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Everything posted by redmanfixit

  1. 4.5 Gr of 231 to around 5 gr should drive them plenty fast and reduce the leading. Alox is a very good lube. I like to use Unique myself because the pressure curve is flatter thus lower peak temperature, less erosion on the bullet base. My pals look down their noses tho as they all seem to be very enamored of V V and other "modern" propellants. Slugging the barrel IS the way for bullseye shooters. USPSA is not bullseye, at the ranges we shoot at, I can't convince myself to go to that much trouble. Unless the bullet is grossly over or undersized, when it leaves the leade, it WILL conform to the barrel. Lead is fairly "plastic" in those pressure ranges. I'm just sayin!
  2. Hmmm. I have been running Wolf primers in Glocks, 1911's and a CZ 75B for a year now and they work perfectly. Never have had a failure to fire.
  3. +1 on the arched. There some very good ergonomic reasons for that grip angle. Just approach the whole situation as an adaptability exercise. Personally, I think it's worthwhile to be able to shoot anything you can get your hands on.
  4. redmanfixit

    CZ Mag Pouches

    Please don't forget about Center Of Mass in Idaho. I have a whole race rig for production for my CZ 75B from him and it's very good quality and fit. Works great and he's a nice guy that supports our sport!
  5. Single Stack is the ONE true path!! I have affection for the good ol' Hogue wrap around grip. That and an arched main spring housing. It places the wrist at an angle that is somewhat more like the European angle you have on a Glock. It is an anatomically more correct angle. Sends the recoil impulse compression wave, radially down the forearm bones mechanical axis.
  6. Some knothead (likely the departed property owners son, Long story) warped a bunch of our steel with large caliber black powder slugs close in and then used an FN 5.7 and added craters. Bummer! A pal of mine owns a welding shop and lets me talk him into small tasks for reasonable prices. (Friday afternoon beer supplies!) Happily, he has a good sized press, which he used to iron out most of the warpage. Easier than you might think. The craters can be fixed with hard facing rod or a nice hi alloy wire. We thought it would be fun to just shoot them till they break like glass. This treatment brought them back nicely and didn't cost very much. Target faces are a good idea as above. Again though there's the need for pretty heavy duty welders to get good welds, and someone that knows how they work. It's kinda nice to bring old stuff back!
  7. Get it cut for Moon Clips and Be Happy! Don't need no stinking speed loaders!
  8. Next time use a Cobalt bit. So Nice!
  9. The Wipes I mentioned above are called D-Wipes. Just like baby butt wipers but they absorb and remove heavy metals like crazy. They pick up a variety of bad ones including cadmium (very bad). Worth the trouble.
  10. EDTA is a food preservative and a dandy lead scavenger. It's used for chelation in a dextrose and water solution delivered IV drip. I think that there are wipes you can get from Midway as I recall and they are useful for cleaning up around where you load too. Richard Lee mentions this in Modern Reloading. If you would like to help remove lead from your body, remember that Cilantro (Coriander) is a natural chelator as well as vitamin C (the ester kind which costs more (naturally) is most efficient). Good for you any way. Linus Pauling was a VERY smart guy. Swanson Vitamin, in Fargo ND is an old and respected supplement company. They carry a chelator called Metal-Shield which is very effective at removing heavy metals from the intestines, which is the major pathway to eliminate it anyway. Makes it work much better. There is literature on it at Swansons that discusses how it works and the history. It's European in origin, of course. If you chip away at it with deliberation, it's not too difficult to keep your blood levels at acceptable levels. The major exposure we all have is as a result of fallout from coal fired power plants and environmental pollutants. The stuff is all over the place. So much for shooters having the burden of "saving the California Condor".
  11. If you are willing to look at sameness rather than difference, you may find as I have, an unnerving similarity between Zen and the emerging Quantum Reality. It's all done with mirrors.
