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John Z Sr

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Everything posted by John Z Sr

  1. Oh yeah, 4" 625 is my favorite as well!!
  2. Welcome. I shoot revo in all 3 games, 2 of which I favor far more than 1, for numerous reasons. Please notice the word "games". Treat them as such and you will have more fun, in my opinion. If you enjoy SHOOTING at lots of targets as fast as you can hit them, USPSA is the game, but not as many revo shooters, if you want to shoot with all revo shooters and shoot at lots of targets as accurately as you can, ICORE might be for you, IDPA, well shoot some matches and you decide. Best of luck, be safe and have fun
  3. Especially in this thread. "IDPA vs. USPSA" is a topic that will get this thread closed fast. Duane, It's responses like yours and many other reasons, that after today's IDPA match, my membership which expires next month, will not be renewed, it's a game, lighten up dude John, you do realize that response doesn't come from any prejudice toward either IDPA or USPSA from Duane, right? That it's a direct reminder of Brian's rules for conduct on his forum. I lobbied for the creation of this particular sub-forum back in 2001. We -- as a group of moderators/administrators -- have come close to dumping it a couple of times as being more trouble to police than contribution to the forum community as a whole. That contentiousness is almost always directly related to the debate of IDPA vs. USPSA -- which Duane was reminding everyone is a forbidden topic around here. We're happy to have a thread about crossing over, just reminding folks where the lane markers are..... Thank you sir, you are "a voice of reason" best to you in ANY game you shoot
  4. Especially in this thread. "IDPA vs. USPSA" is a topic that will get this thread closed fast. Duane, It's responses like yours and many other reasons, that after today's IDPA match, my membership which expires next month, will not be renewed, it's a game, lighten up dude
  5. Recently I've been able to have a few IDPA shooters cross over and try some USPSA shooting. These are the more open minded shooters from the IDPA crowd and they had some fun. On average, most said that the sport was a little more difficult as to they had to figure out what to do with the stage by themselves. All in all, they enjoyed it and spent a good day on the range with new shooting friends. Put the IDPA vs. USPSA thing aside and come out and try it, you just might have some fun
  6. Great news, looks like Josh is not coming with a 686 and Comp 3's, sorry oh Great One, too hard to pass that one up
  7. Best way to get ready for Martin's match at Sir Walter, is to come out and shoot a great match at Pitt County tomorrow, bring your wheel guns!!!!
  8. If I can sell enough brass and lead bullets to afford the gas money, I'll be there
  9. Welcome, don't forget about revolver division, lots of reloads and fun
  10. I'm going to try hard to make this one, might be up at my parents house in northern NJ that week, and the match is about 2 1/2 hours away, just might see you there, can't bring you the deed just yet, but I can give you the address to mail the mortgage payments and in just 26 more years, they will be happy to send you the deed !!! Does not look like I will have the extra funds to make this match Craig, wish I could, best of luck and see you at the Carolina Cup
  11. I have never noticed any difference myself, but anything you do with your reloads that makes you think they are better, can't hurt, maybe a waste of time, but can't hurt
  12. Been having a good revo turnout lately, get some revo's out to Pitt County this weekend and then have some more at Sir Walter next weekend
  13. Thanks for another great match Dean, it's a shame all the closet revo shooters in the area won't come out and join us yet, but they will. Love the western town set-up
  14. Sorry to hear of your ailments. Yes revo is the most fun, in my opinion, and it's hard to loose a revo shooter, as we are small in number, best wishes
  15. Josh did the man thing and moved up, we must give him the credit he now has earned and deserves, maybe we should stop referring to him as damn little kid,,,,, naah, still a rotten kid, great revo shooter, but still a rotten kid
  16. The grass has been cut and planted some flowers, might even plant some veggies this year
  17. I agree with what you are saying Cha-Lee, but this one was a pride thing, the steel was not going to beat me
  18. Great news, that's where you belong, well done and keep shooting well my friend
  19. Looking forward to the regular crowd at the match, and lets see some new faces
  20. This is the latest from Vegas,,,,, Cliff Walsh winning the cup 725 to 1 " " placing second 365 to 1 " " being beaten by an Expert 127 to 1 " " having a great time even money Coor's Light stock hitting new highs in North Carolina in June,,, sure thing ALL HAIL OTIS, the revo shooter we all admire, but don't want our daughters to date
  21. Open invite to all revo shooters, even if you don't shoot much IDPA, this is THE match to shoot this year !!!! You get to come out and watch "Otis" beat Mr. Buckland, unless of course young Mr. Lentz comes down from Pa. then all bets are off, this kid is GOOD
  22. Might not be a championship match, but Saturday will be a good one, lets have a good turnout
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