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Everything posted by SteveZ

  1. I'm now financially divested of L10. Back in the spring when the chatter became much louder regarding the perceived "offing" of L10, I started to formulate a game plan. That plan went something like this....I like L10, I don't like Single Stack. If L10 goes away, I'm left between choosing Single Stack (see previous comments) and Limited (yeah...real competitive there with 10 rounds)....then there's the political side of things. I felt back in the spring that eventually the gun pendulum would swing back to the left some day (some day BTW started back a couple weeks ago) and hi-cap mags would be difficult to get. So I made the difficult decision to dump L10, sell the gun, sell the magazines....and go buy an STI Edge from Dawson Precision, buy some hi-caps while I can...and don't look back. It's too bad because I really like shooting L10...it just doesn't seem that the powers that be in the USPSA and I have the same view on the division. I'm carrying the torch for L10 because it seems that the USPSA is doing it a great injustice. I will say this.....I sure do like shooting Limited with all those extra rounds in the gun! Seems like shooting a stage now is more about "shooting" and less about "reloading".
  2. Hi ya Eric...actually I already did talk with Bruce about it....and without naming any names...it IS what I think. PM me if you want more info.
  3. uh.....yeah like eliminating L10. "There was discussion on eliminating L10 altogether." It appears they're also taking a close look at the existance of Revolver division.
  4. Now why would you do that Mr Bond? A proposed "Stock" Division? A big thanks to Bruce for sticking up for L10! http://www.uspsa.org/bodminutes/20061121.pdf
  5. I'm shooting the MB 180gr bullet with Titegroup out of a STI Edge. My loads are 1.175" OAL and I'm running 4.3gr to make major (169pf). Not sure if thats going to help you much.
  6. You're running one more than I've got. Two 140's on the belt...one in the gun and my 126mm "barney/SHTF" mag occupies my last mag pouch.
  7. but Troy... says "ALL" shooters complete the revised course with all previous attempts tossed out.....it doesn't say everyone who shot it "wrong"..... it says ALL...which to me means EVERYONE who has previously shot the stage whether they shot it right (whatever right is) or wrong.
  8. I can't add anymore than what has already been said (especially by Floyd) but I will add one final thought....why bother having a rulebook....if the rules we play this game by as defined in the rule book aren't followed. The RM has approved a course change after the match has begun (flip flopping on an earlier decision) which takes us to the subsection of 2.3.3 -- this sounds like the "competitive inequity" horse has left the barn a long time ago. Some shooters have shot the stage with an advantage different then the way that others will be allowed to shoot it. Says ALL shooters complete the COF. ALL means ALL, regardless if they shot it what turns out to be right or not. Otherwise, some shooters get to shoot it twice...and others only get to shoot it once. If I had a crappy run on my first attempt...I'd be really happy to get a second chance. Shoot throughs typically show up...shoot and then leave. So this can't apply. I think we're left with 2.3.4. We've got a competitive equity problem and it would seem to be impossible for ALL competitors to attempt the revised stage. Whether it makes "sense" or not..the rule book says Toss It. PS, I don't think 6.6.3 applies because the match results haven't been declared FINAL yet...there's still days to go before that happens.
  9. Thanks Bruce...those are good resources for after you get the shooters into the program...but I'd like to hear ideas for getting new shooters involved in USPSA/IPSC and if a "syllabus" for IPSC 101 exists anywhere.
  10. One of the problems with the clubs in my section or my section itself, seems to be a lack of new shooters. Because of this, many shooters who are running things year after year begin to experience core burnout. Rather than looking at ways of attracting new shooters, the clubs/section wait for new shooters to find them....and as you could guess, its not a good formula for attracting new shooters and growing the sport. So I'm curious as to what others have done or are doing to attract new shooters and grow participation in their sections. I'm interested in what you've found works....and also what doesn't work. I figure all of us could benefit from this information. Also, I've heard about "IPSC 101" type courses offered by clubs as a means of introducing new shooters to the game. If anyone has a course curriculum or outline for such a program and could point me at a link (or send it to me as an attachment), I would appreciate it. Thanks
  11. Washington State is experiencing some of the worst flooding in probably over 20 years. Below are some pictures taken recently. A little water: http://tinyurl.com/y48ncw This is what happens when you build your house too close to the river: http://tinyurl.com/y54t9x Just a little bit of water over the road: http://tinyurl.com/y2uv2e Raging River: http://tinyurl.com/vhym9 Water over the road...and a few other places too!: http://tinyurl.com/udj2g This is a picture of a place called Snoqualmie Falls. The first picture is what it looks like normally. The second picture was taken yesterday: http://tinyurl.com/y5c5wp http://tinyurl.com/wkh92
  12. I did. Two years ago when I worked the Area 1 match at Missoula, I stayed at the Val-U-Inn. Room cost was $67/night and it was a GREAT hotel located around a ton of resturants and a mall (which was a good thing because I broke my sunglasses on the way to Missoula) in Missoula and a bit closer to the range than Rubys. I will say that before going, I researched all the hotels at tripadvisor.com. Val-U-Inn had great reviews.
