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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. The wrist flick method, in my opion, is not a solution (or a good technique )! No way it's as fast or consistent as not doing it. OP, the S1's require (at least for me) the mag release spring to be taken out and for one leg to be bent/curled in towards the other. This prevents the mag button from being pushed all the way in which would pin the magazine up against the mag release/frame. Are you sure that's not happening here? IIRC the S2 has a little tab on the mag realease where each leg of the mag release spring sits on opposite sides. It essentually prevents the mag release button from being pushed too far in as well.
  2. The grips that come on the shadow guns are too small for my preference as well. Get some VZ or LOK grips. I personally think the trigger pull on the Tanfo, w/all the Patriot Defense parts, can be made as good as the CZ. The reset may be a tad longer. The CZ should be easier to nail reloads with since the magwell is more generous. Both are awesome!
  3. B_RAD

    DK Triggers?

    I hear people say tune the connector. How does one tune it?
  4. How to position myself for ports like that is something I want to improve on! Not just how I position my body either. Target order for positions since that’s how I decide where to position myself. I went in to that port with the intention to shoot left to right. It seems most of the time the targets will be set up where you can’t shoot them from one position without shifting yourself. You’re moving into another position and there’s 4 targets. You can shot #2 (numbered 1-4 left to right). Is that faster than waiting to get to one side or the other and sweep in one direction? Or is it better to always be shooting while you can regardless if you’re then gonna have to transition back to the left then all the way back to the right? I know it’s hard to say what’ll be faster on a hypothetical stage but if you can be shooting .3 of a second faster, that seems better than waiting? Even if you got to do wider transitions. This would all be assuming the targets are equal difficulty but just not all available from one position without shifting/moving a step or leaning. At my current level of stage breakdown, I always try to sweep in one direction. I treat it like trying to not cover the same ground twice. I know it’s a case by case thing but I think I need to try out other orders of shooting target arrays.
  5. I will say he's kinda not all that close either.
  6. So many excellent points have been made! I'm glad I asked. This has been very informative. By the way I am RO certified. This will also help me going forward on that front as well.
  7. The squad before us must have finished up 30 min before we got to it. We never saw them. I would have watched them shoot it. Probably would have helped!
  8. I didn't watch anyone shoot it. I wanted to finish strong (or not tank) so I spent my time vusualizing.
  9. I didn't feel that I had two hits and didn't plan on waiting that long. Guess I got hypnotized. Ha. I ended up with 3 hits. Would have been better to leave and have a miss than wait that long.
  10. Not gonna waste time getting into a pissing contest on my classification. I don't think its good form for the RO to talk to the shooter and that's my opinion. I do agree that a shooter should try to not let it bother him. Though, I'd bet everyone has let things bother them before. Also, I prepare for each stage I shoot as if it was nationals. Which means prepare and visualize. I've never shot nationals. I just started shooting USPSA this year but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be talking when I would be best served by preparing. So, thats what I do at locals. Treat it like its nationals.
  11. Nothing wrong if some shooters are there to have a good time. Nothing wrong with folks there to treat it like nationals. Both just need to be respectful of the other.
  12. I disagree about treating level 1 differently. I'm there to preform as good as my current level of skill. Once I've shot a stage I'm up for chit chat with anyone that's also shot that stage. The moment I walk over to the new stage, I'm there to prepare then shoot. I've noticed the folks that prepare the most for each stage usually preform way better than folks that don't.
  13. I wish I would have picked up more before the clam shell. I've already learned a lot from this thread. I didn't even think about stepping to the right when planning. Also, didnt think to watch and see how deep the clam opened.
  14. Thanks! That makes me cut myself a break. I was getting a little discouraged thinking it was voodoo!
  15. @CHA-LEE, let me ask you a question. How accurate can one expect to be when calling their shots? I've went to the range a couple of times in the last month or two with it being a goal. I'll set up at 15/25yds, draw and fire 2-4 rounds at one target and try to call my shots without looking at the target. I can meet all the par times listed in skills and drills for doubles, etc. and my hits are good. All A's and close C's. I usually don't call my shots well though. I'll be thinking upper left of A zone and I'll be lower left. Maybe I'm calling at the end of the recoil arc rather than the exact moment when the sight starts to lift? Assuming a person is not blinking and calls the shot at the proper time, is a 3" circle from the called spot good?
  16. Well,... I think I may be done......hoepfully! I decided to switch back to cz Thursday. While dry firing Friday I decided I didn't want to waste time getting caught back up with a new gun. So, I decided to stick with the plastic block. Sold the CZ. As for calling shots, I think it's gonna make a huge difference. I'm getting close to getting it I think. I've heard people say a dot does help learn. Let us know if does.
  17. Great point. If you feel you need more time, take it.
  18. I agree 100% This was a a club match and should not happen at a LV2/LV3. I ask because if it did, and I was the shooter, I might ask to be dropped down a spot in the order.
  19. No "harping". Me using LMR instead of MR is inconsequential to a simple question.
  20. I've noticed this a lot lately. I'm sure every range/club has some.
  21. Ok. Let's say the RO starts talking to a shooter about something that he had happen to him while RO'ing at another match. Is is that grounds for a reshoot? To avoid re shoots or having the potential of a bad run, if the shooter feels distracted, could that be an excuse for that shooter to ULSC and drop to another spot in the shooting order?
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