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Everything posted by spook

  1. Intel6, that does sound like Amsterdam. She could have carried a pound of pot and no one would have said a thing though
  2. Sometimes a random impulse causes your mind to wander off it's regular path of thoughts and you see things from a different perspective. Something made me realize that when I pull the trigger on my revolver, I just control the hammer and the cylinder. It's funny because the first thing I noticed when I started shooting revo about two years ago, was that I couldn't hold the sights still when I pulled the trigger, so that became my focus. And in threads around these boards I kept (and keep) reading about how you shouldn't disturb sight picture when you pull the trigger. This subconsciously led me to pulling the sights off when I wasn't paying attention to the way I pulled the trigger. I linked the triggerpull to sight picture. With my new focus (trigger finger controls hammer, nothing else) I've mentally separated the trigger finger from the sights. And all of a sudden I realized my hold control the sights. Strange thing. I change the way I think and now I can pull the trigger as fast as I can while maintaining a perfect sight picture.
  3. Erik....you seriously amaze me man...
  4. I didn't like TC, until I saw Vanilla Sky or Magnolia (can't remember which one I saw first), so I can relate I think. I'd suck it up and go anyway. I saw it yesterday and I found it a very impressive and beautiful movie. I was a little hesitant to go and see it, because of my earlier experiences with movies that had anything to do with Japan made by American directors. But this one is different. Absolute beauty.
  5. LMAO, those are brilliant! Does Conan O'Brien have anything to do with those?
  6. Hi BlackIce, welcome to the Forums You say that if you concentrate, you can stop the flinching. So that means that it's not a "scared of the shot" reaction, right? So, you're probably jerking the trigger. If you're not scared of the shot, but just having problems with trigger control, I suggest dry fire....a lot of it. Learn to pull the trigger without disturbing the sight picture. You also might try a search on the forums here. I'm positive there's a whole bunch of advice posted before on this topic.
  7. Over here in Europe there's quite some competition in RSD. I think South America has a lot of revolver shooters too. I don't understand why there are so few revolver shooters in the US. I mean, you guys have Nationals with Jerry M competing!!!! (I'd love to shoot against the best revolver shooter in the world) Maybe the Courses of Fire in USPSA are to blame. From what I've seen on tape/DVD's etc, USPSA promotes more stages with a lot of those big ass targets , close distances, etc. In IPSC we have classic turtle targets, often see (partial) targets past 25y and I think the avg. round count for a stage is about 14 rounds.
  8. What Yardbird said. Besides, with the USPSA change to 9-round neutral stages, 8-round wheelies will not be able to compete, let alone 6 shooters. Plus I'd hate to trade my 3 625's( ) for one 627 8-shooter
  9. Aw, jeez, I for once was hoping IPSC would follow USPSA on this one. This will probably mean the end of eight shot revolvers in USPSA open, limited and most of all: production I seriously do not understand what reasons there could be to decrease the playingfield to gain only one round per position.
  10. Nice going T. Clear conscience is worth more than $450.
  11. Hi Arvid, have a nice trip!
  12. Hi Gerben, nice to see you've joined the forum. And after he's done pistol whipping Arvid and the rest of the competition, he shoots a mean match too Polymer frames are nice and soft Arvid. Something you should have taken in consideration when you bought yours
  13. It looks like this thing: http://www.gameboy.com/sp/home.jsp
  14. Flex, I like your 4 step schedule. I think the main problems in ending up the wong way after step 3 is that force of both hands are not equal and/or not in the right direction. I'd say that the perfect reload would have both hands reach eachother on the centerline of your torso with equal force (in this case the force it takes to seat the mag, so each hand would move with 1/2 that force). The hands would arrive in a symetrical position and "roll" inwards towards a nice shooting grip while you extend/move to high ready, I guess.
  15. Flex, shouldn't you focus be on how your hands end up when the fresh mag clicks in? Getting both hands on the gun the correct way seems most important in the last portion of the reload. Especially connecting the left hand with the gun again. I'm thinking out loud here: If neutrality is what you strive for in that last part of the reload, I would say that the best way is to move both hands. It would seem difficult and inconsistent to have both the gun and the mag moving before the mag is in, though, so I would try to get the mag in while holding the gun still and move both gun and mag at the moment the mag enters the magwell.
  16. Radagast, I'm sorry if my reply seemed a little harsh. That was in no way my intention. If I were you, I'd be shooting my 8 shooter in any of the other divisions. Over here (IPSC rules) we have a max of 9 shots/position. If it were 8 shots/position like in USPSA, I'd be shooting one of those sweet 627 .38 supers in Open div. as we speak. The whole flow part might be true for USPSA, but over here, I see at least one 9 round array every match (and you have to admit that shooting 6 and dumping three is better than shooting 8 and dumping 7 right ) I like the idea of Open revolver division as a separate division, though. But in stock, I'd never go past the 6 round limit. And again this is also just my opinion. I didn't mean to flame you Björn
  17. Why do you want to know? And why are you asking me?
  18. OTOH, there's a bazillion 6 shooters laying around in people's gun safes. RSD is a great beginners division right now. This is not a valid argument IMO. It would make just as much sense as allowing comps and dots in Production Division to make those guns more competitive. In what way are 8 shot revolvers more competitive? RSD shooters compete against other RSD shooters. If all the top shooters switched to 8 shooters, you would be just as competitive as you were before. It would mean that 6 shooter are less cometitive, though. But I would still get my ass kicked by Jerry M, shooting his 8 shot 627.
  19. Well, I don't know about Eric, but just about everybody in Europe shoots plain old FMJs. They're way cheaper. Is there a certain advantage in shooting JHPs?
  20. I hate the fact that all my ex-girlfriends are so friggin stubborn!
  21. Eric has a forum on www.ericgrauffel.com Check the forums. He has reload data for .40S&W (Ba9 or 10) and .38super (SP2) Ah hell, looked it up for you anyways. Here's Eric's Open load (168PF, 5.5"bbl): Armscor Brass: .38 super rimless Armscor Bullet: 9mm 124grs, FMJ Round nose Powder: Vectan SP2, 0,62 grams Primer: CCI Small Pistol 500 Total lenght of the ammo: 31,5 mm and his Standard load: Bullet: Armscor 180 grs Primer: CCI small pistol 500 Brass: Armscor .40 SW Powder: Vectan Ba9 0,39 gram Ammo lenght: 29,5 mm No crimp Power factor: 178
  22. 1) Basketball. Funny thing BTW. Not the jumping/moving/running etc. has helped me there, but gripping the ball did. Once you can reliably grip a size 7 ball, the control over that little gun grip becomes amazingly solid. 2) Badminton 3) Weights 4) Fencing
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