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The Flu


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Damn...take care of yourself..I got folks out at work for a week so far...

hitting kids where we are..think there have been about 6 or 7 deaths on kids under 11 in the state..

big runs on vaccine too...even though heard it wasn't that effective against this strain..

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you might want to give a try to an old italian remedy to flu: if you'll survive, you'll recover perfectly; it is called "vin brulee".

Pick up a small pan, put in it a couple of glasses of wine, one or two slices of apple, a clove nail (you know that spicy little nail used to cook), and, finally, coupla spoons of sugar.

Put the pan on the gas and let it boil for 5 mins, then drink while it's still hot before going to bed.

I can guarantee you that no aspirin can make the same effect! You'll sweat a lot while sleeping, and, hopefully, the morning after you'll feel a lot better. ;)

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I've been sick since Nov. 27

Jeez, that sucks man (makes me feel like I need to stop whining)! I hope you get well soon.

We got 8 inches of snow here in St. Paul, MN. starting yesterday and during the night. Now I have a sore throat. I got a flu shot middle of Nov, I hope it is only a cold. 

I hope so too D. As eerw pointed out, there's something going around that isn't affected by flu-shots :(

Skywalker, I'll try it immediately! :D

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They are finally recognizing that an epidemic of flu is happening in the area where I am. I started a 10 day vacation trip on Nov 17th and came down with a flu/cold bug that same day. 3 weeks later I am still feeling the same with no end in sight. Most everyone I know is just getting past a similar thing, is halfway through it, or just starting to get it. I even know a couple who have been bouncing a similar bug back and forth with their kids for way over a month now. The worst thing is that most folks have gotta work and continue doing things no matter how bad they feel, and it just keeps getting spread further and further.

Whaddaya gonna do? I hate the flu too!

Jeez, Erik! Pneumonia? Makes we wonder after enjoying this bug for three weeks now.

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Guest Larry Cazes

Yup......Looks like pneumonia goes aong with this particular strain. I have quite a few family memebers and friends that have it for the first time this season.


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I just got over a wicked chest cold, but I didn't have a high fever. It might have been just a cold, or it could have been flu and my shot gave me some resistance to it.

ALWAYS GET A FLU SHOT. If you're not allergic to the components, it can't hurt you and it could help you a LOT. And even if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for others (like your family) so you'll be less likely to infect them.

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BTW, something I learned along the way, influenza and pneumonia rank as the #7 cause of death in the U.S. I couldn't believe it.

That's interesting. I remember reading somewhere that the influenza epidemic of 1919 killed more people than WWI did.

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big runs on vaccine too...even though heard it wasn't that effective against this strain..

No, it's not, but it's better than nothing.

Problem is, I don't have anymore in my office, and the moms are begging me to vaccinate their kids. The pharmaceutical companies can't help, because they've shipped out just about all the vaccine they have, and it takes a four month cycle time to make a new batch.

Moral: Get your flu shot each year, but get it early.

Erik, I hope you're hanging in there. Call or email me if you want free medical advice. (I'll just pretend that you're a progeric adolescent with a master card :D )

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big runs on vaccine too...even though heard it wasn't that effective against this strain..

No, it's not, but it's better than nothing.

Moral: Get your flu shot each year, but get it early.

Yup..learned that..finally got an appointment for our baby girl..big relief from my wife..

For some reason here..it is hitting kids the hardest..about over 6000 cases..and all the deaths have been kids..

call that lesson learned..

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George, a million Americans died of influenza during WWI.

Kevin, just finished my Z pack this morning. Slept most of the day today. Seeing my Dr. tomorrow. Unfortunately, the affected lung seems to be getting raspier.

Luca, is one supposed to drink that concotion or merely inhale its vapors?

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George, a million Americans died of influenza during WWI

The figures being bandied about say about 460,000 to 675,000 in the US died of flu 1918-1919, but anywhere from 25-40 million worldwide, and that India alone had more die of the Spanish Flu than were killed in all of WWI's battles.

Yeeesh, it was actually worse than I had thought.




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BTW, something I learned along the way, influenza and pneumonia rank as the #7 cause of death in the U.S. I couldn't believe it.

That's interesting. I remember reading somewhere that the influenza epidemic of 1919 killed more people than WWI did.

I love the way you guys are trying to cheer me up LOL  :P  ;)  :lol:

Luca, I'm still here man! :D Still feeling the same, but you gave me a good excuse to drink wine, so it's all good ;) Of course I used red wine. Threw back half a bottle, and I never drink....so that was quite an experience  :lol: 

Spook : you're a WIMP !

A wimp, huh? Now I know in what direction to cough ;):P

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