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I figured it out, and I don't like it


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I think I've finally figured out why U.S. companies and people (think employees) simply aren't as competitive as they used to be, or should be, in the marketplace. Nobody is responsible for anything any longer!

How did I come to this thought?....here's what made it pop into my head:

I'm back to wearing a suit pretty much every day, so about once a week the wife or I will drop off and pick up my laundered/pressed shirts from the little dry cleaners/laundry on our island. It's close, inexpensive and convenient. In the last few weeks I've gotten three shirts back with top buttons missing and one with the cloth torn around where the collar button down button is located. The shirt that was torn was getting old so I didn't think much of it. Two of the three buttons were on shirts I've had a while and sooner or later, many of them break. The other day I picked up a shirt that I bought three weeks ago and has been laundered/pressed exactly twice by these folks. It's a Jos A. Banks shirt that retails for $89.99, so it's not exactly super expensive, but it's not cheap either. The top button was missing...obviously split. When I mentioned this to the lady at the cleaners tonight (I didn't say anything about the previous buttons) she said "we're not responsible for buttons" and pointed at the sign on the wall. I said "it's brand new and you've only laundered it twice, it shouldn't break that soon". She pointed at the sign again.....ugh. Okay, whatever, I'll start looking for someone else to take my money to. I really wanted to say "if you're not responsible, try not breaking so many of them", but figured it wasn't worth the time or frustration.

What ticks me off is that before I moved here I had a similar place that I took my stuff to, but it was run by what is clearly an immigrant family. Their English was rough, but their service was excellent and their prices competitive. When those folks broke a button you never knew about it (normally) because they'd simply replace it. I recall the first time I mentioned a broken/missing button to the usual lady who ran the register. She took the shirt, grabbed a box of buttons, found one that matched and sewed it on right then and there before she bagged it with my other shirts. Seriously, how much can a button cost a cleaners????

And people wonder why we're losing our shirts (pun intended) and money to the rest of the world :angry2: I simply hate that people and companies won't take responsibility for anything they do, but they sure want to be responsible for the profit.

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I agree. It is a shame the idea of personal responsibility got lost somewhere along the way. Things are especially bad in our public schools. Get this. Our school district even formed a "Personal Accountability Committee". I kid you not. Of course the committee members all want to hold some other group of people "accountable". Good grief.

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I'll sorta flip this very valid observation. The reason that attitude is becoming more and more prevalent is that we as consumers accept it. If everyone did what you are doing and took our business elsewhere businesses would eventually get that they are losing profits because of poor customer service/incompetence. Instead though too many of us mutter disparaging comments as we leave only to return because they are closer, or are less expensive, or some other factor.

Its sorta like kids. If we reward bad behavior that's all you will ever get from them.

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To Neomet's point...

I was in BPS recently and the girl checking me out asked if I found everything OK...she AND my friend with me were both shocked when I said "no"...she had no response. So why even ask me...my friend REALLY shouldn't be surprised. I was shocked that they were out of batteries!

I believe in telling the truth...even when people don't really want to hear it.

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Hey G-man,,, $89 for a shirt is Good money for a shirt,,, you have every right to be pissed!

You’re a lawman,,, you do know that sign,, holds no water,, I know not worth the fight. just messing with you,,,, :ph34r:

You are so right,, what happened to customer service?

Don’t we all love the 1-800-bite me hahahah help line,,, can you hold for 57 min you are soooooo important to us. Now listen to our advertisements for an hour!!! AAAAAAAA

I'm feeling it for ya!

Jim M ammo

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I can't say that EVERYTHING Ayn Rand said in Atlas Shrugged is agreeable to me, but so much was. I try to "vote" for things I approve of with my money. I try to greet everyone I meet with courtesy and respect. When I spend money in a place it's not unreasonable to expect the same from them, for starters. Wherever I find a place that provides me with better service, at a good price, I "vote" for it. If I can I will pay a little extra because I know it cost's more. I let them know I'm doing that and why. I talk about the business in a positive way to people I know.

There is the other hand.

It adds a slightly higher level of complexity to shopping, or banking or insurance or whatever, but next thing you know, change follows where we spend money. For example;

I remember buying an automobile that I intended to own for at least 15 years. I guess there was no connection for me between my....ahem, reproductive capacity, and my car. I planned that, I looked around at what maker had a good rep. I was unwilling to buy new JUNK every year.

Think about what you "vote" for every time you spend a dollar and ask other people to as well. Find out about the companies that you buy products from and if they behave badly don't give em' your money! A couple of banks LEAP to mind here! Oh well! 1 buck at a time. Don't buy junk. Don't settle.

Or I suppose we'll continue to let them herd us right along!!

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I have heard that insiderpages.com and maps.google.com both have places where you can post a review of a business.

I haven't done that myself.

But what I have done before with a business that ticked me off was post a rant in the Craig's List rants and raves section.

You can post on RnR to include a free hit counter which displays how many people have seen your post.

Then I sent the business the link to it via email.

Somewhere with the email I will put something snotty like, "You cost me money...now I am going to cost you money. So far 2, 011 people have seen that post. You failed to do right by me...you reap what you sow."

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I'm just enough of an a$$hole that I would go back and ask to speak to the owner. Whether it was the lady that you spoke with previously or somebody else I would take the time to explain that I live close by, need dry cleaning done frequently and if they don't care to take care of the problem I would take my business elsewhere. Then you hand them a rough worksheet of the projected times and items you would have brought to them in the next 12 months along with the projected dollar amount and explain that this is the amount of business they just lost from ONE dissatisfied customer and go out the door. Probably won't do any good but damn it feels good to educate the morons. They don't pay much attention to a lost dollar or two but when it turns into hundreds they pay attention even if they don't appear to have.



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Hello: Customer service is number 1 in business. I would go back and tell them that you are going to tell everyone you know how you were treated and not to go there. In a small town that goes a long way. In a larger town it works as well. I blame the media and legal profession for most of these problems. It is never our fault, it is always the other guys fault. If I buy an item or get a service and I am not happy with it I go back to return the item or tell the manager about it. Things change but it does take some time. Sorry to rant about it but it is one of my pet peeves. Thanks, Eric

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Believe me, you are not the only country in the world to expierience this. With us it starts with the goverment and then snowballs to all aspects of life.

If this offends you, it was not me, also it is not my fault. Actually it is your fault because you read my post and misunderstood it. You should appologise to me. LOL

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