  12. Panda Meister....You've likely heard me going on about Inconvenience Theory. Many of my friends have advanced degrees in physics or engineering, uniformly, as I begin to explain the operation of this property of space time....they respond with outrage. Then a little time passes and they have a chance to observe the unfolding of the conservation of Inconvenience! Inconvenience is conserved. This is a perfect example!!
  13. I really like my Gen3 SF with the ambi mag catch. I heard that some were having trouble with the catch but I can't imagine why. The more I shoot it the more I like it! I don't have the biggest hands and the SF is pretty close to the grip circumference of a 1911. So Nice!
  14. It's one of those books for which it would be a nightmare project to do a screen play. It seems lately though, there are writers that do fairly well. Beats having to go to the movie theater with a sleeping bag and a Coleman cooler full of sandwiches! They may block it from the theaters here in Boulder County. Antithetical to the ends of the County Commissars! Can't take the risk of anyone waking up!
  15. You may be missing an economic opportunity here! Import this stuff for people that NEED an increase in the visits!
  16. Good God!! I hate what antibiotics do to people over the long run!! Not that I think that they are uniformly bad, just overused and the "on ramp" to relentless dissolution and decay if not followed with a course of probiotics! Before there were industrial mycotoxcins there was a biological that worked wonders and leaves the healthy flora in your gut intact, even healthier. Bacillius Subtillus was isolated from the intestine of camels in North Africa by the nazies as a result of them trying to figure out why their troops were dying from Dysentery but the natives were not. Were it not for that microbe, Rommel likely would have kicked the allies ass, Montgomery was a putz! Wonderful stuff! It kills Amoeba's and a variety of other organisms that cause "Montezuma's Revenge" and fades away after a few weeks leaving the normal gut flora intact. It's still used in Europe and is available if you look for it. There is growing evidence that a host of chronic disease processes that plague our civilisation are based on the disruption of healthy gut flora. The ENTIRE emergent market for products like Activia or Danactive is based on trying to re-balance your biofilm. I've posted on the forum about this (and gotten spanked a little) on this topic. Search the posts up. The industrial medical model does have value, interventive medicine is fantastic to deal with catastrophe, but it SUCKS at wellness. The whole damned system is about sickness because there is no money in wellness. Look at the horrible mess our "health" care system is in!! I got permission awhile back to open a thread about it and I will after I get past the effort to get a public shooting range built in BOULDER County!! (I obviously need to get my head examined as far as the stuff I get involved with!) People will pay any amount of money when they are sick and in pain, facing death, to escape the reaper. Try to give them the key good health and long life and you see eyes glaze over and yawns start! Think about the name of that class of toxins "antibiotic" = against-life!! C'mon what do you think that REALLY means??? Sorry for the cranky tone! I just HATE to see people sicken and die purposelessly.
  17. My wife has a full sized 9mm and shoots it well. When she decided to get a G26 I was a bit concerned because of the "everybody knows" disadvantage of a short sight radius. She just beats the heck out of the targets with it. I was surprised. I have a 21SF I shoot lots and run it well. I drew a Certificate for a gun from the RO pool at last years GSSF match and I'm amazed at the accuracy and friendliness of the G30 I got as a carry gun. I have placed above my usual average in several matches since I began running it regularly. I have yet another pal that competes exclusivly now with his G26 in production and a recently acquired G29 (10mm!!) in L10 and places well consistently. There are several Police Officers I'm pals with that use these as off duty guns and carry them on duty as backup guns and I've regularly heard them say how much better they shoot the Sub's than the full sized guns they qualify with. I've even seen the aforementioned G26, G29 pal shoot the G26 at 75 yards and hit 9 out of 10 on the first shot on full sized poppers and put them down. So I have to say that generally, if you do your job, the darn things are VERY accurate and fun to run in a match. If you have the compulsion to "win" there may be disadvantages but if you just want to shoot well and have fun.....Yee Ha!! I think it's very smart to compete with your carry gun!
  18. Got Em today! Thanks again Brent!! Amarillo isn't that far, There is a renegade USPSA match coming up pretty soon called the RM300. 300 rds to complete if you don't miss! go to ecouspsa.com. There is a heck of a prize table on this one!


