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Everything posted by vrmn1

  1. The 6.5" barrel you really have to drive to the target. The little I have shot mine I am liking that. I do love the longer sight radius.
  2. Here are the instructions. http://www.alchemistmatt.com/cube/Denny3x3/index.htm
  3. Oh pulling the stickers off is so much harder than taking it apart and putting it back together if you can't solve it. But really the instructions are on the web now, it is easy.
  4. Can anyone else do the Rubiks cube? I average 2 minutes. Boredom and nervous energy when I can't be shooting or doing something with guns.
  5. Canada's not a state. This was meant for me in Georgia. GEORGIA is "up north"????!!!! I thought you had to at least get above the Mason-Dixon line to be considered a "*&^$&&*()^$ northener". So that would mean Pennsylvania and above, like when some of you fine folks venture up to the Summer Blast. Well north of him.
  6. Canada's not a state. This was meant for me in Georgia.
  7. A year and a half ago when I shot my first USPSA match it never crossed my mind to load weak hand. Before then I had shot a couple of steel challenge matches with a Smith 19 and speed loaders. Maybe I was influenced by Jerry but loading strong hand just seemed natural. I knew other reloaded weak hand but I never thought about it. Then I realized a lot of folks did it that way and so I tried it a few times and it didn't work so I stayed with strong hand. A few months ago I tried it again and something clicked and I could do it just as well but I had to make up my mind to do load that way. I figured I would keep it simple and stay with strong hand. So after being warned a few times about the muzzle I figured I would just go ahead and convert. If I can do it boths ways just as well it can't hurt.
  8. This is the way I reload, at the waste watching everything. And I can do it just as fast as the old way. The retraining the brain to do it this way is just taking some time. I have been doing all my dryfire drills this way. I have several moon clips of dummy rounds made up to practice with. It is just taking a little time. I do see a lot of improvement.
  9. I can do it just as fast as I can strong hand reload but doing it without thinking about it is where I am bumping into a wall. If I plan it out I can do it but if something goes wrong and I go on auto pilot thats when I go back to strong hand. Recently the MD at our weekly fun match has said I was breaking 180 as I brought the gun back down. I don't think so but I think this way I am less likely to do it.
  10. Real dang odd! And we can only wish for a 6" barrel right now.
  11. BUT it is not cut for moon clips. Easy enough to deal with. I like the full profile barrel.
  12. LOL! Reminds me of Ben-Hur...........OVER! Micah, you must be referring to the Dover twins ....................... Ben & Ileane. You are joking about Ben and Ileane Dover. This is the honest to God truth. In Jackson Georgia there is a real estate agent named Ben Dover.
  13. I wonder if they will ever make one with a 6 1/2" barrel. A modern 1955 target. It sure would make a nice IPSC gun as long as they size the throats properly.
  14. I have not tried the LP in revolvers. I have tried small pistol and they seem fairly hard. My 610 will fire them but they have to be seated firmly and my trigger is just under 7#. Last weekend at a show here in Georgia I found 2000 Fed LP's for $22 per thousand and grabbed them but that was all that dealer had. Another dealer had some but at $27 per thousand. I can't find any Fed SP's.
  15. Are these new revolvers in 45 ACP??? The 325's are 45 acp, the 396's are 44 special, the 327's are 357.
  16. I kinda thought thats what you meant. It is crazy the difference in brass in the 40 as compared to 45 acp. Or at least that is the way it seems. I tried the RIMZ today and they worked great with any brass. That may be the ones I go to.
  17. Well because Smith is making new 610's again you should see them for about the same as new 625's. By crashes I mean missing a reload. Yes me screwing up.
  18. I played guitar some as a teen then found girls, football,girls, cars, and girls. I picked it up again about 6 or 7 years ago. Not much more than a campfire strummer but I love it.
  19. I got my RIMZ 610 moon clips today. I shot it with them but the way they load into the gun and hold the rounds I like them. I will try them at the range tomorrow.
  20. I was just looking into flights, there is just no way I can make it. I would have to fly up Friday night and home on Sunday, there is no way I could do it. Maybe next time.
  21. If someone will pick me up and take me back to the airport I will try to make it. I wonder if I can get sign up with ICORE in time. Hhmm. Hey I have a week to figure out if I can make it. That should be enought ime.
  22. I personally don't care for light rail on any of these revolvers but that is just me. I do carry a 4" 625 a lot. Yes on my hip, not just left in my truck. It was bought before I ever thought about shooting it in a match. It was on my hip loaded with heavy hard cast 45 AR when I was fishing in Alaska. Before I bought it I carried a 4" 28 for a little while. I have thought about getting a 325 because of the light weight but I don't want the light rail. Smith has brought a couple of guns at SHOT so far that I like. They have short barrels and the C&S fixed sights. A 396 which I may like more than any. A 325 and a 327. Here are pictures taken by my buddies at gunblast.com
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