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Sub 1.2 Double trouble

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Shot a 1.36 double trouble Saturday, my best ever.

If I'm gonna stay ahead of Flexmoney (1.46) and improve, I'm gonna need to get into the 1.2's.

My current plan is to set a par of 1.15 and try to beat it in dry fire 25 times in a row each night, and then stay as relaxed as possible in the match.

This is how I got to the 1.36, setting the par at 1.3 and beating it consistently, so I think this will work.

BTW, the first shot was .9, so that's where the improvement needs to come from.


Actually,  I plan to suspend all practice activities indefinitely, as this pursuit of excellence is really tiring. Please feel free to do the same.


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Quote: from Steve Anderson on 10:59 am on July 24, 2002


Actually,  I plan to suspend all practice activities indefinitely, as this pursuit of excellence is really tiring. Please feel free to do the same.


[GA Mode ON] Kyle,

It's a trick!  Don't fall for it! [Gamer Alert Mode OFF]

I think it's really cool that you two are spurring each other on!  Good Luck.

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Ours may be different than the real one, it's 2 to a rectangle body, and one to a circle head, at 8 or 10 yards.


I didn't forget...Why do you think I'm trying for sub 1.2?

I really like the fact that two non-1911 guys are neck and neck...Beretta vs. Glock.


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If i remember right DT is a 8" plate 3 feet above a 10" at 10 yards?  or is it a 12"& 10" plates??  my personal best was at a state match I had one run in 1.02  I lost that match by.6 Boy that will piss a guy off,  don't think I could have made it up on DT though.


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The only double trouble I remember was at a Kirby Steel Challenge (I forget what year) where there was a side stage called Double Trouble. Two small round plates, oriented vertically, at about 5 yards? Top plate was the stop plate, one round per plate.

Pay to play, FTD (fastest time of the day) wins. I did it just for fun, but never even broke 1 second. I wasn't even close. :(

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The "real" Double Trouble is two, twelve-inch plates at seven yards. The top of the bottom plate is 2.5' above the ground, and the top (stop) plate is directly above it, 5' from the ground.


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Thanks Brian, that's the one I didn't remember properly. Senility is a terrible thing, but hey, I don't remember any of it so that's ok.

I stand corrected (I think). A friend of mine remembers that day, and is adament about my being just under 1 second. Whatever.

I think the fastest time was in in the .8-.9 range? I don't think anyone broke .8, but then what do I know? ;)

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  • 1 year later...

I managed a new "best time" for me on our Double Trouble.


The draw wasn't that great...but likely my best for that stage. 0.94 (Lack of dry-fire kills the draw speed).

I had a 0.17 split and a 0.15 transition to the top plate.

Shooting Minor (180's and TG) out of the Glock 35.

What is really fun is shooting this from the low-ready with a .22 pistol. :D

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  • 6 months later...


Steel match Sunday. Steve Anderson beats my 1.26, by shooting a 1.23

I shoot next, and get a 1.21.

In the reshoot, I give Steve my super-duper tip...he nails a 1.15

In my reshoot, I run a 1.24 with a mike, blow the next two runs too, then realize I had shut my vision off (duh). I dial it down so I can actually see. The final two runs were a 1.28 and a 1.27. Until this match those would have been the 2nd and 3rd fastest runs...now they just seems slow. ;)

Very fun stage!

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Scarfing down jerky and atkins bread pbj between stages doesn't take much time. :)

I think what may have helped both of us was that the stage prior was more of a tension-o-meter, so by the time we finished that, this one seemed relaxing.

The stage prior was three steel ipsc targets, three feet apart, 30 feet away. two to the outsides, one to the middle. That stage was so fun, but in some ways the hardest stage I ever shot, It was a great learning experience and reinforced some things I knew, but wasn't knowing at the time.

The other cool thing about this was that it isn't Me vs. Kyle. It's me and Kyle vs. the stage. I really don't care who gets faster first, cuz the other one will be right there next time, and we both get better.

All this excellence, and my dang video camera in the truck...


edit: to correct the target distance

Edited by Flexmoney
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I really like the fact that two non-1911 guys are neck and neck...Beretta vs. Glock.

SA, am I reading this correctly??? You're telling me that you shot a 1.36 with your BERETTA (as opposed to your Open gun)??? :huh:

If that is what you are saying, I think I need to take up knitting or something like that...... :ph34r:

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Yeah, this started on the Beretta. I didn;t own an open gun until Nov. 02.

Double trouble actually favors a non- open gun if the shooter has a great (Flex, here it comes) INDEX and can shoot with varying visual patience and input.

Remember, Kyle had me for awhile after I got the open gun with the G-lock.

He'll get me again very soon, then we'll have to go sub-one to pursue the excellence. :)


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Yeah, this started on the Beretta. I didn;t own an open gun until Nov. 02.

Double trouble actually favors a non- open gun if the shooter has a great (Flex, here it comes) INDEX and can shoot with varying visual patience and input.

Remember, Kyle had me for awhile after I got the open gun with the G-lock.

He'll get me again very soon, then we'll have to go sub-one to pursue the excellence. :)



Two things.....

1) WOW!!!

2) Actually, on the Open vs. Beretta thing, I was mostly suprised because of the trigger difference (or to clarify, the triggers on either of my 92's are way, way ugly compared to my STI).........

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Steve has Beretta triggers that are pretty nice. I am sure he would show you how to clean your's up...or advise you who to send it to for work (Langdon). Of course, they still are DA first shot.

I am equally sure that Caspian or Beretta...he would be putting up the same scores.

The other cool thing about this was that it isn't Me vs. Kyle. It's me and Kyle vs. the stage. I really don't care who gets faster first, cuz the other one will be right there next time, and we both get better.

Exactly...we are serving as a barometer to one another. And, we will kick this stage in the backside this year.

I've hit a bit of a wall on my split and transitions times. Steve will have his transition matching his split from now on, I think. Steve is ahead of me on the draw...but, we will both need to improve here to get faster. I am going to re-examine my reaction time to the BEEP. I think I need to get on the gun faster. And, I need to work on (practice) my smoothness and consistency.

BTW...Steve wasn't ahead of me on the draw last year. Seems that his practice really does help. ;)

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I am equally sure that Caspian or Beretta...he would be putting up the same scores.

BTW...Steve wasn't ahead of me on the draw last year.  Seems that his practice really does help.  ;)

First, not doubting the proficiency of the shooter.... :)

Second, practice.... let's talk about this at the Blast. Great story to share..... ;)

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