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I hate being hated


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I've been out of pocket the last few weeks because of my new duty station, but I've heard/read of some of the Enoverse members who do not approve of the "sponsorship" that many of us have received from a well known sun glass company.

I can't speak for any other members of the Team/Squad and I did not get permission to make this post. However I would like to explain why "I" wanted to be a part of the Team/Squad.

For me, it was an opportunity to be associated with a group of shooters who have excelled in our sport. I was told that matches would be a Team effort and I would (and have) receive advice, stage planning, coaching, etc. from more advanced/experienced members of the Team/Squad. For me, that was worth more than any discount from any of our Sponsors. As far as discounts go, I don't use them much. As a a full time LEO, most of the companies offers great discounts already.

The biggest "gig", "complaint", "poke" or whatever has been the fact that I have paid for my Team/Squad Shirt. I totally under what you're saying and my wife agrees with you.

However, I'm only a "B" class shooter. If I choose to wear a shooting/firearm related shirt to a match, I'm going to have to pay for it. I have proudly worn (and paid for) STI shirts, SV shirts, Tripp Research caps and Wilson Combat shirts. The shirt that I currently wear just happens to be the coolest looking shirt that I have in the closet.

Probably 36% (maybe more) of the shooters who visit this site are better shooters than me. The fact that I chose to team up with a group of "like minded" folks, does not mean that I think I'm better than any of you. I am not.

In fact, I wish you could all realize that we (competitive shooters in general) are a microscopic minority in this Country and we should cherish EVERY SINGLE MEMBER/COMPETITOR.

So, Lets love each other, appreciate each other and quit HATING each other.

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Well said. There will always be those who nay say one thing or another. You are on a quest to be better, and you are proud to be working with the group, and the sponsors, as well you should be. Don't let those voices get in your head and bring you down. Some are jealous, some are sinical, and some don't understand, and that will always be. Good luck to you this year, and let me know if I can help you on your journey. I look at it like joining an exclusive club with benefits and costs.

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I AM NOT A MEMBER OF THAT SHOOTING TEAM. That being said, I feel sorry for anyone who spends energy on jealousy. I applied for the open spots and was not chosen. I may or may not spend the time and energy to apply again. I am glad there are groups like the one mentioned supporting our sport and happy for those of you that enjoy an affiliation with them. Enjoy your support system and our sport. In our sport, as well as most endeavors, if you have time to complain about others you are probably not making the best use of your time.

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dont let them bring you down

You have a great opportunity.

I run jr program and all the help we get is appreciated. The way I say thanks is to put there logos on our shirts.

Wish more companys would do this.

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Hate rants involving shooters, firearms, or shooting related manufacturers, such as but not limited to - IPSC, IDPA, USPSA, Colt, Brownell's, Dillon, or Match Staff - are NOT PERMITTED. Brian's Forums is also not the place to resolve customer service issues or disputes you may have with a manufacturer, dealer, gunsmith, or individual.


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