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a few instances if I was reloaded quicker I could have got to the next position more aggressively and correspondingly shoot earlier. It's the one thing that is well suited for dry fire too (reloading drills that is)!

Were you standing and loading? It was a USPSA match wasn't it?

I was talking about USPSA and specifically the Florida Open. Thing is... even if we're not doing standing reloads- the quicker the reloads the quicker I can get on the move and be shooting. Anytime I'm trying to stuff mag at speed it's going to slow me down. You can see in the video that a couple times I wasn't ready to shoot in my next position because I was still finishing a reload. I got to see Sevigny and he was able to haul ass- partly because by the time he launches out of position- he's already done with his reload.

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Let's see, Dave Sevigny is how much younger than you are? He probably spends a little more time practicing than you do.

The match video shows mostly your back, and a mag on the ground. Why are you practicing reloads standing in one spot, your goal is to be ready when you get into position. Shouldn't you be combining the two?

I'm old and slow, what do I know?

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Let's see, Dave Sevigny is how much younger than you are? He probably spends a little more time practicing than you do.

The match video shows mostly your back, and a mag on the ground. Why are you practicing reloads standing in one spot, your goal is to be ready when you get into position. Shouldn't you be combining the two?

I'm old and slow, what do I know?

I guess I'm not being clear. :( The quicker I can do the reloads the better/faster I can do the next thing, I'm not saying I want to do them standing still. As far as Sevigny... he's a little ahead of me but it doesn't hurt to try to learn from him. How old do you think I am anyway??? LOL

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Shot the IDPA Indoor Nats yesterday. Ended up middle of the pack with the Masters- and there were a lot of them! Wide variety of stages for sure with good props. I think most of the stages were pretty good- although I found that in this match, for me anyway, I was doing too much thinking while shooting- which isn't a good thing. I'm too stubborn to switch out my black front sight to shoot one match but there were a couple stages were it would have been a benefit. Pick up guns are a challenge as well. I'm shooting a CZ with fat grips. The pickup gun with Corbon ammo wasn't good to me. :(

I hadn't practiced much lately with concealment and flashlights but I felt that my draws/reloads were just fine. I was a little tentative on some tight shots where I made up shots that I didn't need to and it cost some time for sure. Calling shots in low/dim light is not something I'm good at. Overall shaky performance for me.

I really wish that IDPA allowed more time for walk throughs. When you have 14 people on your squad- it's hard to come up with a good plan in less that a minute on some stages. And IMO it's NEVER a good idea to split squads and run 2 stages together. I understand that at this match it's something that has to be managed but I still don't like it.

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Milestone at dry fire. Draw/RL 2 secs. Need to get it more repeatable/smoother with more work. I need to HTFU and get to it!

In December when I was in the same room with you I told you that you were 2-4 weeks of hard training away from this. You must not have been training very hard!

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I won't hide from the truth Ben. I had slacked. I could make excuses but I can't since it's easy to come up with a half hour a day. I guess I suffer form short term thinking. I get motivated after matches. When I can't get any live fire practice in or get to matches I get frustrated. I want to get a jump on the season so I'm back in the groove now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been dry firing on a regular basis lately. I've been working hard on reloads still and recently have started incorporating additional drills into my dry fire routines. Working on transitions, movement, up range/surrender starts, etc. It's been challenging but my reloads seem to be getting better although I have a ways to go. I seem to be obsessed working on my weakness.

I know I'm gripping the gun good as after ever session- even 15 minutes- my forearms feel like Popeye's. Unfortunately I feel more in my right arm but I'm trying to maintain a good grip with my left hand.

I also have been dry firing with both eyes open. Other than far/tight targets it seems to be fine. I'll see if I can continue this in live fire.... however....

Live fire has been almost nonexistent as I refuse to play in the mud... but that will change soon. Looking forward to the start of the season.

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Nah... There is always tomorrow.

With you doing all this dry fire, i am going to have to step mine up if i want to kick your butt this season.

