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Winter in the Midwest


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Well if it wasn't bad enough to get 12-13" of snow before Christmas which ended up drifting the next few days.... Which led to shoveling and plowing everyday. Now every bit of snow is gone. So much for taking the kids skiing this week. I'm sure the local hills got hit hard with all the rain we've had.

We just don't have winters like we used to when I was a kid.

Must be global warming :unsure:

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Geeze! Global warm this. Last 15 days have been below zero with a hell of a wind chill, today warmed up to nice balmy 15 with 40mph winds still sub zero wind chills! Over 2 1/2' of snow on the ground and blowing around into nice ground blizzards, drifts as tall as a 4X4 truck. where is that Tee Shirt?? Yep! I hate winter in the middle of the west also. We could do a lot more thawing out of equipment if we didn't have to do a little drilling :rolleyes: KurtM

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I envy you folks in the Midwest. I was forced to practice yesterday with sweat pouring into my eyes adding to the sting of the sunblock, The Gatorade alone is costing me a fortune! I long for the days when I didn't have to worry about my foot position because I couldn't feel them anyway. :surprise:B):roflol:

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"...I envy you folks in the Midwest. I was forced to practice yesterday with sweat pouring into my eyes adding to the sting of the sunblock,..."
But how do you like re-building after one hurricane after another...?? I couldn't handle THAT any more than the snows of the Midwest. :unsure::surprise:
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Aah, that's the advantage of Gainesville. We are about 100 miles from both coasts so no matter which direction a hurricane comes from it loses a good deal of its punch. We did get hit hard three seasons ago. I lost seven large trees none of which was near the house. Since I have at least 200 on the lot it wasn't that much of a loss. We haven't had even a close call since then.

Shooting matches are held every weekend here. It just depends on how far you're willing to drive. I can hit as many as five each month all within a two hour drive.

It is hot in the summer but with a little preparation and common sense it is easily weathered. Matches at this time of year are terrific as it is usually very mild.

The lousy weather and high state taxes are why I moved from Wisconsin to Florida a couple of decades ago. It was a good choice for my family.

Edited by XD Niner
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I have a new appreciation for those midwesterners. I spent three of the coldest months of my life in Minneapolis. I gained 20 lbs, only shot twice at an indoor range. I left for work before the sun rose and went home after it set. The warmest day in December was still 25 degrees below freezing! I heard creaks and groans from my 4Runner that I never heard before.

I slippled out between storms. I could not believe all the snow on the ground, for miles upon miles.

I am glad to be home. Went skiing Saturday with my daughter. Then on Sunday, I acutally had to put on a long sleeve shirt to shoot at my home range.

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You see, this is why I like New Mexico :)

No murderous winter weather, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, just normal summer and winter :)

England on the other hand, is horrible. I didn't think it was possible for the temperature to be below 30 degrees and still have it rain, but it does here. Absolutely refuses to snow no matter how cold it gets, but the rain will sure freeze the instant it hits the ground and then thats just no fun for anybody :(

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