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Getting Transferred Due Somebody Else's Office Politics


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Three years ago I became a Vice-Principal at one of the largest continuation high schools in the country-- we only take students who have reached a point of class failure so that it is numerically impossible for them to graduate at a regular high school, and then we see if we can work a miracle and get them a diploma within a 1-2 year period. As soon as I showed up, my boss and I hit it off spectacularly and set off to educate kids. My first year I took the school through a major federal audit with flying colors, worked hard with the teachers, kids, and parents to increase credit earnings, and on graduation day we had 40 graduates: the school's largest graduating class ever. This year I helped lead our school through its accreditation process and we received a 6 year accreditation, which is the highest ranking possible and was a huge slap in the face to two of the "real" high schools that feed us all tof heir failing students when they were only granted a 3 year and a 2 year accreditation during the same time period. Last night I participated in my 3rd graduation ceremony and watched over 80 students graduate.

It was also the day I was told that I was going to be transferred out so that an assistant principal at another school could take my spot. The reason? This other guy wasn't getting along with his principal. To make matters worse, we're both receiving lateral transfers. In other words, I stay a VP (so that the friend of a district office big wig can be promoted to AP to take this other joker's job) and my replacement will remain an AP, doing my exact job with a better title and a $5-10k a year higher salary than I've been making. Oh, yeah, and my boss is retiring in one year, so guess who will be taking over the school in 12 months?

Yeah, I hate this.

Edited by jkrispies
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( insert curse word here ) <_<

I worked in an office where the (behind kissers)...could do no wrong

And the REAL result producing workers could do no right :angry2:

This kind of crap tickes me off pretty bad


Yeah, my current principal keeps advising me to get a job in a different district. He's a pariah (alternative education is where they put us-- evidently I'm considered effective so they're giving me a "vote of confidence" by moving me out to a comprehensive campus) because he advocates for educating our students above all else. Every other alt. site in our district simply babysits the kids till they turn 18, and then they kick them out to the curb, and he calls them on their crap.

Anyhow, the decision to move me was made by the District Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Education. They're brothers. Getting an idea as to how things work 'round these parts?

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As much as this move sucks, I'm glad that you're still working with our kids. You have helped to make a profound impact on many young lives...thank you!

The future sucks a little less because of your efforts.

Edited by High Lord Gomer
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( insert curse word here ) <_<

I worked in an office where the (behind kissers)...could do no wrong

And the REAL result producing workers could do no right :angry2:

This kind of crap tickes me off pretty bad


Yeah, my current principal keeps advising me to get a job in a different district. He's a pariah (alternative education is where they put us-- evidently I'm considered effective so they're giving me a "vote of confidence" by moving me out to a comprehensive campus) because he advocates for educating our students above all else. Every other alt. site in our district simply babysits the kids till they turn 18, and then they kick them out to the curb, and he calls them on their crap.

Anyhow, the decision to move me was made by the District Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Education. They're brothers. Getting an idea as to how things work 'round these parts?

Sounds like all of this would make an interesting story in a newspaper or TV news show.

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My wife is an educator also, but a time she was not, and had this happen to her, I am now reminded of.

She worked at a major resort here in the area as an assistant manager. Many others were promoted past her, and all the while she was the one that really ran things at her workplace. Finally, she started school to get her teaching credential, did her student teaching on the sly, and one day walked into her hotel job and gave them an ultamatum.

She ended up leaving because they wouldn't give her what she wanted She became a teacher, and has never looked back. We were still getting calls for her assistance months, like six months, after she had already left. They paid through the nose for her help getting the new managers up to speed.

I laugh when I think of this.

Maybe your talents would be appreciated more elsewhere? It sure is cool to let people really know how much you like what they are up to by finding a better place to work. You might start by quietly asking people who think you are Class A material to start writing reccomendations or other self-promoting type materials for you. Look to other good districts in your area, and just talk to people to see what is out there. With the economy in a bad spot, you might be stuck for a while, but that doesn't mean you can't sail once the seas are calmer.

Good luck!

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People like you and your boss always make a difference do they get credit for it? Usually not in the short term, you need to be able to take satisfaction in the job you are doing and the people's live's you are influencing, will you get the same personal rewards at your next position? probably not. But to quote Joe Dirt "You got to keep on keeping on" sounds like you got the right stuff you have to keep performing and look for opportunities to make a difference. The important thing is that you care, don't let work politics dissallusion you and change that.

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Anyhow, the decision to move me was made by the District Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Education. They're brothers. Getting an idea as to how things work 'round these parts?

I wish I could tell you it's an issolated event, but I'd be lying. It happens in most districts. You are just not always aware of it until it involves you. It still blows.

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Anyhow, the decision to move me was made by the District Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Education. They're brothers. Getting an idea as to how things work 'round these parts?

I wish I could tell you it's an issolated event, but I'd be lying. It happens in most districts. You are just not always aware of it until it involves you. It still blows.

Yeah, you're absolutely correct, which is why I've stuck around as long as I have. Having said that, I'm getting pretty tired of California for other reasons. As soon as the economy starts to turn around, I think I'll be packing my bags for another state.

Guys, I really appreciate this opportunity to vent. Thanks to everyone!

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That does suck...sorry to hear it :angry2:

( insert curse word here ) <_<

I worked in an office where the (behind kissers)...could do no wrong

And the REAL result producing workers could do no right :angry2:

This kind of crap tickes me off pretty bad


You worked here once too? :rolleyes:

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