I'm just kidding Steve. I'm not doing anything. Just trying to get you worried. ;)

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Finally got out for some live fire drills!! It was just over 30 degrees and sunny with an occasional wind that made it cold as heck. It was a good practice though.

Started with some bill drills, then Blake drills and 15 yard bill drills with some other similar things. Just wanted to work on some good trigger time with recoil. Hit some best personal bests on the drills too which was great. At the end I was getting too cold and was doing some drills with reloads. The range was messy still so I did them at the end. That part was pretty ugly. My fingers weren't cooperating so I called it a day.

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A couple of matches this weekend. Yesterday was an IPDA "mud fest" and today was a short indoor USPSA match.

I want to focus on the positive yet I need to share and acknowledge some "challenges" I'm facing too...

Yesterday's IDPA match was tricky in that I was running a large squad and the conditions were nasty- lots of mud, ice and snow to content with. Fortunately my squad and I did well and we very safe.

I felt that most of my shooting was good, most of the day. I had 3 stage wins (out of 6). My reloads felt good, draws were good, transitions were good and I was seeing the sights pretty good. As much as I don't really care for low light stages, I did well on the indoor stage.

I really wanted to make sure I got a good start on my first stage. I'm trying to simulate pressure in my practices recently so I was very pleased with my 1st stage performance- stage win. Another stage win involved a steel plate in front of a no shoot, followed by a bunch of target transitions at varying distances. I felt I hooked up good on this one and I must say- I was very confident before I even shot this stage. Hmmm. Two other stages were ok- too many points down but not disastrous. However my last stage of the days tested my endurance.... I didn't think fatique got me or what but I melted down on that one. I had a miss on a tight target that I think just hit a barrel. The good thing is I realized my sights weren't good on that shot- the bad thing was I didn't call a miss. I earned a PE for starting my reload while moving out of cover... duh!!! And on the last target as I was a little frustrated I blasted an extra round or two without paying too much attention and managed to pop a nonthreat. That stage cost me the division. Oh well. Pick up the pieces and move on.

Today's USPSA match was a very simple match- involving mostly stand and shoot stages with little movement. Many of the targets were partials and/or only head shots. I felt pretty good, albeit maybe a little too slow and deliberate... I had a couple mistakes that cost me a miss but one stage was Virginia and I couldn't make it up and the other was a tough head shot I didn't call. I can't wait to get into spring so I can get to more matches/practice!!!

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Had a great day to go to the range and got some live fire in. Unfortunately after a bout with a stomach virus and a trip after that, I haven't had much dry fire training in the last week. And I felt it at practice today. My times and hits weren't off too much but it wasn't as smooth and natural. I am really seeing the importance of a good blend of dry fire and live fire.

I spent a lot of time working on Accelerator. 3 targets at 7, 15 and 25 yards, reload and repeat. It's a great drill. I've been shooting faster up close and 15 yards isn't too much work. But the 25 yard target kicked my ass a bit today. I ran the drills from near to far and far to near many times. The total times with each approach was close even with a slower draw and RL going from far to near. Unfortunately I was dropping more points when drawing and reloading onto the far target first. I also noticed my sights weren't settling on the targets well today... not sure why. My reloads were just ok, Draws are good.

Finished the practice with a couple other drills including a few 25, 15 and 7 yard bills. I don't have a good baseline yet for the 25 yard bills but it felt ok. My best run (last as well) was 4.5s, all As with a 1.66 draw. The splits are about .55 each. Did a 15 Yard bill after working at 25 yards and wow did it seem easy... funny how that works. Finished with a personal best at 2.85s with a 1.26s draw all As.

I don't know how, but I need to work on strengthening my grip still. I think I need to do this by working out and just naturally gripping firmer. When I force a firm grip I get too choppy.

I need more work on longer targets still. I've got a core set of drills (dry/live) I want to get solid with before varying my practices too much. Shooting season is starting!! Yeeha!!!

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