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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I think we have found a new definition for anal.
  2. Unforgiven is by far my favorite western.
  3. A head shot is no different whether it is by yourself or in front of the super squad....I've done both. The only pressure you have is what you put on yourself....if you think shooting on the super squad adds pressure you simply won't be able to make it to the top echelons of the sport because your performance will be adversely affected when shooting with the best in the sport.
  4. Normally I won't say relax...I know if I am doing my job the rest will take care of itself. Relaxation for me is something that is earned through hours and hours of practice. If I have some nerves before a stage I'll hear my good friend saying "just aim" in my head.
  5. Shot this recently. Here is my score from memory. All A's....last target was only at 20 yards instead of 25 though. String 1 - 1.62 String 2 - 2.13 String 3 - 2.31 Total - 6.06
  6. "Time to let old Painless out the bag." Predator
  7. It's also interesting to do that with multiple shooters. Usually the top dogs will beat you in different places than the other top dogs will. Pretty interesting.
  8. The ape is right...it was from Unforgiven.
  9. Don't make your splits any slower (if you are seeing what you need to see of course) just transition faster. It's obvious you can since you have done it. My recommendation is stop trying to disect every detail and just drive the damn gun. You will see a difference.
  10. My guess is it's all in your head. Just shoot.
  11. Phew, I'm glad you conceded. I couldn't take any more of a bruising to my ego.
  12. (from memory) I'm comin out. Anyone I see I'm gonna shoot em. Any son of a bitch who takes a shot at me I'm not only gonna kill him I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.
  13. Juniors aren't the only ones. Guys in college are severely limited as well.
  14. Jake Di Vita

    My Knee!

    Get a 2nd opinion....I'd almost bet the farm it's torn.
  15. But in those other games, those perfect scores can't be beat (hence why they are perfect). In USPSA...My perfect score could just as easily be stomped into the ground by Max. There is no "perfect" in USPSA. You can always go faster.
  16. Jake Di Vita

    My Knee!

    99% of the time when you hurt you ACL it is usually all or nothing. If you heard a popping sound, very good chances are that it is torn...not sprained. No amount of cortizone or physical therapy is gonna reattach a busted ligament.
  17. Haven't done too much with it lately. Ammo budget is very tight and literally the only rounds I'm shooting are in matches right now.
  18. Fantastic match today....you guys that missed it missed a good one. Next 5th weekend there will be another so make sure you attend!
  19. Jorge wasn't leading but was about 5 points behind Max at the end of day one. I don't think he had gun trouble...he just flat out tanked a bunch of stages in a row. I was incredibly impressed with his shooting though.
  20. My gun didn't puke until close to the 100,000 count. Easily the most reliable gun I've ever owned.
  21. Where are your hits on the steel? Frequently edge hits or always dead center?
  22. Guys cmon....this is not a fair weather sport....We aren't always going to shoot in optimum conditions...you all knew it when getting into the sport, and you know it now. Deal with it.
  23. Just because you can't see it in the picture doesn't mean very much...
  24. Making oatmeal by warming up the water in the microwave again weren't you.
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