  13. yeah....I think the "special" 10.7.3 award comes to mind.
  14. Well said, Troy, thank you. And if anyone's interested further in the now-dead issue of "swamp land", I've got pictures from when I was there of the high and dry so-called "swampland", complete with shots of other businesses and concerns that went ahead and built around it. Lets put it this way...if the land isn't flooding today...its NEVER going to flood. Washington State in the direct line of a major storm right now....they're talking about record rains (like 10" in the mountains and 6" in the lowlands)....basically one of those "once in a century storms".
  15. Why? The sport should take whatever direction the majority of the members feel it should. This would utlimately be a good thing for all concerned. Are you concerned about the outcome of such a vote? Please enlighten us on how this would be a bad thing. Well here's an example. Lets say the vote for the existance of Limited-10 is put before the membership....and lets say for sake of discussion that 20% of the membership actually shoots L10 and the other 80% doesn't. The people who don't shoot L10 could probably care less about whether it was around or no....so they give it a thumbs down.....loosing L10 is no loss to them....but the people who do shoot L10 obviously have much more to loose. Putting the addition/subtraction of divisions before the entire membership would be a BIG mistake. Hows that for enlightenment?
  16. I know others aren't going to be happy if it's in Missoula....but I LOVE that range. It is so beautiful there in Missoula (not to mention its God's country)......the range is HUGE and the people are great there. I'm really hoping its the Limited Nationals that land in Missoula....I'll be there in a second!
  17. I'm pretty much calling the shot now on every target....including super close stuff where I probably shouldn't be .... you know, the targets at 3 meters or less where you could probably just point the gun and close your eyes and still hit the A-zone....for some reason, I'm seeing the sights on those "point shooting" situations too....probably from doing LOTS of dryfire practice.
  18. My addition to Kevin's suggestion is...don't be surprised if at first you feel that your shooting gets worse trying BEO. Years ago, I decided to make the switch from SEO to BEO and knew that my shooting was going to go backwards until my mind adapted to this new technique. At first it's very frustrating seeing two of everything...but eventually your mind figures things out and in the end BEO seems much better (and easier) than SEO. The only time I switch to a single eye or start reducing the vision in my weak eye is when the shot difficulty increases (smaller scoring area on the target or an area bordered by no-shoots) or when the targets are at long distance. When I learned BEO, I DIDN'T use the tape over the weak eye crutch. I knew my mind would figure things out on its own and it did. Since using this technique I've developed a VERY strong right eye dominance.
  19. Bruce...when in doubt (heck...even when not in doubt) check out tripadvisor.com before you book anywhere. Lots of reviews on hotels there...and prevents you from making mistakes others have made.
  20. When you take the CRO course, the "final" is designing two stages....a Classifier stage and a Field Course. It's my understanding from JA, that many of the CRO Classifiers stages are considered for becoming actual classifiers. [stage info and linked edited out and put in it's own thread]
  21. While I'm fairly certain that the BOD isn't about to make any decision soon, it does seem that some decision is coming down the road....just don't know how long that road is. I think it would be a good thing for interested persons, to at least express their opinion one way or another to their AD's so that they've got a good feel what the masses are thinking in the trenches. Personally, I decided to jump the Lim-10 ship a few months ago because I could see the handwriting on the wall.....I sold my L10 gun and mags (which would have made an awesome SS gun) and switched to Limited. I would have liked to see Lim-10 exist on its own (as Bruce pointed out, it will likely be a sub-catagory under Limited) and I have no interest in shooting SSD as my primary division. Neither of those options looked appealing to me.....so I decided to control my own destiny rather than letting the USPSA do it for me. Hi ya back Bruce!
  22. maybe Lim-10 isn't the division they should be considering getting rid of.....around these parts (and I would suspect most other places in the US...with a few minor exceptions) there is much higher participation in Lim-10 than SS. Its also interesting that those local IDPA shooters that have crossed over....crossed over into Lim-10 and NOT SS. SS seems to be pretty much DOA here.....and the PNW is single stack country.....its just that everyone's using their single stack to shoot Lim-10.
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