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Drill from Seeklander


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You come in the box nice and low but as you start acquiring the sights you start standing up. Xre stays on me about getting low and staying low, so I know how hard it is to do.

Watch this video of Travis Tomasie and see how he stays really low the entire time he is moving, setting up, and shooting. Watch carefully starting at 2:20


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Yeah I have seen that video. I still have a lot to work on. I did not even realize i was doing this until i saw my video of today's practice. This is why it is good to video yourself.

Thanks for the input!


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BK, one thing that I noticed from the video is this: whenever you are leaving a box your lead foot is staying on the ground as your push off with the trail foot. In the Max/Travis class I attended they put a lot of emphasis on the lead foot lifting slightly off the ground as you pushed off. This is to help get your momentum going on exit. Not a big step but enough for the lead foot to land outside of the box. This was something I was working on a lot until I got injured a couple of weeks ago. So now I am living vicariously through other peoples practice videos. Thanks for posting it, GB.

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I do this identical drill, except instead of a moving draw. I will set up a 8" steel plate about 35yds out between the 4 targets. I draw and shoot the steel, and then move to the left box shoot 2 targets, then move to the right box shoot the right 2 targets. You can do many variations to the drill, just use your imagination. but definately a good drill, you can do this drill all day. be sure to time it every time and see if you can break your record time, and if you do, how did you do it?

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Here is another drill I was working on yesterday. You can also get creative with this one.

I am really working on trying to get lower while moving. Sometimes I feel I am not getting low enough but my shots are there.


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I was watching a video from TJ on entering and exiting boxes. I think I am entering the boxes to hard not decelerating soon enough (and never entering a box in the same way). I am also going to try entering the boxes with the right foot all the time as TJ explains in the video. Like I said I have a lot of work to do. I think my next practice session will be mostly the entering and exiting boxes.

Edit for spelling.



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One more note I will be drawing as I enter the first box instead of drawing while getting moving to the first box. Below is the TJ video.

I know I am probably beating this to death but I need to improve!


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In the video in post #1 above I was drawing as I was launching out of the start position.

What do you think about drawing as I am entering into the first box? Like in TJ's video in post #11.

I am going to try it the way TJ does it in his video to compare on my next session. But I think it might get me into the first box a little better.

How would you do it and why?



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bkeeler> It will be slower to draw as you enter the box. Time both ways if you like. But you will lose a tremendous amount of time drawing, gripping and aiming the pistol if you draw right before entering the box. PLUS if you already have the gun out of the holster you are more prone to really hauling ass with your feet and body movement. Verses keeping it in your holster and worrying that it is going to fall out or keeping your hand on it. Being able to pump your arms even a little bit really helps with moving aggressively.

When the first target you engage is a few steps off like your first video you want to draw your pistol as soon as possible then keep it in your strong hand and pump your arms on the first few strides then have it hovering in front of your face as you continue to accelerate. Then build your grip and extend the gun out to its normal shooting position a few steps away from the shooting position so you can shoot as soon as you enter the box. The key here is to NOT wait to accelerate as you draw the gun. In your first video I can see a slight hesitation in accelerating from the starting position because you are waiting to draw the gun.

Lastly, stay low and balanced when you are in all of your shooting positions. In your first video you maintain a fairly low and balanced stance in the first and second shooting positions but in the last box you stand up and are off balance while shooting. Stay low and aggressive at all times until the shooting is over.

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I agree I was just giving it a thought. Also coming into the last box I am off balance I was entering the box with my left foot I think if I enter that box with my right foot it would prevent me from being off balance.

I just put up a video of the drill at half speed if anyone wants to take a look.

Thanks for the input,


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I watched TJ's vid. I think that he is accelerating out of the box faster than he could if he was drawing while leaving. He establishes his grip shortly after leaving and then rips the draw in his deacceleration. I've tried both, but not on a timer. That I will do and report back. A lot of stages start with that short little move(under 10 feet) to the first shooting opportunity. I believe that this is something that everyone need to work out. It might be different for different people.

Edited to say: Does anybody got any vid of TJ, or any top shooter, starting a stage in a big match similiar to the referenced vid. You know, something like moving a short distance while drawing to first shooting position?

Edited by fourtrax
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You mean like these???



Arguably, both of these gentlemen accelerate far harder than you see TJ doing in that vid.

I wouldn't take the TJ vid as being too definitive. I'd rather see some match footage at full speed (no, he wasn't moving at full speed in the vid ;) ).

I watched TJ's vid. I think that he is accelerating out of the box faster than he could if he was drawing while leaving. He establishes his grip shortly after leaving and then rips the draw in his deacceleration. I've tried both, but not on a timer. That I will do and report back. A lot of stages start with that short little move(under 10 feet) to the first shooting opportunity. I believe that this is something that everyone need to work out. It might be different for different people.

Edited to say: Does anybody got any vid of TJ, or any top shooter, starting a stage in a big match similiar to the referenced vid. You know, something like moving a short distance while drawing to first shooting position?

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