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John Z Sr

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Everything posted by John Z Sr

  1. What's the spread on a B vs. 2 GM's, called Vegas and they did not know how to fix the bet?
  2. Why would I want to be Master or higher, being an A class and being beaten by a B class is something I can handle, I can't imagine what it must be like to be a GM and get beaten by a junior B class. I'll pay the shipping and be happy
  3. While shooting the SC section match on Saturday, one of the posts on my North Mountain Moonclip holder came off. I've had the holder for over 3 years and it has been great. I felt I had gotten my money's worth from it and was going to order a new one to replace it. I get back from the match yesterday and my phone rings. It was Bob, the owner of the company and he had already heard about it and told me to send it back to him and he would take care of it. When was the last time Mr. Goodyear called you when you got a flat tire, or Mr. Ford called when your truck would not start? I know it's been said before that these are great holders and that Bob is a stand up guy, but I felt the need to say it again, thanks Bob
  4. A serious congrats to the new SC revo champ, nice work Greg. When your plaque comes in the mail, at least it won't be packed in a bag filled with sand like last year's award!! Way to go Luke on a flawless performance, great squad to shoot with
  5. According to SC Statute 265.397A paragraph b, "any shooter who competes in a level 2 or higher match in the State of South Carolina, and shoots in revo class, and is under the age of 30, and has not completed puberty prior to the start of the match, and does not have a note from his Mom, may not compete in a match for score". Sorry Josh, Cliff retains his Crown by default. Congrats Josh, on a great performance, a pleasure to have the priveledge to shoot with you ( there I was nice, you are still a rotten kid)
  6. As Linda has stated,, PUH-LEEEEEEASE,,,
  7. Are we inferring the use of bags filled with sand to help with the flooding?
  8. The thanks go to you Dean, for trying to give us a State Match, we will get it next year
  9. That stinks, was hoping to shoot with him this year
  10. Needless to say, that totally ^$#*'s , totally understandable Dean, maybe it was just not meant to be this year. Let's take a positive approach on this, we now have 12 monthly matches to get more shooters to ICORE. If each of us gets 1 new shooter by the fall, we will have 20 at the matches. Then we double that and next spring we will have 40. Not the time to quit, time to prepare for next year, viva le REVOlution !!!
  11. Looks like "Team Eagle 1" might be sending a group up for the match
  12. Looking forward to shooting with you this year Greg, we can't let the other Greg beat us !!!
  13. Not to worry, we have have plenty of applications for the "OTIS" fan club at the match, 5"X7" autographed glossy's will also be available (fully clothed), and don't forget the hats and official "OTIS" tee-shirts. All procedes go to the "OTIS" save the children foundation.
  14. I keep all my .45 revo brass separate from my 45 brass that goes in the semi's. I have yet to have one split, and some of them have been reloaded over 15 times. I always hand prime, as has been mentioned, and never have problems, knocking on wood as well.
  15. I've never needed more than the 6 I carry when I shoot retro. If you have a real big stage, just load from the pocket at load and make ready and you will still have 6 reloads on the belt. We've had shooters come with not enough speedloaders, and someone always has an extra or 2 to lend out, good luck
  16. Found the problem. Loaded up some "Precision Delta" 230 fmj's (my normal bullet) and they were 733.75 fps for a 168.8 PF, just like they always are, and then shot some more of the "slow" ones, "Montana Gold" 230 fmj, they came in at 696.8 fps for a 160.3 PF. Everything was the same except for the bullet brand, heard MG are harder and maybe that made the difference. Glad I just bought a box of Precision Delta's . Hope this helps someone else out and thanks for the feedback.
  17. That's what I figured, thanks guys. Good thing that I'm self-unemployed for now, that gives me the time today to load some new ones up and hit the range with the chrono. Guess I might as well get some more practice in while I'm there.
  18. Hope more shooters are coming to this match, it will be a great one, a whole wild west town is being built and looks like some fun stages will be coming from that set up. The host for this match is really getting a reputation for setting up some very good and challenging stages, get your apps in !!!
  19. Put some of my standard loads through the chrono yesterday, getting ready for SC section match this weekend. From my 4" 625, 4.1 grs. of Clays has always given me a power factor of 168-170. Got chronoed at 6 big matches last year, plus my own chrono and always made it. Yesterday I only made 159, and everything has been exactly the same with the load. Could my barrel be getting worn and that is causing the drop in velocity? I do have about 10,000 rounds through the gun since last August. Any input from those with more experience would be appreciated.
  20. Yes, he is the GM you are thinking of, NC's best revo shooter and one of the best people I know, and he was telling me to shake it off as the RO was offering me a re-shoot. I was out of ammo at that point and he would have given me some of his to shoot again, but he was out also. That is really my point, this is the best group of people, shooters, and the new guy did not mean anything wrong when he yelled, and I am not mad at him (anymore!!) I just hope that whoever reads this will think about it and remember to be courteous at all future matches. I am glad for the forum and a chance to vent off some frustration in a constructive way, time to get ready for today's IDPA match and then 6 more days 'till SC SEction!!!! Good shooting to all
  21. Just shot the best match of my life today. Did everything right, just like all the better shooters have told me. Had the privlidge of shooting with a GM revolver shooter the week before a State Section match. Stayed right on his tail the whole match, no mistakes and shot real good points. The last of 7 stages was a 32 round field course which had at the last array, going prone to engage 4 small poppers and 1 static target at 30-35 yards from a small port. Having learned last year about how to go prone long distance on poppers , with 6 shots and only 6 in the gun, I made the decision to go 4 for 4 on the steel and put 2 Alphas on the paper. Sounds like the way to go, especially after the GM had to reload to make up a shot or 2. I knew I had this, played it out in my mind over and over, and all I had to do was shoot this last stage. After going 3 for 3 on the steel, some,,, shall I say less seasoned or courtesy challenged squad member, felt the need to "whoo hoo" my 3 for 3 right as I was breaking shot 4, needless to say, a miss. Went to static and shot 2 Alphas, now the prone revolver reload for the last popper, no longer in my sweet spot and having a hard time getting the gun and sight back on the popper. 4 shots and about 6 or 7 seconds later, my now almost perfect match came to an end. In my mind, I had it and I placed better against the GM overall than I had hoped for the match. My intent for all this, is to all newer shooters, PLEASE refrain from loud talking, yelling, whatever while a shooter is still shooting. Plenty of time for that after unload, show clear, hammer, holster, the range is safe. Not complaining, just venting, thank you
  22. Welcome to revo world !!! Just a little helpful hint that I learned when starting out with revo, the audable "click" after the 6th bang, means reload
  23. How many planning on revo this Sat.? Word is that our very own NC REVOLVER "GM" will be gracing and burning up the match, great opportunity to come out and see one of the best revo shooters in the country.
  24. GREAT !!!! thanks for the update Jack, looking forward to the match
  25. So what's the final count on revo's? Do we have a full squad of misfits?
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