too). I also think that looking for an increase in classification is potentially limiting your development through dry fire. Work on all aspects of your shooting...if as a by product you become an M or GM....fantastic....don't make that your overall goal (a big mistake that I made). In dry fire there is no simulating recoil....we are trying to improve our overall technique and economy of motion, not use it as a substitute for live fire. For your second question, the way I read it is that you are keeping your eyes on your sights through the arc of the transition. The reason this is bad to do in dry fire (other than the fact it is terribly slow and tedious) is because one: this isn't what you are going to be doing in live fire (I hope), and two: anything that you practice becomes a part of you. If you practice "shooting" sloppy points in dry fire and when it comes, live fire, that is exactly what you can expect on match day. In dry fire it is incredibly important to call A's with every shot. Also another thing....I firmly believe about half of your reps in dry fire should be done in slow motion as that is the absolute BEST way to refine your economy of motion.
  20. Let me say something about shooting on the move other than the face it is rarely worth it... If you can't hold an acceptable sight picture (as in a sight picture in the center of the target you are aiming at) you should NOT be shooting on the move.
  21. Entire classes could be taught on how to shoot field courses...
  22. Thanks Rob. The ones on rbps weren't working for me but the ones on USPSA are.
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