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Our Cat is lost

Paul Burtchell

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Our 11 year old orange tabby, Cubby, got out through the garage door yesterday and is yet to be found. :(

Cubby, is de-clawed(front paws), fixed and has never been out of the house a day of his life. He has failing kidneys and has to have medication and special food. I'm afraid the old rascal just will not last too long outside.

I can't believe we can't find him. I bet my wife and I and my daughter have burned up a tank of gas and walked over 10 miles today looking for him.

Pretty sad.

Edited by baerburtchell
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Thanks guys. This is worse than if he had just passed away. No closure and wondering whats happening to him is pretty tough. I guess I'm just an old tender hearted softy.

People who don't feel that way about pets don't deserve them... IMO.

I'm with Mark. Hope he's on the porch yowling for breakfast in the morning.

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People who don't feel that way about pets don't deserve them... IMO.

Yeah, I'm an old softie, too. Always been this way but now I'm old enough I can let it show. hahaha. Seems what folks think doesn't matter as much, anymore.

I've got two old pets, too. It hurts me just to think about what you guys are feeling. I'll keep praying for the best.


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I listened to a pet expert on the radio not to long ago.

She said when a house cat finds themself outside they go into self defence mode, and will hide from everything,including ther owners.

But the good news was they do not stray very far ,but will "hide" ,most of the time very close to home.

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I'm really sorry.

Maybe this will help. One morning I'm driving to work. Turn onto the major road into town about two miles from the house and see in my rear-view my cat tumbling down the road. He must've been sleeping in the engine compartment???? Never figured that one out. I pulled over and tried to find him without any luck. My wife and I spent three days looking for him, put up posters, door-to-door, etc etc. Never did find him.

Thirteen days later he shows up at our doorstep. The previously sixteen pounder weighed about nine pounds. He was hungry and glad to be home. He never did tell us where he had been or what he did.

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Sorry man, that sucks. A story of hope for you is that Ms. Neomet before we started living together in sin had a Tabby that didn't come home one night. Dude was gone for 3 winter months in St. Louis and we had pretty much given up all hope for him. Out of the blue one January day she got a call from someone who lived about 5 miles away who said her/our cat had been hanging out for the last few weeks by his house It was a very good day. I hope you have a similar end, but a shorter story.

A word of caution... we put ads in the local paper and were contacted by several destined for hell parasites who tried to scam us with plans to "help" us find Dude for a nominal fee.

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This morning, I volunteered to take our cat to the vet... I was getting it out of the car at the vet's office and the bottom falls out of the carrier. Cat takes off. I spent about 3 hours looking for him in the woods and surrounding areas with no luck. It really sucks because my daughter (who is autistic) really loves that cat....

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post-12205-1234211406_thumb.jpgOur first cat, Marco ran out of the house twice when I was younger. I remember he found his way home both times after a 24-48 hour period. We also placed his favorite snack (Vietnamese pork sausages) all around our apartment so he could "smell/eat" his way home. :)

Unfortunately, he was put to sleep a little over a week ago. He was over 13 years old and had the cat version of diabetes. We had him since my friend and I found him shivering outside with an injured leg when I was in middle school. I begged my mom to let us keep him, and she eventually gave in. He is one of the most "regal" of cats that I have ever encountered, and probably one the strongest. As my sister and I left to go our separate ways, he never forgot about us during our sporadic family visits. I always heard about how hard losing a family pet was, but it didn't really hit me until my family sent me an e-mail and call saying that he had to be put to sleep due to infection complications. I just wish I was there in CT to hug him one last time and support him.

I don't care what anyone says, pets are part of the family. Hope you guys find him!

Some cute pictures that my brother took in the past few years.



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