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I was reading a Hand Gun magazine, err ok looking at the pictures, and noticed the recommended two handed grip for the revo. Where you lock down your stronghand thumb with your weakhand thumb. Am I missing something? I have never used this style before. I have been shooting revos a few years. Does anyone use this style and what are the benefits? Just curious cause now I've seen it in two magazines.

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I've seen lots of people use this style. It's more or less THE classic way of holding a revolver with two hands. When I started shooting revolver two or three years ago, this is what I was told to do.

AFAIK, there are no benefits whatsoever. I switched to "thumbs pointing to target" style (this is starting to sound like a cheap '70 kung fu movie).

It surprises me that you've never heard of it. You've been shooting revolver way longer than I have, and almost everybody I know that shooting the old rotator uses this style.

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I have seen lots of revo shooters use the weak thumb crossed over the strong thumb/wrist so that the weak thumb is pointing off to the right. I haven't seen anyone use the weak thumb to actually lock down the strong thumb on the left. I tried it during a practice session where I was working on thumb placement but I didn't like it and the old weak thumb pointing to the right method just seems like a bad habit if you are going to shoot semi-autos.


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I used to use the flying thumb, you know the thumb sticking straight up, in the early years but changed to have my S.H. reast on the cylinder release, and both thumbs pointed forward. But I am continually learning and if some thing would help I am willing to try it. Thanx guys Oh and Underlug the speedsticks work better if you take them out of the package first. B)

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If you check out Jerry's video on revo shooting you'll see that he shoots thumb over thumb. Rudi Waldinger shoots this way also. I figured if it's good enough for Jerry and Rudi it's good enough for me, so I changed my grip to match theirs!


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I read the "book" and now just seen the section you are talking about. I must of missed it the first few times. Maybe the pictures need to be bigger for me. It doesn't feel comfortable to me but will try it after I finish a revo match next week. Don't want to change in the middle. I am glad I asked, maybe it will help later. Thanx

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[Essence of Wrongness Mode ON]

I don't even know where I put my thumbs. I don't know if it really matters. I grip my revo with the same principles and feel that I use on an auto: get your hand as high as possible and to rotate your hand around so that you have just enough leverage to smoothly actuate the trigger.

And frankly, gun magazines are rarely a source of meaningful information. If what you're doing genuinely works, what's the point of emulating someone else? Unless, of course, you're just gripping your gun atrociously wrong, then it may be of *some* help...

It's like staring at a word too long. After a while, it will look foriegn. I don't think about my grip at all anymore - and deliberately so.

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I don't even know where I put my thumbs.

That's why I always leave mine in my range bag so I won't lose them.


I used to use the grip show in THE BOOK on page 196. When I acquired my first auto I used the Thumbs-pointed-at-the-target grip that Brian advocates in his book for autos and then tried it on my revolvers and haven't gone back to the old grip since then.

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