  19. If I remember correctly, the alternator on these was a bit peeked. Don't know if it was the voltage regulator or just a bad design on the alternator itself but it seemed to have a hard time keeping up with the headlight if you switched over to a halogen. I also remember that there was an old engineer from Japan that had been with Honda racing named Yoshimira. He came to the USA and was building amazing bikes using the 400 4 and the 550 like yours. After he got done with them they'd redline at about 14 or 16 thousand RPM and make crazy horsepower!! I bet there are still parts around if you feel like cracking the cases! Cool project!
  20. Single Stack is the one TRUE path!!
  21. Please remember an important fact. You're not dead! The human body is astonishingly adaptable and equally astonishingly able to heal. This pivots largely on the belief systems of the "occupant". Henry Ford among other wise beings, apparently anticipated some of the features implied by "Quantum Reality". "If you believe you can or you believe you can't, you're right either way". "not perfect and never will be" is a false belief. Don't buy it. You are living, vital tissue and your body will be happy to do what you ask of it. You just need to know how to ask and to support the desired response. It's ALWAYS a question of balance!
  22. There is a wonderful gizmo called a TheraCane. You can find them online and you'll pay about $45.00 for it or so. Kinda looks like a Shepard's crook. Comes with a dandy little pamphlet of basic instructions. It's designed to help you to do trigger point work on yourself. You very likely have an upper thoracic vertebrae out and it's likely caused by the way you sleep. It is of course wise to eliminate a herniated disc as the cause, but only because you approach the trigger point work in a slightly different way. Using this wonderful tool and a couch or comfy chair, you can do deep tissue work on your neck and safely relieve the spasms that accompany the nerve irritation from a displacement. There is also a method to accompany this, I taught for 20 years or so to many people that had this happen commonly. Because of my rather dark sense of humor, I call it the "Deadly Balls". You'll understand if you try it. Get a pair of tennis balls. While sitting or standing up, tilt your head forward and reach up over your shoulder with whichever hand you can make the move. Feel around on your back at the base of your neck for a prominent bone slightly above the level of the shoulder blades. That marker is T1 C7. Ist Thoracic 7th cervical. Lie down on your back on the floor and put the two tennis balls on either side of your spine just below that marker point. Arms up over your head. (Yes, I know, that increases the "sensation" more) It also aligns the upper Trapezius and Rhomboids to release the spasm and possibly get an adjustment of the bones there. You use your legs to push yourself along on the floor, rolling the 2 tennis balls down your spine. Keeping them on the same vertebrae as you go. You'll need the length of your body plus a little, clear of obstacles in the direction your head is going. Don't forget to breathe. When you land on a "hot" trigger point you will most likely hold your breath with the lock at the base of your throat. Don't do that. If you quit breathing....eventually you'll die!! (Heh Heh) If you breathe deeply it softens the tissue in the area of the pressure and increases the chance of the bones dropping back into alignment. If there are no catastrophic failures of structure, (no osteoporosis or herniated discs) It's pretty much impossible to injure yourself. This will at least facilitate a Chiro getting the adjustment in the fewest possible number of visits. I do commercial electrical work among other things. If I did not have this set of techniques in my tool box, at my age I would be a cripple. Try it. You can contact me with questions about the method. I have never killed or injured anyone I worked with in 20 years + of teaching. No Pain....No pain! I always say.
  23. Henning can help you tune it! Invest in some Airsoft equipment so you can practice in your garage....in case it ever gets cold there! UffDa!
  24. Dillon is Golden as far as I'm concerned! I bought my 550 more than thirty years ago and recently, a part failed on the powder measure. I made a call, gave them some numbers and new parts with installation instructions arrived a few days later. No Charge! I remember the days when that was American business standard practice. Well perhaps not quite THAT good but the standout companies were pretty much that way. I miss those days.
  25. I have a TechWell on one of my competition guns and I really like how simple and effective it is. Very clean installation and fit.
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