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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. Im gonna go see Vanek tomorrw and see if he sees something wrong with the problem kit.
  2. They were in 5 shot increments. I took a video but dont know how to upload here.
  3. Thanks. Though, I've got a lot of room to improve. For instance, stop zeroing classifers! Ha. I'm not trying to hero or zero but I've zero'd a couple here lately. Well, i guess I am trying to hero them. Though, the one yesterday wasn't an attempt to do that. I told myself while visualizing to get a good sight pic and watch the soght track. I did and really got a good sight pic on each shot but I hit hard cover on 4 out of the 6 shots so. No joke something is up with my back up gun. I thought it might have been poor grip/trigger, but took it out today to try group shooting at 10 yrd and had the same exact problems. Low left. Pulled out my primary G34 and all of them in a tight little group at POA. I've recently switched up my loads and think maybe that barrel doesn't like them? Anyways, also tried the problem gun (switched back to the "-" connector) with about 100 rounds of .15 splits. No issues at all.
  4. I think I agree. I'm an M in Production.
  5. No. I'm not too fast. Ha ha. I can split pretty quickly. Like I said around the .15 mark. I just changed the connector to the "-" and moves the spring back down. Can't feel a difference. I did forget to mention that the striker is a jager. I'll update if that fixes the problem. Thanks for the advice.
  6. Thanks for the recommendations. I did #2 and still had doubling. Of course it happens on a Virginia Count classifier. Last night I cleaned everything and switched the spring back for the top home. Shot the gun today at a match had 0 doubles. But I did very few splits at .15, if any. I did a lot at .20 though. I think I may go back to the "-". I don tare about trigger weights nearly as much as reliability and smooth pull. Though "smooth" and glock don't go together.
  7. It's it possible to inadvertently "bump" fire causing it to double? My 34 is doing it. Only when I try to pull and get splits around the .15 mark. Even then it only seems to do it when i tense up to get those splits. If I stay relaxed it does seem to do it. I'm running a Vanek GM kit. I just replaced all the springs. 4#striker, reduced striker block, stock trigger return spring. It didn't do It before I replaced the springs. I guess the LWD connector could be worn. During dry fire I use a piece a paper between the breachface and barrel to keep the trigger from going dead. Could that cause wear and change the mating surfaces?
  8. I understand the cost for each. Not the question. Shoot production. With production gear. Scores also count for Limited. You'll be scored lower but oh well. Just enter the same exact score in the other "match" for the different division. I'd pay for both entries. IDPA- Shoot SSP and score counts for ESP.
  9. Yeah but why couldn't I just shoot it once and have the scores count for both? I'd have to pay for both.
  10. I've been wanting to try Limited division but haven't got my gun/gear set up yet. I found out that the club I'm going to shoot at this Saturday is doing all classifiers. So, my question is if I shoot my production set up could my scores also count for limited? I'd be getting scored minor so that's not optimal and could make my percentage for Limited lower but why couldn't that be counted? I could get there earlier and shoot the stages twice but I'd still have to shoot the same gear since I don't have a Limited set up. I'm an M in Production so the worst would be an A classification in Limited. Plus, I kinda want to try and get an M or better with production gear/minor scoring.
  11. Where do you get that?
  12. Could someone explain the am/pm thing? I know, totall newb question. If you're squadded on the am/pm squad, does that mean you start shooting in the am and end around noon each day? Or you shoot Saturday in the AM then shoot Sunday in the PM?
  13. Did not know this. So, if I'm a M in Production I'm an A in everything else?
  14. Not sure if want the supper heavy or the heavy with inserts. On another note, you using tungsten guide rod? Im gonna buy one to go with the SJC weight to add some weight up front.
  15. Thank you. That's what I'll probably do. The Dawson weighs about 3oz less but oh well.
  16. Guess everyone here is shooting production?
  17. How can a M get a match bump by placing 5% better than their classification? Seems like you'd have to win. I guess that rule really only works for A class and lower?
  18. Anyone running an SJC heavy magwell? What base pads were good to go or required the least amount of work to get them running?
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