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Outlawing Pocket Knives


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The security guards in my building recently decided to randomly select employees to go through the metal detector (normally they only run non-employees through it). My buddy was selected and proceeded to empty his pockets into the little container. So out comes his pocket knife along with his other stuff. The guard grabs his knife and tells him he's not allowed to have it (even though our organization allows knives 3.5 inches and shorter - there are many organizations in our building). So he has to run his knife out to his car before he's allowed back in the building.

What's next, our belts?


PS: Good thing I wasn't chosen cause my pocket knife was a lot bigger! BTW, it's currently siting at home where it does me no good.

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The federal building in Syracuse used to crack me up. The Military processing center was there. So all of us stressed out borderline ready to go postal, recruiters with trench coats brief cases and metal doodads allways got waved through when the detector lights lit up. But God help granny trying to get her social security check,

Even better the place I work now all the employess that the guards see every day have their TWIC cards checked but all the public is waved through the same checkpoint.

Edited by Joe4d
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Funny how thing trip you memory. I remember an advanced training technique , Translated to :"Spear Hand" the thing was to drive your hand into the sand up to the wrist. your hand was shaped like a spear. I never reached that level.

But I could see the same building guard asking you to put soft gloves on, :mellow: so that no one gets hurt by your hands.

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I've found I can take my Leatherman Wave just about anywhere even sporting events where they are actually looking for clip knives and sending folks back to their cars will wave me through with a Leatherman. I've forgotten I have it on and have gone through metal detectors with it. Sometimes the detector is obviously not actually on because no alarm. Other times they just look at it and say "oh, a multi-tool" and hand it back to me. Guess they don't realize it has two blades in it. And I am not about to educate them.

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Since 9/11, I've given up guns and knives. I carry a pair of nail clippers, a knitting needle and 3 (count'em *3*!!) ounces of liquid! I don't carry'em in a see through bag, either!

Mess with me and I'll clip your nails, wash your hair and knit you a sweater!

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