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Numbered Mags


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My Limited mags are not numbered. I knew one was giving me a problem so I had to shoot a ton of practice rounds yesterday ntil it reared it's ugly head. Hopefully, I can get them numbered soon, to alleviate this problem.

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My Limited mags are not numbered. I knew one was giving me a problem so I had to shoot a ton of practice rounds yesterday ntil it reared it's ugly head. Hopefully, I can get them numbered soon, to alleviate this problem.

The silver sharpie markers work great for numbering mags. I had one I found that was causing an intermittent feed issue.

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I use wire numbers that I use at work. Its just a long strip of tape that is marked 0-9. Take a piece off and put it on the back of the mag. I number mine so I know which ones are the problem children.

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I number mine for all the reasons above plus, If the stage calls for a specific number of rounds like 6 I use the mag with the corresponding number, 11 rounds I use mag # 1


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I have seven mags numbered 1-7; they also have my name clearly Sharpied on them in case I accidentally kick one into the next staging area while running around.

The last two (6 and 7) are the ones that I use primarily in practice with 5 and 4 used a bit more often in practice; 1-3 are pretty much kept pristine for competition. The reason 6 and 7 have earned those numbers is because they are the least reliable. 6 and 7 are last on my belt in competition (actually, 7 and is the Mulligan in my pocket because it won't slide lock on the last round, and 6 is the last-resort-I've-already-FUBARed-this-stage-so-why-am-I-even-bothering? mag) so I'm not worried about banging them up a bit in practice.

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I prefer to have 100% confidence in my equipment. I'm thinking I'd rather not have any questionable mags on my belt unless the problem popped up during the match and I didn't have spares (I make a point of having extras, though).

I will preload the mags, putting them on my belt in numerical order with the spares in my bag. At the next stage, unused mags get rotated up front, with the just used mags going to the end of the line after cleaning and reloading. (Must always recite the mantra: "no used mags back on the belt" religiously.) That way, I get more equal use out of all my mags, and can change the springs/followers at predictable times during the life of each magazine.

And of course, as noted above, pukey mags get ID'd pronto.

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My mags are numbered because everyone else has numbered mags and I didn't want to be left out. Then... I found out there was a purpose behind it.



I took mine to a local trophy shop and had them engrave numbers 1 - 4 and then my initials on the bottom of my dawson extensions and then enhanced the engraving with paint. I think they charged me $20 to do 4 extensions. I asked for the initials to be a bit smaller but, oh well.


Edited by glockman2000
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