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NICS check delay


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So I've lived in Iowa all my life. There, you need a permit to acquire to get handguns, but if you've got it and you're buying any gun, they don't have to do a NICS check because if you have the permit they know you've had one in the last year. Because of this, I've never had a delay on my NICS check because I've never had to have one.

I moved to Indiana this spring. Last month, I had a stripped receiver transferred to me, and I got delayed. No biggie, I figured it was just because I had moved to another state. It's not like I was going to be able to shoot it right away. This time, I had the whole day off, a gun on layaway that I was going to pick up, and my girlfriend's out of town so I actually had an entire day to buy a new gun, go to the range and shoot it, take it home and fondle it for a while. But no, the BATF has to ruin my fun day off.

The worst part is, I know that I'm going to pass the check with no problem just like I did last time. They're just making me wait for no good reason. I am pissed!

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Based on the increases in NICS system volume (according to the NRA-- it's up something like 50% from last year)... there will clearly be "transactions" that are delayed.

I was born in Indiana and know that their state laws aren't "perfect" but they do have the largest percentage of population of any state issuing licenses .. for pistol carry. In general it's a gun friendly state.

Be happy you aren't forced to live in CA, MA, or others states of that are even more restrictive.

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One of our local guys has a name or other squirrelly type thing that trips up the NICS check and got him delayed every time. His work around was to file for a Unique ID Number which separates him from the denied guy. Now no delay. Look on the 4473 and there is a spot for it.

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New 4473 forms also have a slot for a Social Security number --- specifically to help eliminate the "same or similar name" problem....

Even the old forms had this slot, it was just always marked "optional" so no one ever fills it out. Unfortunately, even a SS number will not stop the delays. After 72 hours, the dealer has the choice of issuing the gun to the applicant if the NICS fails to approve or deny.

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Yeah, I put down my SS# like I always have. It's interesting that it's 72 hours, they told me that I'd know in 8 days.

And I do agree, Indiana is a great state to be a gun nut in. Lifetime carry permit with no training requirement, NFA stuff is legal here, and there's a great bunch of folks down here on the Ohio. I know it's only a matter of time before I start filling out paperwork for SBRs and suppressors and the like.

Hank--if you know about the process for getting a UPIN, please PM me the info.

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New 4473 forms also have a slot for a Social Security number --- specifically to help eliminate the "same or similar name" problem....

Nik - Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way unless the other person has the SSN in their ID info. If some knucklehead uses your name and does something that disqualifies him or her from gun ownership, and their ID info doesn't include their SSN, the fact that you included yours is irrelevant - you'll be denied, not delayed. I found that out the hard way, and now have a "Unique Personal Identification Number" (UPIN).

Edited by revchuck
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New 4473 forms also have a slot for a Social Security number --- specifically to help eliminate the "same or similar name" problem....

Nik - Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way unless the other person has the SSN in their ID info. If some knucklehead uses your name and does something that disqualifies him or her from gun ownership, and their ID info doesn't include their SSN, the fact that you included yours is irrelevant - you'll be denied, not delayed. I found that out the hard way, and now have a "Unique Personal Identification Number" (UPIN).

Its called a Voluntary Appeal File (VAF). You will then get a UPIN after the FBI sends it to you.

Whatever information they pull up to look at when a NICS needs further review, its destroyed afte the call. So you might get an examiner that might see something that requires a further look, and you'll get delayed. They will do the digging, and come back with a proceed or deined. Aftert hat though, the information they used to give you the go ahead, its destroyed. So the next time you do a NICS, they have to do the whole process over if an examiner.

The VAF will allow the FBI to keep information instead of destroying it every single time. You'll be asked to supply fingerprints, etc. If your tired of getting delayed, it might be something to look into.

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I had a minor incident that seemed to be the reason I got put on delay. My purchases were all delayed for a couple of years but now I am back to instant!

My local FFL seemed puzzled by the delay but he told me a simular name could be the fault. He also said the most of the delays he gets are law enforcement people

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I have a Minnesota CCW permit and still get delayed by NICS. Because I was born in Germany. (Army brat). I've called them in the past to get a unique PIN and was told that probably won't solve the issue. It's usually only a 24 hour delay, so I've learned to live with it.

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I have a Minnesota CCW permit and still get delayed by NICS.

I am in the same boat. I have had the delay be as short as a few minutes. I'd get home from the shop and a message would be on my machine to come back. Now I hang out for awhile if I get delayed. How do you get the UPIN?

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Here in Georgia, if you have a CCW, I don't even have to do the check. I don't see how your States 4473 form can be any different than mine (there's a box to mark "no NICS check was performed because the buyer has a valid permit from the State of transfer") . You still must complete the 4473, but the CCW card is my proof that you are a legal resident allowed to own the firearm. I make a copy of your CCW and DL and release the firearm to you immediately.

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when i lived in NYC i applied for a UPIN..it helped

thank God i live in AZ now with a CCW Permit..

i just pick up guns from my FFL pay the transfer fee in and out in 5-10 minutes

Edited by ogiebb
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8 days delayed.... I wish I were you. Local law won't give permission to purchase for 14 calendar days..."This waiting period gives the Police Department time to conduct a background check to make sure you are eligible for a permit to acquire". The same procedure for every purchase, no matter how many other firearms you own or if you went through the same process just a few days prior. And if you had a Hawaii CCW... you would probably be arrested, since they don't issue them to civilians.

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